

Din sökning på "*" gav 526629 sökträffar

Cognitive function in young adults following intrauterine growth restriction with abnormal fetal aortic blood flow.

Objective Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a recognized risk factor for neurological deficits later in life. Abnormal fetal blood flow in the presence of IUGR helps to distinguish fetuses with true growth impairment from those that are small but normally grown. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of IUGR with abnormal fetal blood flow on cognitive function and psychological develop

Continuity and Positivity Problems in Pseudo-differential Calculus

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom fysiken studeras bl a olika jämviktssystem. Med ett system i jämviktsläge menas att det krävs en yttre kraft för att ändra på tillståndet i systemet. För att beskriva det mera matematiskt kan vi (ofta) relatera systemet ifråga till en s k operator. För operatorer definieras ett annorlunda positivitetsbegrepp än för vanliga tal och man kan stoppa in olika objekt somThe paper deals with various positivity and continuity questions arising in the Weyl calculus of pseudo-differential operators. Let W be a symplectic vector space. In the first part of the paper we discuss positivity and continuity properties in spaces sp(W) of distributions, whose Weyl quantizations are in the Schatten-von Neumann class of the order p> 1. In particular we prove some Young related

A postmodern saint? - on motives for voluntarism

Popular Abstract in Swedish Utgångspunkten för denna avhandling är de många bekymmer som präglar vår tid - däribland också bekymret om frivillighetens framtid i ett postmodernt samhälle. Det är en paradox, när det å ena sidan hävdas att det moderna samhället är i kris, att den sociala gemenskaperna har brutit samman och att människor inte längre ställer upp, engagerar sig och hjälper varandra. OchThe theme of this thesis is motives for voluntarism - with particular focus on volunteering in social work compared to voluntary work in sports clubs and patient associations. It is based on a combination of different data sources and methodological approaches: surveys, analyses of letters from volunteers and literature studies. Theoretically the thesis is based on two sets of sociological theorie

Parabolic equations with low regularity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen innehåller en ny metod att behandla ekvationer av den typ som styr t.ex. värmeledning och diffusion. Användning av ''halva derivator'' i tidsled möjliggör ett angreppssätt mycket likt den välkända Dirichlets princip inom elektrostatiken. Fördelen jämfört med existerande metoder är att den nya metoden ger en enkel och strömlinjeformad behandling av källtermeIn this work we study a variational method for treating parabolic equations that yields new results for non-linear equations with low regularity on source and boundary data. We treat mainly strongly parabolic quasilinear equations and systems in divergence form. The basic idea is to compose the parabolic operator with a weighted sum of the identity operator and the Hilbert transformation in the ti

Sampling Cyclones for Respirable Dust

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling baseras på studier av de provtagningscykloner vilka används vid yrkeshygienisk provtagning av respirabelt damm i Sverige och andra andra länder i Europa. Målsättningen för arbetet har varit att avgöra huruvida cyklonernas mätvärden är valida relativt internationella provtagningskonventioner för respirabelt damm, samt eventuellt förbättra deras överensstThe performance of cyclones used in occupational hygiene for sampling respirable dust was studied. Test methods for experimental determination of cyclone penetration have been designed and validated. The penetration curve for a sampling cyclone presently used in Europe was measured. The sampler's performance relative to three sampling conventions for respirable dust was determined. The cyclone was

Robustness Analysis of Uncertain and Nonlinear Systems

Control design is often done based on simplified models. After design it is necessary to verify that the real closed loop system behaves well. This is mostly done by experiments and simulations. Theoretical analysis is an important complement to this that can help to verify critical cases. Structural information about uncertainties, time-variations, nonlinearities, and signals can be described by

Pain and fractures are independently related to lower walking speed and grip strength: Results from the population study "Good Ageing in Skåne".

Background Earlier reports on reduced physical performance and osteoporosis-related fractures have mostly been short-term studies. The aim of this investigation was to examine the effects of fractures on physical functioning 3 years after trauma, the latter being stratified for pain. Participants and methods The study consisted of a population-based case-control study including 289 subjects from t

Universal scaling of the rapidity dependent elliptic flow and the perfect fluid at RHIC

The pseudo-rapidity dependence of the elliptic flow at various excitation energies measured by the PHOBOS Collaboration in Au+Au collisions at RHIC is one of the surprising results that has not been explained before in terms of hydrodynamical models. Here we show that these data are in agreement with theoretical predictions based on perfect fluid hydrodynamics. We also show that these PHOBOS data

Colour Interference and Confinement Effects in W-pair Production

In the reactione + e – rarrW + W – rarr ( $$q_1 ar q_2 $$ ) ( $$Q_1 ar Q_2 $$ ) we expect that normally the colour singlet systems ( $$q_1 ar q_2 $$ ) and ( $$Q_1 ar Q_2 $$ ) hadronize independently into two hadron chains or strings. However also the pairs ( $$q_1 ar Q_2 $$ ) and ( $$Q_1 ar q_2 $$ ) form colour singlets with probability 1/N c 2 =1/9. This probability could be further enhanced by g

Differential polyamine analogue effects in four human breast cancer cell lines

Polyamine analogues have demonstrated anti-tumour activity in a number of solid tumour models. In the present study we compared the cytotoxicities of three polyamine analogues against four breast cancer cell lines. All cell lines are derived from tumours of women with breast cancer and, although we are sampling just a small number of tumours, they represent a spectrum of the genetic plethora of br

Evidence for a 1g9/2 Rotational Band in 51Mn

A terminating rotational band has been identified in Mn-51 following the Si-28(S-32,2alpha1p)Mn-51 fusion-evaporation reaction at 130 MeV beam energy. Spins and tentative positive parities of the band members are assigned based on angular distribution and correlation measurements of transitions, which connect the rotational structure with previously known yrast states. Configuration-dependent cran

Fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer: The European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition

Objective: The association between consumption of fruit and vegetables and risk of ovarian cancer is still unclear from a prospective point of view. Methods: Female participants (n = 325,640) of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study, free of any cancer at baseline, were followed on average for 6.3 years to develop ovarian cancer. During 2,049,346 person-years, 581

Eu(III) complexation of phenyltrisalanine and phenylbisalanine in aqueous solution studied by photoluminescence and UV spectroscopy

The Eu(III)-coordination of phenyltrisalanine (Pta) 1, in aqueous solution was investigated. The photoluminescence data suggested that the chelating effect of Pta places the metal ion on the face of the aromatic ring as proposed in 4. Furthermore, Eu(III) is usually used as a substitute for Ca(II) in spectroscopic studies and the formation of a 1:1 complex between Pta and Eu(III) indicated the pos