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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11031 hits
Workshop on citizen engagement in the climate-transition
Published 29 April 2024 The collaboration initiative Climate-neutral cities 2030 – Open Academy together with the City of Malmö arranges a workshop on the topic of citizen engagement. The program offers inspirational talks, researcher presentations, panels, and joint conversations. Welcome to join! When: 16 maj 2024, 10:30-16:00Where: STUDIO MeetingpointNordenskiöldsgatan 24, MalmöRegister your pa - 2025-01-13
Vetenskap & Hälsa: Aktivering av gamla virus orsakar inflammation senare i livet
Hon gör serier av sin forskning
Seminars at AHU in March
Published 1 March 2024 AHU (Avdelningen för högskolepedagogisk utveckling) is the Division for Higher Education Development at Lund University. They offer courses in higher education pedagogy and support to teachers. Exploring Aspects of Oral Assessment!Welcome to this seminar where we'll explore the complexities and opportunities inherent in oral assessments, aiming to discuss practices for condu - 2025-01-13
Guidelines and principles for improved city-citizen cooperation for climate change adaptation
Published 19 August 2019 LUCSUS researchers present new guidelines and principles on how to improve climate change adaptation collaboration between, and for, citizens and municipalities. Municipalities and their residents are facing increasing challenges as a result of a changing climate. Floods, heat waves and storms are expected to increase in number and strength, while sea level rise and erosio
The future of environmental labelling
Våldsbrott i Skåne - 2025-01-13
Nu kan du anmäla informationssäkerhetsincidenter!
VBE politik
Published 13 July 2017 Workshop i Lund 25 september 2017 Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet är ett begrepp som förekommer i många sammanhang, bland annat i olika lagtexter och regleringar. I hälso- och sjukvården har begreppet spelat roll sedan slutet av 1800-talet och vi hittar det numera både i patientlagen och patientsäkerhetslagen. Men idag har samma termer smugit sig in i andra lagar och regle - 2025-01-13
Nordic Open Science Conference
Nordic Open Science Conference
LUCSUS at Almedalen
Published 20 June 2019 At this year's Almedalen, LUCSUS researchers will discuss climate variability and its impact on water, sustainable land use, flying, and the Greta effect on today's youth. Here is the full list of LUCSUS related events taking place in Visby, Gotland. Almedalen is a week long democratic meeting place for seminars and dialogue. Monday, 1st JulySka man skaffa färre barn – för k - 2025-01-13
New collaboration between Lund scientists and Novo Nordisk / Nytt samarbete mellan Lundaforskare och Novo Nordisk
By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 16 May 2018 Read here about how Novo Nordisk, together with the Swedish biotech company Biolamina in Stockholm, collaborates with Malin Parmar and her close collegues Agnete Kirkeby and Anders Björklund at Lund University to develop a new stem cell based treatment for Parkinson's disease. for Lund Universit