Publikationer från CTR
Böcker (sida 1 av 18)
- Nylund, J. H. (2024). The Potential of Linguistic Theories in the Study of Aspect and Tense in Ancient Greek, With Particular Attention to New Testament Greek. Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University. Doktorsavhandling.
- Morgan, J. (2024). Living in the Borderland : Young Migrant Converts in the Church of Sweden. Lund University. Doktorsavhandling.
- Bergman, E. (2024). Constructing Saint Birgitta : Birgittine Preaching and the Cult of Saint Birgitta in Vadstena Abbey, 1397–c. 1510. Lund University. Doktorsavhandling.
- Kuhlin, J. (2024). A Beautiful Failure : The Event of Death and Rhetorical Disorder in the Gospel according to Mark. MediaTryck Lund. Doktorsavhandling.
- Nystrand, C. (2024). Teologisering i predikan : Vad det är och hur det skedde i Svenska kyrkan år 2020. Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University. Doktorsavhandling.
- (2024). Svenskt Patristiskt Bibliotek : Teologi efter Nicaea. I Wihlborg, D. & Pålsson, K. (Red.) Svenskt Patristiskt Bibliotek, VIII. Artos.
- Arentzen, T. (2024). Trærnes evangelium. Verbum.
- Gudmundsson, D. (2024). Minnesalbum från Albo och Järrestad 1925. Vittnesmål om en prost och hans kontrakt : Utgivet med inledning och kommentar. Meddelanden från Kyrkohistoriska arkivet i Lund, 14. Lunds universitets kyrkohistoriska arkiv.
- Jackelén, A. (2024). Tio tankar för själens hunger. Romanus & Selling.
- Jarlert, A. (2024). Erling Eidem, den personlige : Bibelforskare, ärkebiskop, mystiker. Carlsson Bokförlag.
- Kara, S. (2024). The Integrity of the Qur'an : Sunni and Shi'i Historical Narratives. Edinburgh University Press.
- Linjamaa, P. (2024). The Nag Hammadi Codices and their Ancient Readers : Exploring Textual Materiality and Reading Practice. Cambridge University Press.
- Nylund, J. H. (2024). Resolving Aristotle's Aporia on Time. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Saggau, E. H. (2024). Hellige Ukraine : Den kirkelige, nationale og historiske baggrund for krigen i Ukraine. Eksistensen.
- Saggau, E. H. (2024). Nationalisation of the Sacred : Orthodox historiography, memory, and politics in Montenegro. Peter Lang Publishing Group.
- Strømmen, H. M. (2024). The Bibles of the Far Right. Oxford University Press.
- T. Steed, H. (2023). Affirming Catholicism : The formative years of a liberal Anglo-Catholic organisation in the Church of England, circa 1985 to 2000. Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University. Doktorsavhandling.
- Gammelin, L. (2023). "We Are In-Between". : Health-seeking, Gender and Authority in a Charismatic Church in Mbeya, Tanzania. Lund University (Media-Tryck). Doktorsavhandling.
- Dziaczkowska, M. (2023). The Memory of Meanings : The Images of Jewish-Catholic Relations in Interwar Lublin in Oral Histories. Lund University. Doktorsavhandling.
- Cejvan, O. (2023). Arts and Crafts Divine : Teaching and Learning Ritual Magic in Sodalitas Rosae Crucis. Lund University. Doktorsavhandling.
- Egyptson, S. (2023). Global politisk islam? : Muslimska brödraskapet & Islamiska förbundet i Sverige. Lund University. Doktorsavhandling.
- Al-Daghistani, S. (2023). Islam in ljubezen. Koda. Beletrina.
- Gerle, E. (2023). Vi är inte idioter : Klimat, ekonomi, demokrati. Bokförlaget Korpen.
- Linjamaa, P. (2023). Bakom kulisserna i Edens lustgård : Antika fiendebilder och behovet av den Andre. Dialogos Förlag.
- Nord, E. (2023). Vindicating Vengeance and Violence? : Commentary Approaches to Cursing Psalms and Their Relevance for Liturgy. Lexington Books/Fortress Academic.