Din sökning på "*" gav 533002 sökträffar
A risk assessment of uranium in drinking water
Naturally occurring uranium is known to give rise to adverse renal effects in various species after ingestion. This short review of uranium toxicity focus on three epidemiological studies on drinking water which are compared with a pivotal study in experimental animals used as a basis for limits of uranium in drinking water or guidelines in several countries. These studies are scrutinized and disc
Ambiguities pertaining to quark-lepton complementarity
Recently the possible origin of the so-called quark-lepton complementarity relations has received a considerable amount of attention. We point out some of the inherent ambiguities in such analyses.
Experiments on elastomechanical wave functions in chaotic plates and their statistical features
We measure the amplitude of the elastomechanical displacement at a fine grid of points on a free plate having the shape of a Sinai stadium. The obtained displacement field formally corresponds to a wave function in a quantum system. While the distribution of the squared amplitudes agrees with the prediction of random matrix theory (RMT), there is a strong deviation of the spatial correlator from t
State of knowledge on measurement and modeling of coastal overwash
A critical review is presented on the state of knowledge and calculation capability for coastal overwash. Overwash and overwash deposits (washover) accompanying hurricanes and severe storms can devastate coastal communities and habitat, but in many areas these processes are essential for maintaining the integrity of barrier islands while creating new habitat. This review covers general studies of
Tracking performance of the transition radiation tracker prototype for the ATLAS experiment
A prototype of the Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) for the ATLAS experiment at the CERN LHC has been built and tested at the CERN SPS. Detailed studies of the drift-time measurements, alignment technique, hit registration efficiency, track and momentum accuracy were performed. A coordinate measurement accuracy of 150 Pin for a single TRT drift tube and momentum resolution of 0.8% for 20 GeV pio
Effect of hemicellulose and lignin removal on enzymatic hydrolysis of steam pretreated corn stover
Ethanol can be produced from lignocellulosic biomass using steam pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation. The sugar yields, from both hemicellulose and cellulose are critical parameters for an economically-feasible ethanol production process. This study shows that a hear-theoretical glucose yield (96-104%) from acid-catalysed steam pretreated corn stover can be obtained if x
Fracture mechanics of concrete : Nordic seminar held at Division of Building Materials, November 6,1986
Changes in transport functions of isolated rabbit choroid plexus under the influence of oestrogen and progesterone
Isolated choroid plexuses from rabbits were used to determine uptake and accumulation of 10(-5) M radiolabelled choline (expressed as tissue/medium ratio) and the activities of various types of ATPases (based on ouabain inhibition and bicarbonate stimulation) following pre-treatment of the animals with 0.5 mg kg-1 17-beta-oestradiol, alone or in combination with 2 mg kg-1 progesterone. The combine
Fv structure of monoclonal antibody II-481 against herpes simplex virus Fc gamma-binding glycoprotein gE contains immunodominant complementarity determining region epitopes that react with human immunoglobulin M rheumatoid factors
Human immunoglobulin M (IgM) rheumatoid factors (RFs) show primary direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) reactivity with Fab rather than Fc fragments of monoclonal antibody (mAb) II-481 directed against the Fc gamma-binding site of herpes simplex virus glycoprotein gE. This preferential anti-Fab specificity suggests that RFs react with antigen-binding portions of mAb II-481 as anti-idio
Perioperativa risker vid övervikt
Auditory hemodynamic studies of newborn infants using near-infrared spectroscopic imaging
The noninvasive study of tissue blood volume and oxygenation using near-infrared light is a new and actively developing technology. We have used near-infrared spectroscopic imaging (NIRSI) to study hemodynamic responses on the auditory cortices evoked by auditory stimulation. Ten healthy newborn infants were studied. The otoacoustic emission hearing test was performed for each infant. Pulse oximet
EU:s jordbrukspolitik och global fattigdomsbekämpning
A modeling capacity of vertebral fractures exists during growth - an up to 47-year follow-up
Study Design. The study is an observational cohort study. Objectives. To determine the incidence and the long-term outcome of thoracic or lumbar vertebral fractures in children. Summary of Background Data. The incidence of vertebral fractures in children is described as rare and the outcome as favorable. However, no studies evaluate the clinical and radiographic long-term outcome and if a fracture
Current carbon balance of the forested area in Sweden and its sensitivity to global change as simulated by Biome-BGC
Detailed information from the Swedish National Forest Inventory was used to simulate the carbon balance for Sweden by the process-based model Biome-BGC. A few shortcomings of the model were identified and solutions to those are proposed and also used in the simulations. The model was calibrated against CO2 flux data from 3 forests in central Sweden and then applied to the whole country divided int
Prediction regions for bivariate extreme events
This paper suggests using a mixture of parametric and non-parametric methods to construct prediction regions in bivariate extreme-value problems. The non-parametric part of the technique is used to estimate the dependence function, or copula, and the parametric part is employed to estimate the marginal distributions. A bootstrap calibration argument is suggested for reducing coverage error. This c
Essays on the Employment Service and Employers' Recruitment Behaviour
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling är en sammanläggningsavhandling som består av fyra artiklar inom arbetsmarknadsområdet. Den första artikeln behandlar en personalförstärkning till arbetsförmedlingen. Metoden har bestått i att jämföra tre arbetsförmedlingskontor som erhållit stora personalförstärkningar med tre kontor som inte fått någon personalförstärkning alls. Resultaten tyder på atThis thesis results from four research projects. The issues addressed in the projects are different types of labour market information problems. The purpose of the first article is to contribute to a better empirical under- standning of how an increase of staff at the Public Employment Service affects job seekers. In 1987, the Swedish Government decided to grant the Labour Market Administration ex
Size, concentration, and solvency effects on the viscosifying behavior of PEO-PS-PEO triblock copolymers in AOT oil-continuous microemulsions
The effect of changing the block lengths of triblock copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) -polystyrene -poly(ethylene oxide) on the relative viscosity of AOT oil-continuous microemulsions, with cyclohexane as the oil, was investigated. Five different microemulsion compositions were used to have (a) a series of increasing droplet concentration at constant droplet size and (b) a series with increasing
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone lowers serum Lp(a) and LDL cholesterol concentrations in hemodialysis patients
Previously, we have shown that short-term administration of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) results in reduced concentrations of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, including lipoprotein(a), and reduced activities of hepatic lipase. These effects were observed in steroid-treated patients suffering from iatrogenic ACTH deficiency and in healthy individuals. The direct nature of the influe
Psychiatric nurses' lived experiences of working with inpatient care on a general team psychiatric ward
To reveal the meaning of being a nurse working with inpatient care on a team psychiatric ward in Sweden, 22 psychiatric nurses were interviewed and the transcribed texts were analysed by means of latent content analysis. Three themes emerged from the analysis: developing a working relationship with the patient in everyday caregiving; encountering and handling the unforseeable in daily living; and