Forskningsprojekt A-Z
- Affirming Catholicism. The formative years of a liberal Anglo-Catholic organisation in the Church of England, circa 1985 to 2000
- Against Death and Destiny. Hans Jonas and the Recovery of Physis
- As a Fire Beneath the Ashes: The Quest for Chinese Wisdom within Occultism, 1850-1949
- A Stylistic-Theological Analysis of Synoptic parallels. A Systemic Functional Linguistic Approach with Specific Reference to Verbal Aspect and Discourse Analysis (Jan Nylund)
- At the End of the World: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Apocalyptic Imaginary in the Past and Present
- Autentisering och auktorisation: Nya testamentets tidiga överföring (Conrad Elmelund)
- Beyond Sacred/Secular Cities - Exploring Politics of Memory, Space, and Religion in Middle Eastern Nationalisms
- Beyond the Garden: An Ecocritical Approach to Early Byzantine Christianity
- Bidrag till ledande forskare (6år , HSFR)
- Chance Encounters with Our (Evolutionary) Past: Implications of Evolutionary Historicity on Environmental Ethics
- Christian-Muslim Political Theology: A Comparative Companion as a Foundation for New Research Agendas
- Delprojekt i "Beyond the textual realms of faith".
- Existentiell hållbarhet: Att utveckla en ny dimension av Agenda 2030:s hållbarhets mål
- Faith-Based Refugee Relief in Europe: Connecting the Empirical and the Ethical (Ulrich Schmiedel)
- Faith In the Presence of a Caring Other: A Care Ethical Approach to Faith-Based Care at the External Borders of Europe (Dianne van den Bosch)
- How can refugees narrate their displacement through art and immersive technology?
- How to live like a Modern Conservative Shii woman in Tehran? (Fatemeh Moslehzadeh)
- Inner Vision In the Spirituality and Preaching of Late Medieval Vadstena Abbey, Sweden
- Jewish-Catholic Intermarriage in Poland Before, During and After the Holocaust
- Korrespoondensen mellan Erling Eidem och Edvard Rodhe
- Kunskap, magi och hästläkekonst i senantiken (Elisabet Göransson)
- Kyrkan och det gemensamma goda (Johanna Gustafsson Lundberg)
- Life Education in Secondary Buddhist Schools of Hong Kong – Contextualizing Buddhist engagement in public education in Greater China through field research (Yulin Lu)
- Livslångt lärande i den svenska kyrkoförsamlingen. Fleninge 1820 - 1890
- Metaphrasis and Gender. The Fluid Lives of Female Saints in Greek Menologia
- Neo-Salafism in Northern Lebanon: when populism meets religion (Giulia Gozzini)
- Occult ‘Gnosis’ and Comparative Religion: G.R.S. Mead, the Quest Society and Eranos (1892–1961)
- Paul Linjamaa. Early Christian Determinism : A Study of The Ethics of The Tripartite Tractate.
- Pentecostal Pacifism in Sweden (Micael Grenholm)
- Psalmer behövda - reformationspsalmer i ett pastoralt perspektiv
- Religion and politics in Sri Lanka
- Religion in Times of Crises: Responses to Covid-19 among Religious Migrant Groups in Sweden
- Rewriting the History of Ancient Synagogues and Early Jewish – Christian Relations
- Rite Into the Future (Fredrik Jansson)
- Ritual Sustainability: Anthropological Perspectives on Religion, Ritual, and Legitimacy in Malawi
- Rum för åldrande- existentiella perspektiv för bättre boendemiljöer (Johanna Gustafsson Lundberg)
- Rum för åldrande—existentiella perspektiv för bättre boendemiljöer (Johanna Gustafsson Lundberg)
- Sacred Texts in Political Discourse: A Comparative Study of Latin America and Europe (Samuel Bado Auler)
- Scripture and Secularism: Mapping the Impact of the Bible on Conceptualizations of Europe
- Scripture and Secularism: Mapping the Impact of the Bible on Conceptualizations of Europe (Hannah Strømmen)
- Teologin i Ruts bok (Fredrik Lindström)
- Teologiska läsningar av Psaltaren
- The body as a site of ideological conflict and construction in the Hebrew Bible (John Tallefors)
- The Jingjiao Stele and its Confucian history of reception in Late Imperial China
- The Middle East in the Contemporary World
- The Middle East in the Contemporary World (MECW) 2.0
- The Path of Life: For the Wise only? Ps 16 and how to awoid Sheol below
- The Portrayal of the Divine and Human in the Book of Ruth
- The Power of Dress: Palestinians thobs as a catalyst in the formation of Islamic identities
- The Role of Christianity for the Emergence of Rabbinic Judaism
- The Words of the Storm Gods - Reconstructing the Common Mytho-Poetic Language of Northwest Semitic
- Utmana berättelsen om det moderna Turkiet. Aleviternas livserfarenheter av religiöst och politiskt engagemang (Hege Irene Markussen)
- Yogaśāstra: A Twelfth-Century Handbook on Jainism (3år, HSFR)