Cheating and plagiarism

On this page you will find information about what constitutes plagiarism and cheating, how to avoid them and what routines the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies (CTR) has for handling matters concerning plagiarism and cheating.

All education and research at Lund University must be characterized by academic integrity. This means, among other things, that plagiarism is not permitted. Plagiarism means copying someone else’s ideas or words without giving due recognition. For you as a student, giving due recognition entails making correct source references in the assignments you submit. Regardless of whether you have taken the information from a book, other students’ texts, or sources on the internet, you must always indicate the source in a clear and academically accepted way.

For further information on how to write a correct reference, you can read more in the HT Library’s guide Writing and Referencing. If you are still unsure about what applies, you can contact a librarian or ask the teacher on the course you are taking.

Cheating also involves other deliberate attempts to mislead. This could, for example, involve the use of unauthorized aids, such as notes, during an exam or that students cooperate in an inappropriate manner within the framework of an individual assignment. Unless otherwise specified by the teacher on the course, all use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of chat bots – so-called generative AI tools – also counts as cheating.

When suspicion of cheating or attempted cheating arises, it is the duty of the teaching staff to inform the department’s Director of Studies. If cheating is suspected, the department always follows the same routine:

  1. The teacher submits documentation to the Director of Studies, stating of what the student is suspected. That documentation can, for example, consist of the instructions to the assignment, the student’s submitted text, and reports from Ouriginal.
  2. The student is informed about the suspicion and is given the opportunity to account for his or her attitude in the matter.
  3. If the suspicion remains after the department’s handling of the matter, the case is reported to the Vice-Chancellor and an investigation is started by the Legal Division of the Central Administration. The student is officially informed of the suspicion and is given the opportunity to explain in writing his or her attitude to the content of the report.
  4. When the Legal Division has investigated the matter, it is sent to the Disciplinary Board, which examines all suspected cases of cheating. The student has the right to participate in the Board’s meeting and express his or her opinion in the matter.
  5. The Disciplinary Board decides to either leave the case without further action or find the student guilty of cheating. In the latter case, the student either receives a warning or is suspended from courses and study programmes at Lund University for a limited time.

In other words, plagiarism and cheating risk leading to serious consequences for you as a student. Therefore, do your utmost to avoid suspicion by ensuring that you are aware of the rules that apply. More information about cheating and how it is handled at Lund University can be read here: Cheating, disruption and harassment.

Writing & Referencing

Advice, tips and useful links and resources from the HT Libraries
Page Manager: johan.grevstigctr.luse | 2024-05-20