Din sökning på "*" gav 533163 sökträffar
Marshallöarnas atomansvarighetsdomstol: en följd av bombnedslag i Bikini
Hemodynamics of cardiac arrest.
Specialentreprenörers kvalitetssäkring
Miljöarbete inom Svensk Tillverkningsindustri. En färd från myt till verklighet
Föreliggande undersökning genomfördes under hösten och vintern 2007 av forskare vid Internatio-nella Institutet för Industriell Miljöekonomi (IIIEE) vid Lunds Universitet på uppdrag av Miljömålsrå-det. Syftet med undersökningen var att belysa dagens miljöarbete inom tillverkningsindustrin och göra jämförelser med resultat från tidigare motsvarande studier som genomfördes 1991 och 1998. Syftet var
Characterization and treatment of municipal landfill leachates
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ansamlingen av avfall i soptippar skapar miljöproblem då mikrobiell nedbrytning av lättnedbrytbart avfall ger upphov till växthusgaser (metangas och koldioxid). Dessutom bildas förorenade lakvatten på grund av att regnvatten tränger igenom deponin. Lakvattnet innehåller ofta höga halter av ammoniumjoner samt organiska ämnen. Ammoniumjonen är en giftig förening som ger aAbstract The efficiency of different leachate treatment methods for the removal of refractory organic compounds and ammonium-nitrogen was investigated. The methods evaluated were nitrification, denitrification, adsorption onto activated carbon, precipitation by ferric chloride or aluminum sulphate and oxidation by ozone or Fenton´s reagent. Furthermore, analyses were performed on leachates from mu
Att bygga monument över sig själv
148. Carbon Nanotubes
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be seen as graphene sheets rolled to form cylinders. CNTs may be categorised as single- (SWCNT) or multi-walled (MWCNT). Due to the small size, the number of particles as well as the surface area per mass unit is extremely high. CNTs are highly diverse, differing with respect to e.g., diameter, length, chiral angles, chemical functionalisation, purity, stiffness and bul
Mittermaier och bröderna Schmidt - ett bidrag till 1800-talets interkulturella juristkommunikation
Abiotic Stress Tolerance. Metabolic and Physiological Effects of Compatible Solutes and Calmodulin on E. coli and Tobacco
In their natural habitats, bacteria and plants can be exposed to abiotic stresses such as drought, high salt concentrations and freezing, which are factors limiting their capacity for growth and proliferation. To withstand environmental stresses, they have evolved specific stress responses. These responses include physiological adaptations, alterations in gene expression and production of protecti
Guldägget : föräldraskap i biomedicinens tid
Efficiency in Public Education
Blomman på graven : om gränserna mellan livet och döden
Personal Value
Certain things, like justice, have impersonal value, other things, like your children, carry personal values: they have value for you. Besides whatever value, period, they have, they are valuable to you. The philosophical as well as non-philosophical literature is inundated with suggestions about the kinds of thing that are good-for us or, if it is a negative personal value, what is bad-for us. Fo
Avian long-distance navigation: Experiments with migratory birds.
Abstract is not available
Historiedidaktik: begrepp, teori och analys
Artikeln är en genomgång av den historiedidaktiska forskningens teoretiska och begreppsliga redskap.
A 30 GHz 90-nm CMOS Passive Subharmonic Mixer with 15 GHz Differential LO
A new passive subharmonic mixer topology is presented and compared to a previously published passive topology. The comparison is conducted using simulations at 30 GHz with a 90-nm CMOS design kit. The advantage of the new passive subharmonic mixer is that it only requires a differential local oscillator (LO) signal, compared to the previously published mixer that requires a quadrature LO signal. T
Inne i värmen eller ute i kylan ? : en studie av invandrares politiska deltagande i Malmö
Rapport i forskningsprojektet "Stadsdelsreformen i Malmö - en demokratiutvärdering".
Complementarity in language : toward a general understanding
Ever since its first conception in 1907 by Bergson, "complementarity" has come to represent extremely wholistic situations, for which fragmentability into parts turn out unsuccessful. In 1927, Bohr used the term complementarity within quantum mechanics, with profound consequences, for a principally unsuccessful fragmentability into independent observability and definability concepts. The paper ob
Tjetjenien i historiens grepp
The article traces the roots and developments of the Chechnyan conflict in factual history as well as in the warriors' uses of this history.