

Din sökning på "*" gav 530798 sökträffar

UN's (in)consistency on gender?

The development discourse on the international agenda is currently dominated by the MDGs and the SDGs, which is why it is important to analyze them. In this thesis my main purpose was to understand whether there were any changes within the discourses of the criticism on the different development goals, when using a postcolonial feminist theory. I chose to study this criticism in order to understan

Mot en mer effektiv koncentrationskontroll inom EU - strukturella förbindelser

För att kommissionen ska vara behörig att granska ett förvärv krävs det att kontroll har förvärvats i enlighet med koncentrationsförordningen. Således är kommissionen oförmögen att agera vid problematiska icke kontrollerande minoritetsförvärv (så kallade strukturella förbindelser). Det är dock inte bara förvärv av kontroll som kan orsaka betydande konkurrensskada. Liknande skada kan förekomma vid For the Commission to be competent to examine an acquisition, must concern an acquisition of control within the meaning of the Merger Regulation. Therefore the Commission is unable to act upon problematical non-controlling minority shareholdings (also known as structural links). Anticompetitive effects, however, may arise in situations where control has not been acquired. Established economic theo

Turkey: Sly as a Fox? Explaining the successive development of Turkey’s multilateral cooperation efforts

Since the European Union membership application in 1987, twenty-six years have passed and the status of Turkey has only progressed from a “potential candidate” to an “official candidate”. At the same time, a successive expansion is traceable in Turkey’s efforts for multilateral cooperation with other parts of the world. While being seemingly random at the first sight, it is possible to observe dis

Grasping the Identity Gap - A Qualitative Strategic Analysis of Football Clubs in Sweden

Many European football clubs have developed a more strategic and business-like thinking within their organizations that has resulted in partly altered business models and views on competition, sustainable competitive advantage and organization. In this thesis we investigate this development with a certain focus on Swedish football industry. The investigation is driven by the question of how Swedis

Challenger bias: Attributionsbias hos förespråkare och motståndare till förändring

Studiens övergripande syfte var att studera fenomenet challenger bias. Challenger bias kan förklaras som att de individer som är för en förändring (utmanare av status quo) upplever en högre grad av attributionsbias än de som är emot en förändring (försvarare). Resultatet bekräftade att attributionsbias och challenger bias existerar. Studien hade även som syfte att studera om gruppidentifikation ha

Att förändra personlighetsmässiga riskfaktorer. En studie om Frivårdens insatser för att minska risken för återfall i brott

Antisocial personality pattern, antisocial values, antisocial attitudes and antisocial company is according to Bonta and Andrews risk factors for further crime among correctional system clients. During the risk, need and responsivity-model has been more incorporated in the probation service these risk factors and their relation to behavior has become more central in the practical work. The aim of

Analysis of interdependencies within the fire fighting function on an offshore platform

Recent accidents such as the Macondo blowout actualize the issue of offshore safety. Accidents do occur in spite of actions taken to prevent them from happening. The energy-barrier philosophy is the governing principle within the Norwegian offshore industry. The paradox with that philosophy is that the construction of additional barriers may increase complexity within the system. Risk may be seen

Goodwill och nedskrivningar - En jämförande studie mellan landet lagom och landet mycket

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka skillnaden i hantering av goodwill mellan Sverige och USA under perioden år 2006 till 2012, med hjälp av varje enskilts land gällande regelverk. Vidare kommer en undersökning av tidigare studier i ämnet göras för att försöka förklara övriga möjliga faktorer som påverkar goodwill. Metod: Metoden som användes i studien är kvantitativ med en deduktiv a

Why do people live in high-risk rural areas? – A study of Tubu, Botswana

The study is based on interviews and is a qualitative study based on grounded theory and answer on why men and women live in high-risk rural areas in Tubu, Botswana. Tubu is a village in the northwestern part of Botswana close to the Okavango Delta. To answer the question the authors discuss risk perception and the differences between men and women. The interviews are about the respondents' li

"Det är viktigt att tänka på att det är komplicerat" - En kvalitativ studie om teckenekonomi på ungdomshem

The aim of this study was to examine how token economy is used in six different residential care for youths, what attitude staff members have towards the method and if there is space for the staff members to make their own assessments. The study was based on qualitative methods and consisted of semi-structured interviews with eight staff members from six different facilities. The results showed th

Akutsjuksköterskans copingstrategier för att undvika att drabbas av stressreaktioner i mötet med trauma - En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskan på akutmottagningen utsätts i sitt arbete för traumatiska händelser som utan lämpliga copingstrategier ger en ökad risk för stressreaktioner som i värsta fall kan utvecklas till sekundär traumatisk stress. Syfte: Att belysa olika copingstrategier för sjuksköterskan på akutmottagningen för att hantera traumatiska händelser och undvika stressreaktioner. Metod: En litteratu

För löst kontra för hårt - En kvalitativ studie om samverkan och Lotsmodellen

The aim of the study was to analyze the collaboration of professionals working with children and young people using Lotsmodellen. Lotsmodellen is a collaboration model in northeastern Scania to facilitate the work of professionals in organizations related to children and young people. A comparison of structured and unstructured collaboration was also done to see which method might be better. The g

Experter i medier - en analys av svensk dagspress användande av expertkunskap i fallet PISA2012

The use of experts is a complicated issue. Experts are needed in democracies in order to make good decisions, but they can at the same time threaten fundamental principles like accountability and equality, of the same democracy. This dilemma arose when the results from OECD’s student assessment from 2012 were published in December 2013. The results showed that Sweden’s results now were below avera

Nya former av icke demokratiska regimer

I föreliggande studie undersöks nya former av icke demokratiska regimer med syftet att utveckla en ny modell. Fenomenet studeras kvalitativt och inkluderar Bolivia, Nicaragua och Venezuela. Tillsammans ska dessa med sina bakomliggande skillnader men gemensamma utfall stärka den nya modellen. Fallen redogörs för genom en beskrivande analys disponerad via hur icke demokratiska regimer konsoliderar sThe theme of this thesis is to investigate new forms of non-democratic regimes with the purpose to develop a new model. The phenomenon is investigated using a qualitative method that includes Bolivia, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Due to these countries’ different backgrounds but similar outcome, they will strengthen the new model. The cases are analysed through a descriptive analysis that is disposed

Increased Vertical Coherence of EU's Foreign Policy through Institutional Changes - Desirable but Unachiveable?

The question of why institutional changes would affect the vertical coherence of the European Union’s foreign policy is addressed in this thesis. In answering the research question propositions on why institutional changes would have an effect on state behaviour, thereby policy outcome, are derived from both the normative and the rational choice versions of institutionalism. The proposition: chang

Supranational actors in intergovernmental policy areas - The European Commission as an agent in tax policy

The aim of this thesis is to examine how a supranational institution acts in a policy field marked by a high degree of intergovernmental decision-making (i.e. decision-making between Member State governments). It analyses the strategies the European Commission applied in one case in the area of tax policy, namely the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) proposal; drawing on the principal

En konflikt, flera verkligheter? En studie kring Brittiska politikers bilder av de stridande parterna i Syrienkonflikten.

Denna studies syfte är att studera vilka bilder som politiker från Storbrittaniens tre största partier skapar av de stridande parterna i Syrienkonflikten. Detta sker genom studiet att genomöra en diskursanalys. Studien belyser vidare hur dessa bilder kan bidra till att skapa möjligheter och begränsningar för den brittiska utrikespolitiken i samband med konflikten. Till sist försöker studien även b

Implementeringsproblem inom svenskt bistånd - En fallstudie av varför Sidas bistånd förskingrades inom det zambiska hälsoministeriet under åren 2008-2009

This thesis is a case study based on how the giving of foreign aid within the organisation Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) often is lined with corruption problems. The study intends to find answers to this problem using the certain case of the embezzlement within the Zambian Ministry of Health in 2008-2009, where Swedish aid was involved. This is done with the use of im

Vägen till valsedeln, Riksdagspartiernas nomineringsprocesser och dess betydelse

This thesis aims to describe and discuss the nomination processes within the political parties represented in the Swedish parliament today. It describes the guidelines for each party’s nomination process and discusses the placement and presentation of candidates on the ballot paper. The processes is analysed through earlier research on representation and strategic party politics in a multiparty-sy

Om utrikespolitik bortom demokratin: En introduktion till en förklarande aktör-specifik modell om utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande i hybridregimer

Abstract This study introduces an explanatory actor-specific model about foreign policy decision-making in hybrid regimes, coordinating democratic elements with autocratic traits. The inner structural, internal conditions, poses opportunities as well as constraints for the leaders capability to pursue foreign policy, affecting foreign policies and actions. Using Advocacy Coalition Framework as a t