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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11040 hits


Please note, that all links on this page open a new webpage. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation Through the research program Wallenberg Clinical Scholars, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation are funding 24 of the foremost clinical researchers in Sweden. Almost SEK 800 million are used for funding over ten years. Åsa Petersén was appointed Wallenberg Clinical Scholar 2020 and will receive SE - 2025-03-15

Mikael Linnell

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: mikael [dot] linnell [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 87 30Organisation Department of Sociology Visiting address: Sociologiska Institutionen, Bredgatan 26, Lund Service point: 31 WebpageMikael Linnells profile in Lund University research portalMain research areasSocial resilienceSociology of timeRisk and uncertaintyCurrent researchIn my current re - 2025-03-17

Det etiska projektet och det estetiska. Tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv på Lars Ahlins författarskap.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Lars Ahlin har en central position i den svenska litteraturen. I forskningen framträder bilden av hans författarskap som ett litterärt projekt präglat av en jämlikhetsvision, ett motstånd mot språkliga, existentiella och politiska hierarkier. Det ahlinska berättandet är ett sällsynt gott exempel på hur ett litterärt projekt också kan vara etiskt bestämt. Detta samband bAs my title indicates, this dissertation is oriented towards two academic subjects: Ethics and Literature. Of late, the borderland between these two disciplines has attracted international scholarly attention. Within ethics, literary works are becoming a primary material; conversely, the study of literature has taken on ethical issues. As a result, the potentially referential character of fiction


Diabetes Prediction in Skåne The DiPiS study is prospective study that involved screening of all newborn infants in Scania (Skåne) county in southern Sweden for risk factors of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). The study aims at identifying infants and children in Skåne who are genetically susceptible to T1D (having high risk HLA genes) and to follow these children for 15 years to monitor if they will develo - 2025-03-16

Auschwitz, autenticitet, kunskap

This essay reflects on issues surrounding the remembrance and teaching of the Holocaust. It was commissioned by the project Living History and the Swedish Prime Minister's Office.

Jamst info pamphlet english 2015

Info_pamphlet_English_2015.ppt     Do  you  want  to  know  more  about  equal  opportuni3es?        Below  you  will  find  a  list  of  web  pages  where  you  can  find  more  informa3on   regarding  equal  opportunity  issues.  This  includes  informa3on  concerning  the   equal  opportunity  work  at  Lund  University  and  related  policy  documents,   plans  of  ac3on  and  ac3on  programs, - 2025-03-17

On the Swedish så-construction

On the Swedish så-construction Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 85, 37-63 The Swedish så-construction, a new point of departure Jackie Nordström Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University ABSTRACT The following article treats the Swedish så-construction (involving the so-called “adjunctive” så). The så-construction consists of a first element, which is typically an adjunct, followed - 2025-03-15

Ageing persons with intellectual disability, health and mortality, healthcare utilization and social welfare

A Swedish national longitudinal population study The aim of this project is to investigate health in terms of diseases, utilization of healthcare and social services, usage of medicines and causes of death among older persons with intellectual disabilities acquired early in life compared to older people without these disabilities in the Swedish population. The selection includes nearly 8000 person - 2025-03-16

Mark Brady

Policy officer Contact details Email: mark [dot] brady [at] agrifood [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 40 41 50 05 Mobile: +46 72 237 04 29Organisation AgriFood Economics Centre, SLU Visiting address: AgriFood Economics Centre, Scheelevägen 15 D, LUND Room number: 4059 Service point: 10 WebpageMark Bradys profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Centre for Environmental a - 2025-03-17

Johan Gadolins bidrag till det Gadolinska biblioteket. En samlingshistorisk analys

Uppsatsen är en samlingshistorisk analys av en del av det Gadolinska biblioteket vid Åbo Akademis bibliotek i Finland. Biblioteket omfattar över 3000 verk, både monografier och tidskrifter. Tre professorsgenerationer vid den Kungliga Akademien i Åbo byggde upp biblioteket från början av 1700-talet till mitten av 1800-talet. Analysen omfattar den del av samlingen som professorn i kemi, Johan GadoliUppsatsen är en samlingshistorisk analys av en del av det Gadolinska biblioteket vid Åbo Akademis bibliotek i Finland. Biblioteket omfattar över 3000 verk, både monografier och tidskrifter. Tre professorsgenerationer vid den Kungliga Akademien i Åbo byggde upp biblioteket från början av 1700-talet till mitten av 1800-talet. Analysen omfattar den del av samlingen som professorn i kemi, Johan Gadoli

2002cv leif holmstrand

CV Leif Holmstrand SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS 130301, Konstfrämjandet / S:t Gertrud, Malmö (Sweden) 2013 Wellfare Today / Dagens Välfärd, Inkonst, Malmö (Sweden) 2013 Voyagers at Masquerade, House of Foundation, Moss (Norway) 2013 Headquarters, Galleri Thomas Wallner, Simris (Sweden) 2012 Leif Holmstrand, Lars Olsen Gallery, Copenhagen (Denmark) 2012 Inside Lord Kill, Galleri Ping-Pong, Malmö (Swed - 2025-03-17