

Din sökning på "*" gav 533103 sökträffar

Between Ghambageu and Jesus: The Encounter between Sonjo Traditional Leaders and Missionary Christianity

Ghambageu, the apotheosized cultural hero of the Sonjo of Northern Tanzania, has traditionally had many affinities with Jesus. During the last six decades of missionary efforts among the Sonjo, he has increasingly developed into a Jesus-like figure. Through this "inverted contextualization", linked with the use of traditional means of excercise of power through the control over irrigation water, t

Tissue Perfusion and Oxygenation Evaluated by Measurements of Tissue Gases and pH. An Experiemental Study.

Optimum peripheral perfusion, oxygenation and oxygen utilization is a prerequisite for normal wound healing, resistance to infection and cardiac function. The purpose of this study was to evaluate peripheral oxygen utilization by measurements of subcutaneous tissue gases and pH (PscO2, PscCO2 and pHsc) in comparison to established techniques for measurements of periph-eral tissue oxygenation and o

Behaviour of Pine Sawflies in Relation to Pheromone-Based Pest Management

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur man studerar kommunikation hos tallsteklar Totalt finns det cirka 125 beskrivna tallstekelarter i världen. De tillhör gruppen växtsteklar, och deras larver lever vanligen av tallbarr. Larvernas härjningar kan medföra att träden växer sämre eller rent av dör. Den färdiga stekeln äter inget, utan är helt inriktad på att para sig under sitt 10 –15 dagar korta liv i skPine sawflies (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) are severe pine defoliators. This thesis investigated sawfly behaviour related to the use of pheromones in integrated pest management, including monitoring with pheromone traps and mating disruption. Neodiprion sertiferr females were placed on pine twigs in the field and 11–30 % of the females that remained on their twig after the first mating re-mated. Onl

Balance in Single-limb Stance in Healthy Subjects - Reliability of Testing. Procedure and The Effect of Short-duration Sub-maximal Cycling

Background: To assess balance in single-limb stance, center of pressure movements can be registered by stabilometry with force platforms. This can be used for evaluation of injuries to the lower extremities. It is important to ensure that the assessment tools we use in the clinical setting and in research have minimal measurement error. Previous studies have shown that the ability to maintain stan

Inquiry into Informing Systems: critical systemic thinking in practice

Any perceived human activity is, by definition, also a complex informing system. Human activity systems must continually adapt to their dynamic environments in order to survive. There is therefore a role for deutero-lerning through human sense-making and multiple levels of reflection in bringing this about. In this chapter, the authors suggest a need for an approach based in philosophy as practice

Two loop partially quenched and finite volume chiral perturbation theory results

This talk presents some results relevant for lattice QCD at higher order in ChPT. First we discuss the finite volume corrections at two loops for the quark condensate as well as a Luscherlike finite volume formula for it. The latter allows for an alternative determination of meson sigma terms. The second set of results presented here are the calculations at two loops in partially quenched chiral p