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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11108 hits

Lekfulla barn blir kreativa vuxna

Leken med låtsaskompisar kan vara en medveten skapandeprocess och ett äventyr in i möjligheternas och omöjligheternas värld. För att barn ska utvecklas till kreativa vuxna behöver de stimuleras att leka fantasilekar. Kreativitet handlar om att se nya möjligheter hos oss själva och den verklighet och de ting vi har omkring oss. Geniers kreativitet genererar banbrytande processer eller produkter, me

Mikael Linnell

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: mikael [dot] linnell [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 87 30Organisation Department of Sociology Visiting address: Sociologiska Institutionen, Bredgatan 26, Lund Service point: 31 WebpageMikael Linnells profile in Lund University research portalMain research areasSocial resilienceSociology of timeRisk and uncertaintyCurrent researchIn my current re - 2025-03-18

UniStem workshops 2019

Can you grow a brain in a dish? How do blood stem cells look in the microscope? Can you decipher the code of life? These and many more questions will be answered by motivated PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, and senior scientists during UniStem Day on March 15th, 2019. Below you find a list of workshops and hands-on sessions that we will offer during UniStem Day at Lund Stem Cell Center. The wo - 2025-03-18

Wim Carton

Senior Lecturer, Docent Contact details Email: wim [dot] carton [at] LUCSUS [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 03 94Organisation LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies) Service point: 59 WebpageWim Cartons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Profile area member LU Profile Area: Nature-based future solutionsResearch areasThe politics of climate change mi - 2025-03-18


Please note, that all links on this page open a new webpage. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation Through the research program Wallenberg Clinical Scholars, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation are funding 24 of the foremost clinical researchers in Sweden. Almost SEK 800 million are used for funding over ten years. Åsa Petersén was appointed Wallenberg Clinical Scholar 2020 and will receive SE - 2025-03-17

Welfare and well-being

What does a welfare society look like, and what is needed for us to feel well? At the Faculty of Social Sciences, we study what affects people's well-being - from cradle to grave. At the Faculty of Social Sciences, we study what affects people's well-being - from cradle to grave. Photo: Pixabay Our research is for example focused on the relationship between children and the key adults in their liv - 2025-03-17

Ll ksmb45 rev161117

LL_KSMB45_rev161117 Litteraturlista för Turism och platsutveckling, 15 hp (KSMB45) Litteraturlistan är fastställd av styrelsen för institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap 2015-12-10, reviderad senast av styrelsen för service management och tjänstevetenskap 2016-11-17. Litteraturlistan börjar gälla den 2017-01-01. Agarwal, Sheela (1997). The resort cycle and seaside tourism: an as - 2025-03-18

Social Policy and Sustainability

While welfare states and associated social policies have been successful in addressing social risks associated with the provision of capitalist growth and increasing their citizens’ wellbeing, they have also contributed to climate emergency and the ecological crisis. We carry out social-policy research of traditional themes such as labour markets, inequality or poverty, but also and particularly i - 2025-03-17