

Din sökning på "*" gav 535068 sökträffar

Evaluering av Value-at-Risk med hjälp av extremvärdesteori - En studie tillämpad på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Value-at-Risk (VaR) har kommit att bli ett viktigt riskmått de senaste 20 åren och används av finansiella institut världen över. Det huvudsakliga problemet med detta mått är att välja den mest lämpliga sannolikhetsfördelningen för att prognostisera risken. Detta betyder att man måste göra antaganden om den underliggande tillgångens probabilistiska beteende och utifrån dessa antaganden evaluera VaRValue-at-Risk (VaR) has grown to become an important risk measurement used by financial institutions in the last 20 years. The primary problem with this measure is to choose the most appropriate probability density function to forecast the risk. This means assumptions have to be made about the underlying asset’s probabilistic behavior and from these assumptions evaluate the Value-at-Risk measure.

Ojämnlikhetens bakgator : en studie om slum, med fokus på SSA och Kenya

Today there is more people living in urban areas than in rural; this has changed the structure of the cities and resulted in a faster growing slum in the developing world, especially in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). The purpose of this study is to first give a broad overview of slum characters and motivations, and analyze the fact that slum formation is wider in developing countries than in industrial

Statsskifte, kommunikation och människor. Identiteter och kulturella föreställningar i supplikskrivande i Halland under den första svenska tiden, 1645-1657

The year 1645, the Danish county 'Halland' became a province under the Swedish state. In this essay i study which cultural impact this change in nationality meant for the local population in Halland. I also look at other cultural patterns expressed by people in the 17th century. The studied material consists of so called 'suppliker', a kind of petitions which people could use to as

Not Just Victims: A Case Study of Internally Displaced Women's Response Strategies in Barrancabermeja, Colombia

Internally displaced women hold together the social fabric of society; they are resilient, resourceful and creative in ensuring the well-being of their families following forced displacement. By utilizing the analytical framework of the actor-oriented approach, and the concepts of feminization of poverty and response strategies, this research demonstrates that women’s agency, as actors in the reco

Do active labour market policies lead to social exclusion of non-western immigrants? A case study of Denmark

This study analyzes how Danish policies aiming at active labour market participation aggravate the social exclusion of non-western immigrants. The study points out the necessity of investigating the success of active labour market policies not only through focusing on reduction in the number of unemployed immigrants, but also whether they alleviate social exclusion as claimed by Danish authorities

En hjälpande hand eller sjunkande sand? - En kvalitativ studie om tonårsflickors bloggläsande

Denna kvalitativa studie handlar om hur unga flickor i åldrarna tretton till sexton år använder bloggläsande i sitt identitetsskapande. Då bloggaren tillåts skriva vad hon eller han vill i sin blogg blir det än mer intressant hur pass mycket tonårsflickor tar till sig av det som skrivs. Speciellt med tanke på hur lätt det är att hitta och ta del av bloggarna. För att få fram ett bra empiriskt mate

A Russian record of a Middle Ordovician shower : extraterrestrial chromite in Volkhovian-Kundan (lower Darriwilian) strata at Lynna River, St. Petersburg Region

Tidigare studier har dokumenterat ett flertal fossila meteoriter samt höga koncentrationer av utomjordisk kromit (ett järn-kromoxidmineral) i cirka 467 miljoner år gamla, mellanordoviciska sedimentlager. Fynden antas vara resultaten av ett tillfälligt förhöjt inflöde av meteoritiskt material, efter uppbrytningen av en kropp i asteroidbältet – de så kallade L-kondriternas föräldrakropp – för omkriNumerous fossil meteorites and high concentrations of sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial chromite (EC) grains with typical ordinary chondritic composition have previously been documented from 467±1.6 Ma Ma lower Kundan (Middle Ordovician) strata. These finds most likely reflect a temporarily enhanced influx of ordinary chon- dritic matter, following the disruption of the L chondrite parent body i

CSR reporting and stock prices - Taking a closer look at the Nordic market

The purpose of this study is to examine how the voluntary disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility in annual reports affects the stock prices of corporations listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange. A quantitative method, with qualitative elements, is applied. The quantitative method is used to measure how CSR reporting affects stock prices, while the qualitative element is highlighted when ranking

Finding the way back to childhood : a study on child soldiers with focus on southern Sudan

Finding the way back to childhood is a dissertation, written to clarify whether or not there exist any rehabilitation plan for the child soldiers being released in southern Sudan. Children are today, worldwide being released and let back into their communities, after years of abuse and violations against their rights. According to The Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is protected fro

Kvalitet och osäkerhet i geografisk analys : en studie om kvalitetsaspekter med fokus på felfortplantning i rumslig prognosmodell för fordonsolyckor

I dagens samhälle används geografiska analyser i stor uträckning som verktyg för att hjälpa till vid beslutsfattning. Det är viktigt att sådana geografiska analyser håller en god kvalitet för att resultatet ska kunna representera verkliga förhållanden. Kvalitetsgranskning av geografiska data är vanligt och flera standarder har tagits fram som beskriver hur geografiska data ska insamlas och kvaliteGeographical analysis is increasingly used in decision making processess. It is therefore very important that such analysis is performed with a satisfying quality, so that the results can be used as a representative model of reality. Quality descriptions of spatial data are common and several standards have been developed that describes how spatial data should be gathered and quality assured. Less

Trade Openness and Income Inequality

During the 1980s and 1990s more and more countries opened up their economies to trade and increased their volumes of trade. In the same period of time it has been said that income inequality increased in many parts of the world. The aim of this thesis is to discover whether increased income inequality can be related to trade openness. This relationship is studied using three different hypotheses.

En analys av förväntad medellivslängd i världens länder 1996–97

Many studies show that socioeconomic and demographic variables have a strong link with human health which in turn affects life expectancy and age. This paper presents the results of a principal component regression analysis, in order to describe a good regression model for mean age of the population of all the countries in the world. The data are from “Philips Geographical Digest” and “World Resou

Avreglering av Apoteksmonopolet - Risken för en före detta monopolist att dömas för missbruk av dominerande ställning

Sammanfattning För närvarande pågår en utredning angående apoteksmonopolets vara eller icke vara här i Sverige. Trenden inom EU har på sistone gått mot att avreglera fler och fler marknader, detta tillsammans med regeringens åsikt om att ökad konkurrens är bra för samhället har föranlett denna granskning av marknaden i fråga. Det är därför av intresse att närmare titta på konsekvenserna av den utr

Polisens internetpublicering av bilder från övervakningskameror.

Uppsatsen analyserar förfarandet när svensk polis publicerade bilder av okända gärningsmän på internet för att få allmänhetens hjälp med identifiering. Efter publiceringen anmälde en privatperson polisen till riksdagens ombudsmän, JO. Anmälaren framhåller att publiceringen strider mot rätten till den personliga integriteten. Polismyndigheten i Skåne, Rikspolisstyrelsen och Datainspektionen förelThis essay is about an incident when the Swedish police published a photo of an unknown perptrator on internet in order to get help from the public with the identification. Soon after, a privat person reported the publication to the Parliamentary Ombudsmen (JO) as being inconsistent with Swedish law that protects each individuals right to persenal life. The Skåne County Police, the National Police

Striden om sprutan - en diskursanalys av sprutbytesdebatten

The fight about the syringe - a discourse analysis of the needle exchange debate The debate about needle exchange had been going on for twenty years in Sweden when the Act (2006:323) on the exchange of needles and syringes was introduced in 2006. But still the syringe exchange program is only implemented in Skåne. The purpose of this study was to, with a social constructionist and discourse analy

Ditplacerad som en maskot, söt och rar

I uppsatsen studeras hur fem olika nationstidningar (Calmare Nyckel, Dackekuriren, Helsingkroniten, Herulens Härold samt Samojeden) vid Lunds universitet på olika sätt skrev om kvinnor och män under 1960-talet. Studien är tematiskt upplagd och indelad efter några av de olika delar som fanns i tidningarna under denna tid nämligen Nationsinformation, Insändare, Krönikor och Bilder. Målet med studien

Lessons from the financial crisis - the importance of communication in a world where business is king

Title: Lessons from the financial crisis – the importance of communication in a world where business is king. Authors: Peter Houli and Robert Sarvik Mentor: Asta Cepaite Nilsson Problem statement: Currently, seemingly few studies have been conducted with focus on how organisations have used issues and crisis management during the financial crisis. Furthermore, issues and crisis management as field

A path to a life of dreams?

This thesis analyses microcredit as a means to overcome the problem of inefficiently working financial markets in Uganda. Empowerment of women and the benefits of targeting women with microcredit are similarly discussed. The conclusion of the study is that microcredit provides a way of giving poor people access to credit through accepting untraditional collateral and reaching out to remote rural a

International diversification from a Swedish perspective during the implementation of EMU.

In this thesis the change in effect of international diversification during the implementation of EMU is investigated, by taking a Swedish perspective. This is done by studying correlation and Sharpe ratio development. The countries included in this study comprise of both EMU countries and a disperse group of other world markets. It can be concluded that a Swedish investor has had a positive diver