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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11893 hits


1 Register över enskilda arkiv vid Universitetsbiblioteket, Lunds universitet Juni 2014 Grått fält = restriktioner för arkivets tillgänglighet Omfattning anges i hyllmeter. Placering anges enligt intern kod. Bokstaven ”E” (i högerspalten) innebär att förteckning över arkivet finns i databasen EDIFFAH. 2 Universitetsbiblioteket, Lunds universitet Handskrifter och specialsamlingar ARKIVREGISTER A Na - 2025-03-15

Metropolitan Museum Initiative Provides Free Access to 400,000 Digital Images

Metropolitan Museum Initiative Provides Free Access to 400,000 Digital Images Metropolitan Museum Initiative Provides Free Access to 400,000 Digital Images Publicerad den 20 maj 2014 Nu kan fler än 400.000 högupplösta bilder av konstnärliga verk i The Metropolitan Museum of Arts samlingar laddas ner för återanvändning i icke-kommerisella vetenskapliga publikationer, utan särskilt tillstånd och uta - 2025-03-11


Dr 1 Satu Manninen Professor in English language and linguistics, 2012 Docent in general linguistics, 2005 Ph.D theoretical linguistics, 1999 MA in English Philology, 1993 List of publications Books: Manninen, S., Turner, E. & C. Wadsö Lecaros (2020) Writing in English at University: A Guide for Second Language Writers. Lund Studies in English 120. ISBN (print) 978-91-89213-14-2 ISBN (e- version) - 2025-03-13

Daniela Cutas

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: daniela [dot] cutas [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 18 84Organisation Medical Ethics Room number: BMC I1227 Service point: 66 WebpageDaniela Cutas profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Profile area member LU Profile Area: Human rights Visiting lecturer Gemensam forskarutbildning Head of office Medical Ethics Publications Di - 2025-03-15

Impact beyond academia - a guide to help preparing for impact evaluations

Impact beyond academia A GUIDE TO HELP PREPARING FOR IMPACT EVALUATIONS Part of the project report on the monitoring of the Lund University SRAs PHOTOS Cover: Kennet Ruona Page 22: Mikael Kanski, Ida Thelander Page 23: Kennet Ruona 3IMPACT BEYOND ACADEMIA Table of contents INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. - 2025-03-15

Lpr volume1401 0

Lund Psychological Reports Volume 14, No. 1, 2014 Introducing a Swedish translation of the Workplace Incivility Scale Elinor Schad, Eva Torkelson, Martin Bäckström, Björn Karlson Department of Psychology, Lund University, Sweden Lund Psychological Reports Editor: Magnus Lindgren ISSN 1404-8035 INTRODUCING A SWEDISH TRANSLATION 1 Introducing a Swedish Translation of the Workplace Incivility Scale E - 2025-03-15

LPED 2022 1

Centre for Economic Demography Lund University School of Economics and Management P.O. Box 7083 SE-220 07 Lund, Sweden The Social Care-Taking of the City-Kids. Determinants for Day-Care Attendance in Early Twentieth Century Southern Sweden ANNIKA ELWERT , LUCIANA QUARANTA LUND PAPERS IN ECONOMIC DEMOGRAPHY 2022:1 1 The social care-taking o - 2025-03-15


CFEWP50 CFE Working papers No. 50 What to do about Kim? The European Union as an external actor towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2001- 2011 Alina Mattisson Lax CFE Working papers are available at the website of the Centre for European Studies 2 Alina Mattisson Lax holds a MSc in European Affairs from Lund University and this paper was her graduate thesis. Currently, - 2025-03-15

Insikt och Handling 2

Insikt och Handling 2 INSIKT OCH HANDLING Utgiven av Hans Larsson Samfundet Volym 2 REDAKTÖR: ROLF EKMAN DISTRIBUTION: AB PH. LINDSTEDTS UNIV.-BOKHANDEL TRYCKNING: SKÅNSKA CENTRALTRYCKERIET, LUND 1958 ISSN 0436-8096 PDF: TABULA, MÄRSTA 2020 ISBN: 978-91-88702-12-8 VERSION 1.0 — 2020–05–14 – 2 – Innehåll 4 Andreas Rydelius och hans filosofi Teddy Brunius 24 Platons estetik En kort översikt Rolf Ekm - 2025-03-13

No title

Språk- och litteraturcentrum Litteraturlista: UKRA13, Minne och identitet i ukrainsk litteratur, film och dramatik, 7,5 högskolepoäng Fastställd av styrelsen för sektion 5, 2022-11-24 Primärlitteratur/filmer (obligatorisk) Prosa, poesi och drama Andrukhovych, Yuri. The Moscoviad (1992). Translated by Vitaly Chernetsky, 1993/2009. 140 s. Iavorivskyi, Volodymyr. Maria and Wormwood at the End of the - 2025-03-14

AI and Religion

AI and Religion | Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna 3 mar AI and Religion 3 mars 2025 12:00 till 4 mars 2025 13:30 Konferens The founder of the psychoanalytic school, Sigmund Freud, in a 1917 paper, spoke of three narcissistic injuries of the human person. The first narcissistic violation or injury came with the heliocentric worldview and the insight that we are not the center of the univer - 2025-03-04


Brevmall Postal address Box 192, 221 00 LUND Visiting address Helgonavägen 3, LUND Telephone direct +46 46 222 72 21, switchboard +46 46 222 00 00 Email Website Academic Appointments Board Facul ty coord inator Sof ia Kvarnbo Rules and information on applications to be promoted to Associate Professor Compilation of application The application is to - 2025-03-13

Populism, Exceptionality and the Right of Migrants to Family Life Under the European Convention on Human Rights

The populist turn in national and international politics includes one common question across countries: curbing immigration and limiting the rights of migrants. In the light of these restrictive tendencies, the questions that this article seeks to address are: whether and how the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), can be a poin

Tolkning av begreppet betryggande i lagstiftning om brandfarliga och explosiva varor med fokus på betryggande avstånd.

The concept of adequate/reassuring (betryggande) safety in Swedish legislation for flammable liquid and gas is very hard to verify in established risk analysis methods. The difficulty lies in the fact that the concept of ade-quate/reassuring safety is only formulated in qualitative terms. The purpose of this report is to discuss and clarify how the concept of adequate/reassuring safety in parts of

Implementeringsproblem i säkerhetsarbetet

Municipal safety work is an issue frequently discussed. The new legislation about accident prevention obeys the Swedish municipality to present an action program for accident prevention. In Borlänge municipality there has been no sanctioned proposal for a program. This report presents the problems found and gives proposals for improvements in the future safety work. The guiding words should be una

Stämmer konsulters riskutredningar gällande transport involverande farligt gods med hur det ser ut i praktiken?

Har ni någon gång suttit i en bil och sett en lastbil med den orangea skylten? Och ställt er frågan om transporten av detta farliga gods faktiskt görs på ett säkert sätt på de svenska vägarna? Att transportera farligt gods med lastbil på svenska vägar är idag något som anses nödvändigt då det handlar om att transportera ämnen som bland annat bensin, gasol och svavelsyra som behövs för både privatIn Sweden one of the most important aspects of risk consideration in land-use planning is managing risks associated with the road transport of dangerous goods. Investigating how consultants perform their risk assessments and comparing them with actual accident statistics allows for a quantitative evaluation of the quality of these assessments. The thesis compares consultants’ risk assessments with

Handbook fu engelska

Department of Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences Lund University Handbook for the Doctoral Program Preface Doctoral programs are regulated at different levels - in the The Higher Education Ordinance, at the university level, at the faculty level, and locally at the institution. The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the doctoral program at Department of Psychology. Both stude - 2025-03-15

No title

SLING 2023 2nd Swedish Linguistics meeting June 12-13th, 2023 Lund University 2 Table of Content Maps and orientation ....................................................................................................................... 3 Map of Lund .................................................................................................................................................... - 2025-03-13

Tort as Remedial Action Against Breaches of the ECHR - A Study of Constitutional Rights Using the Impact of the ECHR in Swedish Constitutional and Tort Law

The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether tort liability claims against public authorities for breaches of the ECHR can be defined as a constitutional right in Swedish law. The theoretical definition of what constitutes a constitutional right is constructed through elements of Robert Alexy’s A Theory of Constitutional Rights. The theory is applied on the current applicable law regarding the

De aktiebolagsrättsliga kapitalskyddsreglernas tillämplighet när aktiebolag är komplementär i kommanditbolag

I ett kommanditbolag krävs att minst en av bolagsmännen, komplementären, har ett obegränsat ansvar för bolagets förpliktelser. Av bland annat skatteskäl och för att undvika den risk det innebär att vara komplementär används ibland ett aktiebolag som komplementär i bolaget. Att ett aktiebolag kan vara komplementär råder det inget tvivel om, men vilka effekter en sådan konstruktion medför är mer oklIn a limited partnership (Sw. kommanditbolag) at least one partner must be a general partner with unlimited liability. Because of tax reasons and to minimize the risk associated with being a general partner, a limited liability company (Sw. aktiebolag) is sometimes used as a general partner. Limited liability companies are required to comply with the capital protection rules provided in the Swedis