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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11989 hits

LAMiNATE Talks: Nan Jiang — The prominence of linguistic form in L2 processing

LAMiNATE Talks: Nan Jiang — The prominence of linguistic form in L2 processing | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 6 maj LAMiNATE Talks: Nan Jiang — The prominence of linguistic form in L2 processing 6 maj 2025 15:15 till 16:30 Seminarium Nan Jiang, University of Maryland Several lines of research highlight some notable differences between first language (L1) and second language (L2) processing. First, - 2025-01-28

LAMiNATE Talks: Gary Libben — Semantic transparency and the bilingual/multilingual lexicon

LAMiNATE Talks: Gary Libben — Semantic transparency and the bilingual/multilingual lexicon | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 22 apr LAMiNATE Talks: Gary Libben — Semantic transparency and the bilingual/multilingual lexicon 22 april 2025 15:15 till 16:30 Seminarium Gary Libben, Brock University A great advantage of morphology is that it allows new words within a language to be created from existing le - 2025-02-07

LAMiNATE Talks: Nan Jiang — The prominence of linguistic form in L2 processing

LAMiNATE Talks: Nan Jiang — The prominence of linguistic form in L2 processing | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 6 maj LAMiNATE Talks: Nan Jiang — The prominence of linguistic form in L2 processing 6 maj 2025 15:15 till 16:30 Seminarium Nan Jiang, University of Maryland Several lines of research highlight some notable differences between first language (L1) and second language (L2) processing. First, - 2025-02-07

CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universi

CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 6 feb CogSem Seminar: "Enhanced agency and the visual thinking of design" (Juan Mendoza-Collazos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) 6 februari 2025 15:15 till 17:00 Seminarium In this seminar presented on a link from Columba, our PhD in cognit - 2025-02-07

Hosting the 29th Conference of the European Second Language Association, EuroSLA 29, August 28-31 20

Hosting the 29th Conference of the European Second Language Association, EuroSLA 29, August 28-31 2019 Hosting the 29th Conference of the European Second Language Association, EuroSLA 29, August 28-31 2019 Published 19 August 2019 How do we learn new languages? Is learning your mother tongue different from learning an additional language? Are some languages harder to learn than others? What role d - 2025-02-09

LAMiNATE Talks: Gary Libben — Semantic transparency and the bilingual/multilingual lexicon

LAMiNATE Talks: Gary Libben — Semantic transparency and the bilingual/multilingual lexicon | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 22 apr LAMiNATE Talks: Gary Libben — Semantic transparency and the bilingual/multilingual lexicon 22 april 2025 15:15 till 16:30 Seminarium Gary Libben, Brock University A great advantage of morphology is that it allows new words within a language to be created from existing le - 2025-02-09

LAMiNATE Talks: Nan Jiang — The prominence of linguistic form in L2 processing

LAMiNATE Talks: Nan Jiang — The prominence of linguistic form in L2 processing | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 6 maj LAMiNATE Talks: Nan Jiang — The prominence of linguistic form in L2 processing 6 maj 2025 15:15 till 16:30 Seminarium Nan Jiang, University of Maryland Several lines of research highlight some notable differences between first language (L1) and second language (L2) processing. First, - 2025-02-09

No title

“thesisx” — 2016/5/2 — 17:07 — page i — #1 Faculty of Arts and Sciences FiF No. 118 Adding Challenge to a Teachable Agent in a Virtual Learning Environment by Camilla Kirkegaard Department of Computer and Information Science Linköping University SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden Linköping 2016 “thesisx” — 2016/5/2 — 17:07 — page ii — #2 This is a Swedish Licentiate’s Thesis Swedish postgraduate educatio - 2025-02-08

Lennart Olsson

Professor, Docent Contact details Email: lennart [dot] olsson [at] LUCSUS [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 05 11 Mobile: +46 70 646 27 12Organisation LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies) Visiting address: Josephson, Biskopsgatan 5, Lund Room number: Josephson, 118 Service point: 59 WebpageLennart Olssons profile in Lund University research portalLennart Olsson is Professor - 2025-02-09

Svenska, språklig inriktning 1–40 poäng

Svenska, språklig inriktning 1–40 poäng Spring semester 2019 Course literature for Linguistics: Prosody, LINC03 Approved by section1 at the Centre for Languages and Literature, 7 March 2018. Obligatory literature Bruce, Gösta. (2007). Components of a prosodic typology of Swedish intonation. Tones and tunes, Vol. 1: typological studies in word and sentence prosody, ed. T. Riad & C. Gussenhoven, 113 - 2025-02-07


Brevmall Editor: Human Resources Unit, Dean’s Office, LUSEM ( Human Resources Uni t , Dean’s Of f ice, LUSEM Questions & Answers on Secondary Employment Secondary employment ............................................................................................. 1 Reporting secondary employment ............................................................................ 2 L - 2025-02-08

News and events from 2019

News updates and events from the Agenda 2030 Graduate School. NewsDecemberArt exhibition at Moderna Museet Malmö highlighted(November — December 2019)The Agenda 2030 Graduate School and the museum of modern art in Malmö (Moderna Museet Malmö) arranged a seminar programme focused on the human relationship with nature. The project consisted of an international art exhibition called "Sensing Nature f - 2025-02-07

Impact beyond academia - a guide to help preparing for impact evaluations

Impact beyond academia A GUIDE TO HELP PREPARING FOR IMPACT EVALUATIONS Part of the project report on the monitoring of the Lund University SRAs TEXT Pia Romare, avdelning Samverkan, LU, 2018 PHOTOS Cover: Kennet Ruona Page 22: Mikael Kanski, Ida Thelander Page 23: Kennet Ruona 3IMPACT BEYOND ACADEMIA Table of contents INTRODUCTION ............................................. - 2025-02-08

2019-20 maa digi 3 lq

M al m ö A rt A ca de m y 20 19  –  2 02 0 Gertrud Sandqvist Professor of Art Theory and the History of Ideas; Supervisor for the Doctoral Programme Dr. Sarat Maharaj Professor of Visual Art and Knowledge Systems; Supervisor for the Doctoral Programme Joachim Koester Professor of Fine Arts Fredrik Værslev Professor of Fine Arts Emily Wardill Professor of Fine Arts Maj Hasager Programme Director of - 2025-02-08

The Healthcare Factory: Healthcare in the European and Swedish political economies between 1973-2020

Healthcare might seem like it is a purely medical issue. Nothing could be further from the truth. Both politics, law and the economy are all closely tied to healthcare. In this thesis I analyze the sensitive topic of healthcare through a critical understanding of the European and Swedish political economies from the 1970s until today. Europe serves as the broad picture, while Swedish healthcare po

Internet i Kina : digital konvergens mot den femte moderniseringen

Denna uppsats beskriver Internet i Kina i allmänhet, från dess politiska bakgrundsmotiv och inledande grunder till dess nuvarande tillstånd av dynamisk ekonomisk infrastruktur och medel för folkligt politiskt inflytande. Tonvikten läggs vid för Kina unika aspekter, såsom partiinflytande över informationsutbytet, folkliga attityder till fildelning i ett samhälle som bara nyligen erkänt privat ägand

The Family in EU Law

The volume provides a first-ever comprehensive account of the concept and the role of the family in EU law. It explores the family in EU law from four different angles. The first part of the book considers the philosophical and theoretical foundations of the family in the law in general, including the definition of the family under EU law. The second part provides an overview of the rights conferr


Brevmall Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Paradisgatan 2 Telephone dir +46 222 30 32, switchboard +46 46 222 00 00 Email Vice-Chancel lor Guidelines on the extension of employment as a doctoral student due to duties within student organisations and as an elected student representative at Lund University A person employed as a doctoral student is to receiv - 2025-02-08

Ebba Brink

Affiliated researcher Contact details Email: ebba [dot] brink [at] LUCSUS [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation LU Profile Area: Nature-based future solutions WebpageEbba Brinks profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Visiting research fellow LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies)Areas of expertiseClimate change adaptation and disaster risk reductionPopular resista - 2025-02-09

Helle Rydström

Professor Contact details Email: helle [dot] rydstrom [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 09 52Organisation Gender Studies Service point: 31 WebpageHelle Rydströms profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Profile area member LU Profile Area: Human rights Visiting research fellow Social AnthropologyProfessorRydstrom is specialized in the anthropology of gender in Asia - 2025-02-09