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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11061 hits

Gnva40 1

GNVA40.doc Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Besöksadress Allhelgona kyrkogata 14 M, Telefonväxeln 046-222 00 00 Webbadress http// Genusvetenskapl iga inst i tut ionen GNVA40 Genusvetenskap: Genus, makt och kultur, 30 hp Delkurs 1: Feminismens filosofiska rum, 7,5 hp Butler, Judith (2007). Genustrubbel: Feminism och identitetens subversion. Göteborg: Daidalos eller Gender T - 2025-03-17


Brevmall Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Besöksadress Allhelgona kyrkogata 14 M, Telefonväxeln 046-222 00 00 Webbadress http// Genusvetenskapl iga ins t i tu t ionen GNVA40 Genusvetenskap: Genus, makt och kultur, 30 hp Delkurs 1: Feminismens filosofiska rum, 7,5 hp Butler, Judith (2007). Genustrubbel: Feminism och identitetens subversion. Göteborg: Daidalos eller Gender T - 2025-03-17

SND vid LU roadshow

Presentation av SND-verksamheten vid LU Agenda SND i ett nötskal – Monica Lassi (monica [dot] lassi [at] lunarc [dot] lu [dot] se) Vad är och gör en domänspecialist – Anna Axmon (anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se) DAU vid Lunds universitet – Maria Johnsson (maria [dot] johnsson [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se) Frågor / diskussion Länkar SND hemsida: SND domänspecialister: www.snd - 2025-03-17

Patterns of Care : Relating Altruism in Sociobiology and the Christian Tradition of Agape

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens titel Patterns of Care: Relating Altruism in Sociobiology and the Christian Tradition of Agape kan översättas som Omsorgsmönster: Förhållandet mellan hur altruism förstås i sociobiologin och den kristna agape-traditionen. (Ordet agape är grekiska för kärlek. Sociobiologi är ett naturvetenskapligt forskningsprogram som undersöker socialt beteendes biologisThe purpose of this study is to relate sociobiological theories of altruism to theories within the Christian tradition of agape. Firstly, it discusses the relation between scientific, ethical and theological understandings of altruism, and argues that it is possible to compare discussions of benevolent acts towards others or other-directedness. Such acts are determined in content by the extent an

Förmedlad Autonomi

Søren Kierkegaard är berömd för sin subjektiva existensfilosofi, där individen är kapabel, autonom och självständig. Subjektet kan själv utvecklas genom att ta språnget och våga. I en sådan filosofi, varför behövs Gud, frälsningen och framför allt en frälsare?The aim of this bachelor’s degree essay is to investigate and analyse Søren Kierkegaard as a theologian. Out of the traditional conception of Kierkegaard’s philosophy about the autonomous, free, capable and free to develop oneself, I ask the question – in what purpose do God need to incarnate in order to save humanity? To this question I ask three additional subqueries: according to Kierkegaard in

No title

At the End of the World Newsletter – 15 September 2023 At the End of the World Newsletter – 15 September 2023 Dear all,   This is the third newsletter for the  At the End of the World research program, housed at Lund University. If you’re receiving this email, it’s because you’ve been subscribed to our mailing list. Below, we’ll fill you in on some exciting events during the autumn 2023 academic t - 2025-03-17

Torsten Janson

Researcher Contact details Email: torsten [dot] janson [at] ctr [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 90 98Organisation Islamic Studies Room number: LUX:B224 WebpageTorsten Jansons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher MECW: The Middle East in the Contemporary World Researcher Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES)Torsten Janson (Ph.D. Islamic Studies) Hi - 2025-03-18

Michael Bogdan

Professor emeritus Contact details Email: michael [dot] bogdan [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 94Organisation Department of Law Room number: 320 Service point: 56 WebpageMichael Bogdans profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Lund University Centre for Business Law (Swedish abbr: ACLU) Researcher Dispute resolution Publications Displaying of publicat - 2025-03-18

MARINE UTOPIAS Cecilia Fredriksson

MARINE UTOPIAS. The Savior of the Baltic Sea and the Secret Love Life of Seaweed The marine environment has an important part to play in the change- over to a green economy, where the blue fields of the sea can form new and expanded cultivation spaces. The seas and oceans have always been a resource for food, containing complex ecosystems providing valuable biodiversity. Today we see a growing int - 2025-03-17

Agneta Mallén

Senior Lecturer Contact details Email: agneta [dot] mallen [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Sociology Visiting address: Sociologiska Institutionen, Bredgatan 26, Lund Service point: 31 WebpageAgneta Malléns profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Senior lecturer SociologyMain research and teaching areasCriminologySousveillance and citizen journalismCrime and crime contro - 2025-03-18

UniStem workshops 2017

Can you cut into DNA? How do blood stem cells look in the microscope? Who owns your DNA? These and many more questions will be answered by motivated PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, and senior scientists during the UniStem Day's afternoon sessions on March 17th, 2017. Below you find a list of workshops and hands-on sessions that we will offer during UniStem Day at Lund Stem Cell Center. These w - 2025-03-18

Dan Kärreman

Professor Contact details Email: dan [dot] karreman [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 88 75Organisation Organizational Studies Service point: 10 WebpageDan Kärremans profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterConference - otherConference paperJournal articleJournal article (comment)Wor - 2025-03-18

Luvre-157 2018-svenssonkadin-vittalgoxe

77 Abstract Received 30 September 2018, Accepted 16 October 2018, Editor: Robert Ekblom A Great Tit Parus major without any yellow pigment in the plumage was ringed in southern Swedish Lapland in 2006. Such pale birds are known to appear with a low fre- quency throughout the species’ range. Superficially they look like the eastern (sub)species Parus (major) minor. The focal bird was a yearling wit - 2025-03-17

Irina Schmitt

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: irina [dot] schmitt [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Gender Studies Visiting address: Gamla lungkliniken, Sandgatan 11, Lund Room number: G341 Service point: 31 WebpageIrina Schmitts profile in Lund University research portalBackgroundMy research explores power relations and experiences of the intersections of gender, sex and sexuality with ideas of n - 2025-03-18

Högre seminariet i Praktisk filosofi

Högre seminariet i Praktisk filosofi | Filosofiska institutionen Högre seminariet i Praktisk filosofi Rss-flöde Händelsetyp Alla händelser Disputation Seminarium Händelser per termin Välj termin vårterminen 2024 höstterminen 2024 vårterminen 2025 20 mar 20 mars 2025 13:15 till 15:00 Seminarium Higher Sem in Practical Philosophy: Daniela Cutas "The interest in becoming a grandparent" 27 mar 27 mars - 2025-03-17

The Moving City: Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome

The Moving City: Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome The Moving City: Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome Publicerad den 9 september 2015 The Moving City: Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome focusses on movements in the ancient city of Rome, exploring the interaction between people and monuments. Representing a novel approach to the Roman cityscap - 2025-03-11

Elective courses - 2023

1 Elective courses spring 2023 BFA level courses Hannah Arendt – being a Citizen Valbar kurs på BFA-nivå/Optional BFA level course Antal hp/Credits 15 Lärare/Teacher: Gertrud Sandqvist Changed dates: Datum/Dates: Jan 24, Feb 1, Feb 7, Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 27, March 7, March 14, April 3. 10.00 – 12.00 hours in the lecture room, Mazetti Undervisningsform/Form: Text seminar Språk/Language: English Ant - 2025-03-17