Kurs 15 högskolepoäng • CTRR10
The topic of this course is the identity formation processes that Judaism, Christianity and Islam went through in relation to one another with the wide spectrum of types of interaction involved, from conflict to coexistence and cooperation.
The aim of the course is to enable students to understand the complex processes at play as individuals and groups form their identities through interaction in religious, social, and political spatial settings, taking into account issues such as art, gender, economy, history, and collective memory. Special attention is paid to institutions and spaces where religious identities were shaped, and in addition to written sources, the course focuses in particular on archaeological remains, art, inscriptions, and papyri. These studies will prepare students for active engagement with issues of crucial importance in the contemporary world.
The course is online based, ending with a three week trip to Israel that includes hands-on experience with archaeological excavations. The main part of the course (10 credits) is taught in co-operation with the RRE master’s program. The remaining 5 credits are taken within the student’s field of specialization.
Please note: This version of the course is designed for those studying for a Master´s Degree in Religious Studies and Theology at Centre for Theology and Religious Studies. (CTR). Other students are welcome to apply for “TRVN10 Religious Roots of Europe: Space, Art, and Identity in Synagogue, Church, and Mosque (10 credits)”.
vårterminen 2018
2018-01-15 – 2018-06-03
RHBR12 eller BIVR12 eller KRMR12 eller TLVR12 eller motsvarande.
Information om ingående delar
- Litteratur- och fältstudier , 10 hp
- Specialiserade litteraturstudier , 5 hp