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Your search for "zoom" yielded 2146 hits
April 30th 2020
From the management We would like to thank all of you who participated in the online CEC Science Says! conference – BECC-MERGE spring meeting, April 23-24! A big thanks for interesting presentations, fruitful conversations and sharing of expertise and thoughts from all participants – we could not have done this online event so successfully without you! From your discussions on how BECC and MERGE c - 2025-01-15
Sustainable Idea Exploration
A great chance to let your research make a difference Solar cells of the future, the optimal solution to a global carbon tax or a policy that creates peace? Your idea can be a piece of the puzzle in the transition to a sustainable society. This is an opportunity to explore the innovative potential and fund activities outside the scope of your existing research project. The purpose of this grant is - 2025-01-15
Välkommen till praktikkursen SOCN22
Välkommen att prata med oss om du har frågor om vår utbildning eller behöver stöd i dina studier Välkommen att vända dig till studievägledningen på Sociologiska institutionen för att få information om våra kurser och program, eller om du behöver hjälp med till exempel studieteknik eller med att planera dina studier. Hos oss kan du även diskutera examen eller ge synpunkter på undervisning och litte - 2025-01-15
2. Application periods and information meetings
Outgoing exchange students Exchange Studies during the academic year 2025-2026If you are looking for exchange studies opportunities during the 2025 autumn semester or the 2026 spring semester, please apply during our regular application periods:1 November – 15 November 20241 February – 15 February 2025All application rounds close at midnight.Make sure you send in your application through the datab
CASE Scientific Sessions
CASE offers interdisciplinary seminars and workshops focused on ageing and supportive environments. CASE Scientific Sessions are primarily intended for researchers and the CASE User Board, but the sessions are also open to other researchers and staff from various sectors of society. The sessions are also open to the general public.Researchers from the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty o - 2025-01-15
Manners and etiquette for hybrid teaching
Hybrid is what we call meetings, seminars or lectures that have both physical and digital participants. It might be the case that a majority of students attend a lecture on site and a few students attend from home – or vice versa. Hybrid teaching has become a relatively common format at University but it comes with several challenges. Therefore, it’s important to think through a meeting in advance - 2025-01-15
Registration: Immersive Days / lecture # 2
Inter Arts Center: Immersive Days lecture # 2
Inter Arts Center: Online Seminarium
Barn behöver mer än bara skydd från våld - Sara Thunberg
24 februari 2025 12:15 till 13:15 | Seminarium Forsa Syd välkomnar till digitalt lunchseminarium med Sara Thunberg med temat Barn behöver mer än bara skydd från våld. Det har hänt mycket på ganska kort tid som påverkar barns situation i allmänhet, men barn i skydd i synnerhet. Många tänker att barn har det bra så länge de är skyddade från våldet, men våra resultat visar att det handlar om så mycke - 2025-01-15
Immersive Days #1: Celsius Projects – Exhibition presentation / Lecture – Lena Bergendahl, Max Ockborn, Francis Patrick Brady
Immersive Days #1: Online workshop VR without VR, Francis Patrick Brady
2021 - 2025-01-15