

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Genetic Variants of Coagulation Factor XI Show Association with Ischemic Stroke Up to 70 Years of Age

Background and Purpose: Coagulation factor XI (FXI) has an important role in the propagation and stabilization of a thrombus upon vessel injury. High FXI levels have been implicated in thrombotic diseases including ischemic stroke. The aim of our study was to investigate whether FXI gene (F11) variants are associated with ischemic stroke. Methods: The discovery sample, the Sahlgrenska Academy Stud

Heavy-element fission barriers

We present calculations of fission properties for heavy elements. The calculations are based on the macroscopic-microscopic finite-range liquid-drop model with a 2002 parameter set. For each nucleus we have calculated the potential energy in three different shape parametrizations: (1) for 5 009 325 different shapes in a five-dimensional deformation space given by the three-quadratic-surface parame

Centrality and rapidity dependence of inclusive jet production in root(NN)-N-S=5.02 TeV proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector

Measurements of the centrality and rapidity dependence of inclusive jet production in root(NN)-N-S = 5.02 TeV proton-lead (p + Pb) collisions and the jet cross-section in root s = 2.76 TeV proton-proton collisions are presented. These quantities are measured in datasets corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 27.8 nb(-1) and 4.0 pb(-1), respectively, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the La

Designing Rites to Re-enchant Secularized Society: New Varieties of Spiritualized Therapy in Contemporary Sweden

Detraditionalization in late modernity has both affected traditional religion and the domain of clinical therapy. Sweden, which is said to be one of the most secularized societies in the world, instead has allowed the public domain to be colonized by new, spiritualized practices. Sold as therapy, the services of new spiritual leaders offer anti-stress techniques to prevent burn-out, or leaders are

Shifting between self-governing and being governed: a qualitative study of older persons' self-determination

Background: Older persons' right to exercise self-determination in daily life is supported by several laws. Research shows that older persons' self-determination is not fully respected within the healthcare sector. In order to enable and enhance older persons' self-determination, extensive knowledge of older persons' self-determination is needed. The aim of this study was to explore experiences of

Intrahost evolution of HIV-1 phenotypes

HIV-1 evolves constantly within an infected individual, due to its mutation-prone viral enzyme, high viral turnover and pressure from the host immune system. Therefore, viruses isolated at different time points from the same individual are never exactly the same and, accordingly, rarely function the same way. However, if we can understand how HIV-1 phenotypically evolves in the newly infected host

Dietary switching of collembola in grassland soil food webs

Soil food webs are characterised by complex direct and indirect effects among the organisms. Consumption of microorganisms by soil animals is considered as an important factor that contributes to the stability of communities, though cascading effects within the food web can be difficult to detect. In a greenhouse experiment, an addition of a high number the fungal feeding collembola Folsomia quadr

Impact of branching on the viscoelasticity of wormlike reverse micelles

We present an investigation on the effect of inter-micellar connections (branches) on the rheology of wormlike micelles. The system chosen is made of lecithin, minute amounts of water and organic solvents. Lecithin and water self-assemble into wormlike reverse micelles that can be branched or unbranched depending on the oil composition (and on the water content). In this respect, cyclohexane favou

Quantitative proteomics and transcriptomics of potato in response to Phytophthora infestans in compatible and incompatible interactions

Background: In order to get global molecular understanding of one of the most important crop diseases worldwide, we investigated compatible and incompatible interactions between Phytophthora infestans and potato (Solanum tuberosum). We used the two most field-resistant potato clones under Swedish growing conditions, which have the greatest known local diversity of P. infestans populations, and a r

Mobility determination of lead isotopes in glass for retrospective radon measurements

In retrospective radon measurements, the 22-y half life of Pb-210 is used as an advantage. Pb-210 is often considered to be relatively immobile in glass after alpha recoil implanted by Rn-222 progenies. The diffusion of Pb-210 could, however, lead to uncertain wrong retrospective radon exposure estimations if Pb-210 is mobile and can escape from glass, or lost as a result of cleaning-induced surfa

The potential of smoking cessation programmes and a smoking ban in public places: comparing gain in life ex-pectancy and cost effectiveness.

BACKGROUND: Interventions aimed at reducing the number of smokers are generally believed to be cost effective. However as the cost of the interventions should be paid up front whereas the gains in life years only appear in the future--the budgetary consequences might be a barrier to implementing such interventions. AIMS: The aim of the present paper was to assess the long-term cost effectiveness

Transition probabilities of astrophysical interest in the niobium ions Nb+ and Nb2+

Aims. We attempt to derive accurate transition probabilities for astrophysically interesting spectral lines of Nb II and Nb III and determine the niobium abundance in the Sun and metal-poor stars rich in neutron-capture elements. Methods. We used the time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence technique to measure radiative lifetimes in Nb II. Branching fractions were measured from spectra recorded u

Emerging roles of extracellular vesicles in the adaptive response of tumour cells to microenvironmental stress.

Cells are constantly subjected to various types of endogenous and exogenous stressful stimuli, which can cause serious and even permanent damage. The ability of a cell to sense and adapt to environmental alterations is thus vital to maintain tissue homeostasis during development and adult life. Here, we review some of the major phenotypic characteristics of the hostile tumour microenvironment and

Family conflict and the evolution of sociality in reptiles

Mating systems and parental care are predicted to coevolve because the former dictates the cost-benefit ratio of the latter by affecting genetic relatedness between adults and offspring. Reptiles show only rudimentary forms of sociality and parental care and, hence, could provide important insights into the early stages of the evolution and maintenance of social systems. The skink genus Egernia ex

Computationally Efficient Sparsity-Inducing Coherence Spectrum Estimation of Complete and Non-Complete Data Sets

The magnitude squared coherence (MSC) spectrum is an often used frequency-dependent measure for the linear dependency between two stationary processes, and the recent literature contain several contributions on how to form high-resolution data-dependent and adaptive MSC estimators, and on the efficient implementation of such estimators. In this work, we further this development with the presentati

Vélomobility - A critical analysis of planning and space

The purpose of this doctoral study is to bring a spatial dimension into the research on urban mobilities and connect the spatial dimension to the marginalisation of cyclists in urban space. This is been done by exploring the role of urban bicycling and transport planning. The theoretical frame of space, mobilities and power is used for analysing that role through case studies in two Scandinavian c

Clinical trial: B vitamins improve health in patients with coeliac disease living on a gluten-free diet

Patients with coeliac disease living on a gluten-free diet show vitamin deficiency and reduced subjective health status. To study the biochemical and clinical effects of B vitamin supplementation in adults with longstanding coeliac disease. In a double blind placebo controlled multicentre trial, 65 coeliac patients (61% women) aged 45-64 years on a strict gluten-free diet for several years were ra

A combined small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering detector for measurements on reactive systems

A detector with high dynamic range designed for combined small-and wide-angle x-ray scattering experiments has been developed. It allows measurements on single events and reactive systems, such as particle formation in flames and evaporation of levitating drops. The detector consists of 26 channels covering a region from 0.5 degrees to 60 degrees and it provides continuous monitoring of the sample