

Din sökning på "*" gav 534505 sökträffar

Applications of protein-based capacitive biosensors for the detection of heavy-metal ions

Three different methods of using protein-based capacitive biosensors for the detection of heavy-metal ions are presented. The metal-binding proteins SmtA, S100A12, MerP and four modified MerPs were immobilised as the bio-recognition element on self-assembled monolayer-modified gold electrodes. Capacitance was measured using potential square step or electrical impedance spectroscopy. The protein-me

Aspects of Optical Broad Band Spectroscopy and Information Extraction - Applications in Medicine and Ecology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Optoelektronik genomgår för närvarande en otrolig utveckling, inte minst på grund av de senaste årtiondenas kommersialisering och utveckling av hemelektronik som kompaktdiskar och digitalkameror. Denna utveckling har drivit en blomstrande global tillväxt för optoelektroniska företag som varje år utvidgar sina erbjudanden av optiska komponenter i hård konkurrens. UtvecklThe present thesis describes a number of aspects of modern electro-optical measurement technology also known as bio-photonics; this includes instrumentation, applications, sample interaction and data interpretation. The methods employed operate over several domains, and light measurements are discretized both in intensity, space, angle, time, polarization and energy. Mainly the spectral domain is

Mechanisms of insulin exocytosis and release

Popular Abstract in Swedish Insulin frisätts från B-cellerna i bukspottkörteln (pankreas) när blodsockerhalten ökar över den normala (80-100 mg per dl), exempelvis efter en kolhydrat- och sockerrik måltid. Medan ?friska? B-celler har förmågan att reagera kraftigt redan på små (10%) förändringar i blodsockerhalten, så utvecklar ?ålders-diabetiska? B-celler en blodsockerblindhet och insulinfrisättniEndocrine cells as well as neurons release their hormones and transmitters by regulated exocytosis. In the pancreatic B-cell, stimuli like glucose initiate biochemical and electrical processes that culminate in influx of Ca2+, which then triggers exocytosis of insulin-containing granules. Fusion of the secretory vesicles occurs rapidly upon Ca2+-influx but requires a granule to be ?primed? by an A

Från klarhet till klarhet. Lysande texter för sociologisk forskning

Samhällsvetenskaplig forskning äger vanligen rum ytterst stillsamt, bland högar av papper och böcker, vid datorskärmar och på seminarier. Men ibland händer det något. En dag kan man få tag i en text som hjälper en att skärpa blicken, få ordning på intrycken och energi nog att börja argumentera. Materialet faller på plats och forskningen går faktiskt framåt. Det handlar om teoretiska händelser –

A Swedish solution to pervasive problems – implementation of Balanced Scorecard?

This article examines the diffusion of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Swedish municipalities. The point of departure in the article is that there is a gap in our understanding concerning the diffusion of new management tools. Over the last decade, research has largely been based on empirical evidence regarding early adopters. Furthermore, these studies have largely been based on case study eviden

Room for Resistance - gendered appropiations of space in a poor urban community in Costa Rica

This paper discusses spatial interventions as an important part of women’s struggles to improve their living conditions in poor urban areas. A case-study from San José, Costa Rica is the basis for the discussion. Women’s interventions are analyzed in three public places— a park, a playground and a community centre— through the concept of appropriation. The study shows that women’s interventions ha

The venture capitalist and the board of directors in SMEs: roles and processes

The paper provides an attempt to direct the research in the area of venture capitalist and the board of directors in SMEs. Issues about boards in venture capital-backed technology based industrials are explored, and various research designs are used to meet different research questions. Empirical results indicate that venture capital firms purposefully use boards in the portfolio firm, and boards

Determining the Emissions and Energy usage of Transports - From a Transport Purchasing Perspective

The problem addressed in this paper is that of determining the environmental aspects of a transport relation. This problem is addressed from a transport purchasing perspective and in respect of high volume, low value cargo. The research has been both case study inspired as well as action research oriented. The model was developed in a company where the researcher actively participated in its devel