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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11207 hits

Brain Gym® - En väg till ökad självkännedom i lärandesituationer? En studie vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö utifrån ett lärar- och studentperspektiv

Title: Brain Gym®? An approach to increase self-knowledge in situations of learning?- A study at the Malmö Academy of Music from a teacher and student perspective. Brain Gym® is a method developed by Paul Dennison in his studies of physiology and aims to eliminate potential blockages during the process of learning. During the influence of stress, as in learning, we do not possess a total access to

Anmälan LU Land Kick-off-konferens

Välkommen till LU Lands Kick-off-konferens!Datum & Tid: 27 November 2019, kl 9 - 14Plats: Nya Festsalen, AF Borgen i LundRegistreringen för Kick-off-konferensen är nu stängd, men vill du veta mer eller är intresserad av att delta, skicka ett mejl till juliana [dot] danhardt [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se. prel_program_vs2.pdf Konferensen anordnas av LU Land (Lunds universitet) i samarbete med SBHub oc - 2025-01-17

Helena Berglund

Assistant head of education Contact details Email: helena [dot] berglund [at] uvet [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 69 52Organisation Administration Upper Secondary Teacher Education Service point: 11 WebpageHelena Berglunds profile in Lund University research portalInstructor in Methodology Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBook chapterDisse - 2025-01-18

Henrik Rosengren

Associate professor Contact details Email: henrik [dot] rosengren [at] hist [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 79 57 Mobile: +46 70 939 08 15Organisation History Room number: LUX:A327 Service point: 30 WebpageHenrik Rosengrens profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Deputy head of department Department of History Profile area member LU Profile Area: Human rights Publications - 2025-01-18


(Microsoft PowerPoint - EpiHealth presentation_2018 [Kompatibilitetsl\344ge]) The EpiHealth cohort study Information: professor Sölve Elmståhl, Dept. Clinical Sciences, Malmö, Lund University 0708-53 86 45 The EpiHealth cohort 30,000 Swedish subjects aged 45-75 Collaboration between Uppsala and Lund Universities Primary aim is to explore interactions between environmental - 2025-01-18

What can fixit after Brexit? An empirical study of the economic effect on UK trade, following an exit from the European Union

One of the most debated political events during 2016 was the referendum regarding the United Kingdom’s future in the European Union. Despite the many warnings received from economists the UK voters voted for ‘leave’, paving the way for Brexit. This thesis reviews some possible alternatives regarding the UK-EU relationship post Brexit and concludes that the economically best case scenario would be

Processområdets betydelse vid spricktillväxt.

Brottmekaniska processer ar något som intresserat människor i alla tider. Ibland har det varit för att vinna en fördel t ex vid tillverking av flintverktyg och malmbrytning, men oftast for att förhindra mekanisk kollaps. I det senare fallet kan oförsiktighet resultera i spruckna tallrikar eller trasiga fönster, men ocksa i allvarligare saker som brott i flygplansvingar eller fartygsskrov som i vär

JBEN22 Literature 22220 V23

Literature for JBEN22, Access and Benefit-sharing of Genetic Resources applies from spring semester 2023 Lund University Literature for JBEN22, Access and Benefit-sharing of Genetic Resources applies from spring semester 2023 Literature established by Faculty of Law Board of education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels on 2023-02-21 to apply from 2023-02-21 All litteratur avser senaste uppla - 2025-01-18

Cecilia Hammarlund

Policy officer Contact details Email: cecilia [dot] hammarlund [at] agrifood [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 07 91Organisation AgriFood Economics Centre, Lund University School of Economics and Management Service point: 10 WebpageCecilia Hammarlunds profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllDissertationJour - 2025-01-18

Göran Ahlström

Professor emeritus Contact details Email: goran [dot] ahlstrom [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Department of Economic History Service point: 10 Other affiliations Professor emeritus Growth, technological change, and inequality Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterConference paperJournal articleNewspaper articleWorking paper F - 2025-01-18

25 August 2022

Management information Welcome back to a new semester and from Thursday, 1 September also to the office! Hopefully you have been able to relax and reload during the summer. When returning to the office, please bring back your screen, chair etc that you have been using at home during the summer. The deliveries of milk and fruit will start soon, and the shared kitchen duties will be starting form ne - 2025-01-17

Marina Svensson

Professor Contact details Email: marina [dot] svensson [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 40 68Organisation Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University Visiting address: Sölvegatan 18B, Lund Room number: 126 Service point: 61 WebpageMarina Svenssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Head of department Centre for East and South-East Asian Studi - 2025-01-18

Organ transplantation and views of life

Vid den nordiska konferensen ”Teaching bioethics” illustrerade transplantationskirurgen Nils H. Persson och jag hur en dialogpedagogisk metod kan belysa en frågeställning på ett sätt som är svårt för en ensam lärare. Nils H. Persson diskuterade bland annat den stora skillnaden i frekvens av organdonationer mellan de nordiska länderna, mindre än 15 PMP (per million population), och Spanien, mer än