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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 12160 hits

Adam Brenthel and Peter Bengtsen in panel discussion about the uncertain future

Adam Brenthel and Peter Bengtsen in panel discussion about the uncertain future Adam Brenthel and Peter Bengtsen in panel discussion about the uncertain future Publicerad den 23 maj 2017 On 20 May 2017, Adam Brenthel and Peter Bengtsen participated in a panel discussion at Hållbarhetsfestivalen as part of Hållbarhetsveckan Lund. The talk was focused on the role of science, art and visualisations i - 2025-01-31

"Checklist for the Publication of Open Access Journals at Research Institutions“

"Checklist for the Publication of Open Access Journals at Research Institutions“ "Checklist for the Publication of Open Access Journals at Research Institutions“ Publicerad den 7 juli 2016 Nora Schmidt, PhD Student in Information Studies at the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, is one of the authors of this checklist that ”may act as supplementary material for consulting sessions that rese - 2025-01-31

Peter Bengtsen interviewed by SVT

Peter Bengtsen interviewed by SVT Peter Bengtsen interviewed by SVT Publicerad den 25 augusti 2016 During the summer, national Swedish television (SVT Rapport) broadcast a news segment about street art and graffiti in the Øresund Region. The segment includes an interview with art historian and sociologist Peter Bengtsen and shows examples of graffiti and street art in Malmö and other towns in Scan - 2025-01-31

Peter Bengtsen interviewed in LUM 4/2016

Peter Bengtsen interviewed in LUM 4/2016 Peter Bengtsen interviewed in LUM 4/2016 Publicerad den 10 juni 2016 The latest issue of Lund University Magazine (LUM) includes a reportage and interview with art historian and sociologist Peter Bengtsen about his research on graffiti and street art. The piece is based on a walk with the researcher around Malmö, Sweden. More info available - 2025-01-31

Peter Bengtsen presents research in Minsk, Belarus

Peter Bengtsen presents research in Minsk, Belarus Peter Bengtsen presents research in Minsk, Belarus Publicerad den 16 februari 2017 On 11 February 2017, Peter Bengtsen gave a presentation entitled "Street art as an object of academic study and a resource for society" at Cech (ЦЭХ) Art Centre in Minsk, Belarus. Through examples from his research, Bengtsen discussed some of the central characteris - 2025-01-31

Peter Bengtsen talks about street art at Ljungby City Library

Peter Bengtsen talks about street art at Ljungby City Library Peter Bengtsen talks about street art at Ljungby City Library Publicerad den 25 april 2017 On 11 April 2017, Peter Bengtsen gave a talk about his research at Ljungby City Library. The talk discussed among other things the differences between street art and graffiti and street art's relationship with public space. More information about - 2025-01-31

Open lecture series: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science

Open lecture series: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science Open lecture series: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science By Caroline Cabot - Published 31 October 2023 Welcome to take part in an Open lecture series within Lärosäten Syd: Academic Integrity in higher education from Google to AI and Applied Science.No registrat - 2025-01-31

Eva Ryrstedt

Professor Contact details Email: eva [dot] ryrstedt [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 89Organisation Department of Law Room number: 504 Service point: 56 WebpageEva Ryrstedts profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Norma Research Programme Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterConference - 2025-02-01

Maria Löfgren Martinsson

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: maria [dot] lofgren_martinsson [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 87 33Organisation Department of Sociology Service point: 31 WebpageMaria Löfgren Martinssons profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBook chapterConference paperDissertation Filter Mellan verktyg - 2025-02-01

Sgl46 schema littlista ht2020

SGEL46 Samhällsgeografi: Planeringsteori Preliminärt schema ht 2020 [2020-07-31] Dag Tid Ämne lärare Må 31/8 10.15-12.00 Introduktion: planering, teori, kritik. JP Tis 1/9 14.15-16.00 Workshop & föreläsning: akademiskt skrivande. JP Ons 2/9 20.00 Deadline: första inlämningsuppgiften: börja med ordlista. Tors 3/9 10.15.-12.00 Exkursion: temat ’planering som styrning’ introduceras. JP/DK Må 7/9 14.1 - 2025-01-31

The Moving City: Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome

The Moving City: Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome The Moving City: Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome Publicerad den 9 september 2015 The Moving City: Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome focusses on movements in the ancient city of Rome, exploring the interaction between people and monuments. Representing a novel approach to the Roman cityscap - 2025-02-01

Magnus Olofsson

Researcher Contact details Email: magnus [dot] olofsson [at] hist [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation History Room number: LUX:A217 Service point: 30 WebpageMagnus Olofssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Profile area member LU Profile Area: Human rights Visiting research fellow Department of Economic History Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then tit - 2025-02-01

Förmedlad Autonomi

Søren Kierkegaard är berömd för sin subjektiva existensfilosofi, där individen är kapabel, autonom och självständig. Subjektet kan själv utvecklas genom att ta språnget och våga. I en sådan filosofi, varför behövs Gud, frälsningen och framför allt en frälsare?The aim of this bachelor’s degree essay is to investigate and analyse Søren Kierkegaard as a theologian. Out of the traditional conception of Kierkegaard’s philosophy about the autonomous, free, capable and free to develop oneself, I ask the question – in what purpose do God need to incarnate in order to save humanity? To this question I ask three additional subqueries: according to Kierkegaard in

Ola Thufvesson

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: ola [dot] thufvesson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 42 35 66 18Organisation Department of Service Studies Room number: E433 WebpageOla Thufvessons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Affiliated researcher Centre for Retail Research at Lund UniversityOla Thufvesson is senior lecturer. His current research project focuses on cons - 2025-02-01

Fields of Unknowing – performance av Robert Willim

Fields of Unknowing – performance av Robert Willim Fields of Unknowing – performance av Robert Willim Publicerad den 12 juni 2024 En video från Robert Willims spelning Fields of Unknowing på festivalen INTONAL Festival 2024 finns nu tillgänglig online. Spelningen är en förlängning av hans forskning om människors liv med komplex teknik. "Fields of Unknowing is a proposal to imagine differently abou - 2025-01-31

Gud mellan upplysning och vidskepelse

För snart tio år sedan disputerade jag på en avhandling med titeln Guds återkomst: En studie av gudsbegreppet inom postmodern filosofi. Föremålet för studien var det förnyade intresse för gudsfrågan som märkts inom europeisk filosofi under 1900-talets avslutande decennier. Från att det vid århundradets mitt närmast varit tabu att uppehålla sig vid teologiska frågor, kom vid den här tiden en avsevä