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Textual Fluidity and Authorial Revision : The Case of Cassian and Palladius
On the mean effective gain of antennas
Planprocessen, ett hinder för nyproduktion av bostäder?
I riksdagens revisorers rapport 2000/01:14 ”Plan- och byggprocessens längd” angavs att regelsystemet kring planhanteringen fortfarande är komplext. För exploatörerna och byggherrarna upplevs ofta tiden fram till ett lagakraftvunnet bygglov som mycket lång. Om det inte är fråga om mycket begränsade planprojekt tar den processen vanligtvis flera år. I granskningen framkom att de kostnader som genere
A 2.4-GHz CMOS monolithic VCO based on an MOS varactor
A 2.4-GHz CMOS VCO is presented employing pMOS transistors as voltage-controlled capacitances and on-chip hollow spiral inductors. The design was implemented in a standard digital 0.8 μm CMOS process and exhibits a 15% tuning range at 2.5 V supply voltage and 9 mA supply current. Phase-noise measurements show a phase-noise of about -118 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz from the carrier
Detection of Exterior Fires in Swedish School Buildings
Arson in school buildings is a big problem in Sweden. The most severe and costly fires start on the outside of the building. In one-storey building the fire can easily spread to the attic space through ventilation openings in the eaves. In this paper, research conducted in regard to detection of external fires in school buildings is presented. A maximum temperature linear detector, a differential
Kristusgestalter och antikristusgestalter i populärkulturen
This article focuses on the use of the Western messianic mythéme, which has increased during the last decades.In popular culture, Christ figures and Antichrist figures are frequently engaged in dire battles which can only end in the Christ figure's destruction of his opponent. Although this can be seen as a sacralization of popular culture, one should be careful not to confuse the use of religious
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Abstract in Danish Pädagogiske overvejelser omkring opgaveskrivning på universiteter
Building a map of the breast cancer proteome - Strategies to increase coverage
Popular Abstract in Swedish Uppsättningen av gener i DNA, genomet, kan betraktas som drivande för konstruktionen av varje levande varelse, medan motsvarande proteiner, proteomet, är materiellt ansvariga för de flesta biologiska processer. Kort sagt, gener bestämmer vad celler ”ska kunna göra” medan proteiner definierar vad varje cell "gör" ur en funktionell synvinkel. Aktiviteten hos dessa molekylAmongst the various –omics sciences, proteomics has the highest potential for functional characterization and consequently can contribute significantly to the field of cancer research. In particular, the focus of this thesis is on breast cancer. Alas, since state-of-the-art technologies cannot meet the complexity of upper eukaryotic proteomes, a complete resolution of clinical samples is still una
Purpose-bound product patents for human DNA sequences? Discussing scope of protection issues in the light of national implementations of the Biotech directive
New Asian urbanism: urban restructuring and neo-liberal politics: Negotiating urban space in Shanghai
Pneumatological Participation: Embodiment, Sacramentality and the Multidimensional Unity of Life
Incomplete Relaxation in a model problem for the Auger process
Excitation of a core electron and the subsequent emission of an Auger electron is described in a simplified model, where the core electrons couple only to the plasma oscillations of the conduction electrons and not to individual electron-hole excitations. Results are evaluated to lowest nontrivial order, namely when only terms linear in the interaction with the exciting probe and linear in the Aug
ALICE potential for heavy-flavout physics.
A survey of the use of the discrete-event simulation in manufacturing industry
Diffusion Tensor of the brain and fiber tracking.
Extreme Programming and Rational Unified Process – Contrasts or Synonyms?
The agile movement has received much attention in software engineering recently. Estab-lished methodologies try to surf on the wave and present their methodologies as being agile, among those Rational Unified Process (RUP). In order to evaluate the statements we evaluate the RUP against eXtreme Programming (XP) to find out to what extent they are similar and where they are different. We use a qual