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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11886 hits

E-postdefekter inom svensk sjukhusverksamhet - En studie av e-postkommunikationen vid Helsingborgs lasarett

Email defects in Swedish hospital organizations - a study of e-mail communication at Helsingborgs lasarett The purpose of this paper is to examine the defects, which within the framework of email overload can be identified in Swedish hospital organizations. The method underlying the work is a questionnaire study. The survey reveals that the amount of email received is not excessively large but due

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Lund University Cognitive Studies, 185 Editors Birger Johansson Agneta Gulz Magnus Haake Mattias Wallergård Jens Nirme Eva-Maria Ternblad Betty Tärning Intelligent, socially oriented technology VI: Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering Johansson, B., Gulz, A., Haake, M., Wallergård, M., Nirme, J., Ternblad, E. M., & Tärning, B. (Eds.) (2023). Intelligent, - 2025-03-08

Organisatorisk förändring och omladdning av varumärke

Abstract Uppsatsen behandlar ämnena organiatorisk förändring samt varumärkesladding. Även identitet, profil och image diskuteras. I arbetet har vi använt oss av Lindex som fallföretag. Omladdning av ett varumärke blir aktuellt när märkets brand equity stagnerat eller när företag önskar förändra de värden som är kopplade till varumärket. Detta tillsammans med en organisatorisk förändring har varit

Does the environment matter?

Examensarbetets titel: Does the environment matter? – A study on the relationship between environmental performance and firm value Seminariedatum: 2008-01-18 Ämne/kurs: FEK P01, Examensarbete Magisternivå Finansiering, 15 ECTS Författare: Lina Sultan och Stefan Nordahl Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Fem nyckelord: Miljöprestation, Carbon Disclosure Project, Tobins Q, Företagsvärde, Multipel regressio

Mimmi Barmark

Senior Lecturer Contact details Email: mimmi [dot] barmark [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 88 72Organisation Sociology Room number: 220 Service point: 31 WebpageMimmi Barmarks profile in Lund University research portalMain research and teaching areasSociological perspectives on and explanations for (un)healthWork, working hours and "work-life-balance"School choice and school segregati - 2025-03-09

Att skapa kvalitativa tjänster - krav på chefer vid införande av Lean Healthcare

Abstract Title: Creating quality services – requirements for managers implementing Lean Healthcare. Institution: Department of Service Management, Lund University, Campus Helsingborg Course: Master of degree, spring 2010, SMT X07, 15 hp Authors: Helena Larsen & Åsa Tagesson Advisors: Katja Lindqvist & Jan E Persson Keywords: Lean Healthcare, Management, Leadership, Process Management, Chan

Study – Education in Entrepreneurship

The Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship at Lund University offers cutting-edge education aimed at fostering entrepreneurial and innovative capabilities. Our faculty teach in a wide range of Bachelor, Master and PhD-level programs and courses, and we hold the main responsibility for delivering the Master's programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Our carefully designed curriculum blend - 2025-03-07


40676-063-106.pmd 63 ORNIS SVECICA 14: 63–106, 2004 Abstract ANDERS ENEMAR, BENGT SJÖSTRAND, GÖRAN ANDERSSON & TED VON PROSCHWITZ Received 10 November 2003, Accepted 14 June 2004, Editor: Å. Lindström The 37-year dynamics of a subalpine passerine bird community, with special emphasis on the influence of environmental temperature and Epirrita autumnata cycles Småfågelsamhällets sammansättning och b - 2025-03-09


63 ORNIS SVECICA 14: 63–106, 2004 Abstract ANDERS ENEMAR, BENGT SJÖSTRAND, GÖRAN ANDERSSON & TED VON PROSCHWITZ Received 10 November 2003, Accepted 14 June 2004, Editor: Å. Lindström The 37-year dynamics of a subalpine passerine bird community, with special emphasis on the influence of environmental temperature and Epirrita autumnata cycles Småfågelsamhällets sammansättning och beståndsväxlingar u - 2025-03-09

Multirate Control of a DVD Player

In this master theses an existing control system of a DVD player has been modified such that it has become more feasible to implement using limited hardware resources. The discrete controller has already been implemented for evaluation purposes using FPGA technology, and is working well. So far however, low resource consuption has not been a major concern. This is gradually changing though, as mor

Lisa Engström

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: lisa [dot] engstrom [at] kultur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 04 58Organisation Information Studies Visiting address: Helgonavägen 3, Lund Room number: LUX:C451 Service point: 30 WebpageLisa Engströms profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Profile area member LU Profile Area: Human rights Associate professor Information Studies Pub - 2025-03-09

Hans Knutsson

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: hans [dot] knutsson [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se Mobile: +46 73 399 41 72Organisation Strategy Room number: Alfa 5,6 rum B418 Service point: 10 WebpageHans Knutssons profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterConference paperDissertationJournal articleLicentia - 2025-03-09

Patrik Lindskoug

Vice dean Contact details Email: patrik [dot] lindskoug [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 18Organisation Faculty of Law Room number: T418 Service point: 56 WebpagePatrik Lindskougs profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Research coordinator Lund University Centre for Business Law (Swedish abbr: ACLU) Associate professor Department of Law Senior lecturer Departme - 2025-03-09

”Retsinafilm” – om grekisk film från ”den gyllene eran”: Vad svenskar tolkar in i musikscener ur grekisk film

Title:”Retsina film” – Greek film from ”the golden era” The aim of this essay is to examine how Swedes interpret musical scenes in Greek films of ”the golden era”. Greek film had its prime during ”the golden era”, approximately 1950-1970. The films were mainly dedicated to the lighter show business genre, containing musical features, and celebrated Greece as an unproblematic modern country, which

Peter Nilsson

Adjunct professor Contact details Email: peter [dot] nilsson [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 11 41 Mobile: +46 70 294 13 04Organisation Department of Law Room number: 282 Service point: 56 WebpagePeter Nilssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Lund Tax Academy Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type All - 2025-03-09

Intelligent, socially oriented technology

Intelligent, socially oriented technology Intelligent, socially oriented technology Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering Editors Christian Balkenius Agneta Gulz Magnus Haake Birger Johansson Balkenius, C., Gulz, A., Haake, M. and Johansson, B. (Eds.) Intelligent, socially oriented technology: Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science - 2025-03-08