
Kurs 7,5 högskolepoäng • CTRB56

The atrocities of 9/11, when 19 hijackers from the Al-Qaeda terrorist network conducted four coordinated attacks that inflicted the heaviest death toll on US soil since the end of the Civil War, sent an unprecedented chock-wave throughout the world. Stock markets plummeted and the George W. Bush administration initiated the international military campaign known as “The War on Terror”.

Kurstillfälle: höstterminen 2019
Studiesätt: halvfart, dagtid
Kursperiod: 2019-09-02 – 2019-11-03
Kursspråk: engelska
Behörighet: General and 60 credits academic studies

Anmälningskod: LU-E1941

Anmälningskod: LU-37731

Lärare: Anders Ackfeldt, Blaženka Scheuer

Religion, Heritage, and Generation - Conceptualizing Religion after 9/11

Sidansvarig: johan.grevstigctr.luse | 2020-06-15