Din sökning på "*" gav 533109 sökträffar
Evaluating the practical use of different measurement scales in requirements prioritisation
The importance of prioritising requirements is widely recognised. A number of different techniques for prioritising requirements have been proposed, some based on an ordinal scale, others on a ratio scale. Some measurement scales provide more information than others, i.e. the ratio scale is richer than the ordinal scale. This paper aims to investigate the differences between the scales used in pri
Contemporary narrative under the impact of visual culture. Ian McEwan’s Saturday – a story in flux
Letter to the editor.
Strategy-proofness and Fixed-price Allocation of Indivisible Goods - a Characterization Proof
Gestures, referents, and anaphoric linkage in learner varieties
This paper discusses how the gestural modality can contribute to our understanding of anaphoric linkage in learner varieties, focusing on gestural anaphoric linkage marking the introduction, maintenance, and shift of reference in story retellings by learners of French and Swedish. The comparison of gestural anaphoric linkage in native and non-native varieties reveals what appears to be a particula
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Författningssamling i internationell privat- och processrätt
Unik skrift från danskt 1100-tal: Opus Radulfi de calice spiritali
First edition of a spiritual treatise for nuns, written in Denmark in the second half of the 12th century. The introduction treats questions of time and place of composition, authorship, contents and style. The Latin text of the treatise is accompanied by a parallel Swedish translation by Bengt Ellenberger.
Norms in Perspective: Norms about norms - a Hartian perspective
My purpose in this article is to make a contribution to what the legal philosopher H.L.A. Hart (1907-1992) has to say about providing a sociological understanding of law and to apply Hart's theory in relation to a specific area of law. The specific legal area consists of the violation compensation that victims of crime can obtain from the Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority in Sweden.
Quantum Chemical Interpretation of Protein Crystal Structure
An initial model in the crystallographic structure determination process, usually contains many errors. To produce an accurate model, one must carry out several cycles of crystallographic refinement. Because of the limited resolution typically obtained for biomolecules, the experimental data are usually supplemented by some sort of chemical information, typically in the form of a molecular-mechani
Experimental study on innovative connections for large span timber truss structures
This paper summarizes an experimental investigation on several innovative reinforcing techniques for the “Single Large Diameter Dowel Connection”, SLDDC in timber truss structures. Besides lateral reinforcing or prestressing, also steel plates glued on two sides of the glulam specimens were used as reinforcing measure. To study the efficiency of these techniques, 15 full-scale quasi-static tensile
Pollen, luftföroreningar och väderlek
Abstract in Undetermined Pollenallergiker kan få ett bättre liv om de får information om tillståndet i luften. Det är till och med deras medborgerliga rättighet, enligt EU-direktiv, att få det. Därmed kan de förebygga symptom och planera sina aktiviteter. Avsikten med vår rapport är att bidra till underlaget för sådan en information, och att belysa hur de allergiska symptomen varierar med miljöfak
Leveraging Science for innovation: Swedish policy for university- industry collaboration 1990-2003
Stadens grönska, äldres utevistelse och hälsa
Reflexiv kommunikation
Skolliv - forskning om skolans arbete och liv
Chapter Wildlife and Tourism in Forest Ecosystems
Stored energies for electric and magnetic currents with applications to Q for small antennas
Between Ghambageu and Jesus: The Encounter between Sonjo Traditional Leaders and Missionary Christianity
Ghambageu, the apotheosized cultural hero of the Sonjo of Northern Tanzania, has traditionally had many affinities with Jesus. During the last six decades of missionary efforts among the Sonjo, he has increasingly developed into a Jesus-like figure. Through this "inverted contextualization", linked with the use of traditional means of excercise of power through the control over irrigation water, t