

Din sökning på "*" gav 528304 sökträffar

Mirror Nuclei - Isospin Symmetry Breaking in the Mass A=35 and A=51 Mirror Nuclei

Popular Abstract in Swedish Atomkärnan består av protoner och neutroner, gemensamt kallade nukleoner, vilka hålls samman via den starka kärnkraften. Denna är emellertid inte den enda aktiva kraften i atomkärnan, utan även Coulomb växelverkan mellan de positivt elektriskt laddade protonerna är närvarande. I frånvaro av Coulomb växelverkan skulle protonens och neutronens egenskaper vara väldigt likaHigh-spin states in the A=35 mirror nuclei 35Ar and 35Cl and A=51 mirror nuclei 51Fe and 51Mn were populated using fusion-evaporation reactions. The gamma rays were detected in the powerful Ge arrays Gammasphere and GASP, respectively, which operated in conjunction with ancillary detectors for evaporated particles. The resulting mirror energy difference diagrams of the two mirror pairs are interp

Structure and distribution of alpha-1-microglobulin proteins

Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteiner har en nyckelroll i praktiskt taget alla biologiska processer. Proteiner har väldigt skilda funktioner, tex. transport och lagring av ämnen, som stödmaterial i vävnad, immunförsvar, samordning av ämnesomsättningen m.m. Ett protein består av mindre beståndsdelar, så kallade aminosyror. Proteiner kan vara olika stora, beroende på hur många aminosyror de innehållThis thesis describes studies of the structure and tissue distribution of alpha-1-microglobulin (a1-m), a member of the lipocalin protein superfamily with immunosuppressive properies. It was shown that a1-m appears in human plasma in five major forms. These were identified as monomeric a1-m and covalent complexes between a1-m and IgA, prothrombin, albumin and a1-m. In addition to blood, both monom

Impact of Quality Management in the Swedish Construction Process

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under senare år har företag inom byggbranschen utvecklat sitt kvalitetstänkande genom att införa kvalitetssystem för att styra byggprocessen. Många olika aktörer med olika intressen är involverade vilket gör att det är en komplex process sammansatt av en rad olika mindre processer. Kraven på kvalitetssäkring kommer ursprungligen från myndigheterna via lagstiftningen menDuring the past few years, extensive effort has been devoted to developing quality systems as an integral part of the process in the construction sector. The construction process is complex, involving many different actors with different interests. The demand for quality assurance comes primarily from central authorities via the client, but quality systems should be applied throughout the whole ch

Study of a gas turbine combustion chamber: Influence of the mixing on the flame dynamics

The new challenge of the Gas Turbine industry is to develop new technologies for meeting electricity demand growth and reducing harmful emissions. Thus a better understanding of the combustion phenomenon and an improvement in simulation capabilities are needed. Large Eddy Simulation tools brought the hope of meeting these two conditions and enabling the design of safe and clean burners. In the pre

"Verbala och visuella aspekter i tredje symfonin"

Gustav Mahler (1860–1911) var under sin korta livstid en omstridd gestalt och hans musik har kämpat sig igenom 1900-talets omvälvande historia för att idag utgöra en självklar del av repertoaren världen över. I denna antologi problematiserar historiker och musik- och kulturvetare några aspekter av fenomenet Mahler: Hur har Gustav Mahler och hans musik uppfattats i Sverige och Tyskland under 1900-t

Finland’s regional GDPs 1880-2010: estimates, sources and interpretations

This paper provides the first consistent long-run estimates of Finnish regional GDPs, from 1880 to 2010. Estimates are provided for 12 historical counties as well as for the 5 current-border NUTS 2-regions. The main results from the analyses of the long-run evolution of regional GDPs are the following. Firstly, it is clear that Finland’s geographical position, in the intersection between Eastern a

Barley- and Legume Products Beneficially Affect Metabolic Responses and Appetite Regulation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Resultaten i denna avhandling visar att kvällsmåltider baserade på hela kärnor av korn (kokta kornkärnor, kornkärnbröd), har positiva effekter på blodsocker- och aptitregleringen vid den följande frukostmåltiden, jämfört med en kvällsmåltid av vitt bröd. Även ett sent kvällsmål med bruna bönor hade liknande effekter. Vidare visade resultaten att en kvällsmåltid med brunThe role of dietary fibre (DF) in disease prevention has been extensively investigated and prospective studies observed that increased DF intake decreased the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), reduced the risk of weight gain as well as the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Also a diet characterized by low glycaemic index (GI) has been shown to reduce the risk of T2D and CVD. More recently, eviden

De Lege Delenda - International Legislation on Health-Related Genetics and Biotechnology

Law should be the expression of the collective will, and the regulative sphere becomes therefore a highly consensual field supposed to reflect generally agreed norms and values. Although it is generally admitted that genetic and biotechnology developments can contribute to immense benefits within the health-care sector, the exponential globalisation trend and the rapid pace of scientific and techn