Din sökning på "*" gav 534164 sökträffar
Record low beta beating in the LHC
The LHC is currently operating with a proton energy of 4 TeVand beta* functions at the ATLAS and CMS interaction points of 0.6 m. This is close to the design value at 7 TeV ( beta* = 0.55 m) and represented a challenge for various aspects of the machine operation. In particular, a huge effort was put into the optics commissioning and an unprecedented peak beta beating of around 7% was achieved in
Development and application of CN PLIF for single-shot imaging in turbulent flames
The Trivial Matters. Everyday power in Swedish elder care
This is a study about fairly ordinary situations in elder care: how staff deal with older people’s influence, how staff talk about older people’s complaints, how family members talk about elder mistreatment, and how older people act in order to exert influence in a nursing home. However ordinary, these are situations where relational power is accentuated, accomplished and able to be empirically ex
Corporate Networks as Informal Governance Mechanisms: A Small Worlds Approach to Sweden
Manuscript Type: Empirical Research Question/Issue: It is proposed that informal governance mechanisms such as social control, in the form of norms and corporate networks, may complement formal governance mechanisms, such as laws, in providing investor protection. Research Findings/Results: A comparison of stock markets and investor protection for Denmark, Germany, Italy, Sweden, the UK, and US sh
Revisiting a historic human brain with magnetic resonance imaging – the first description of a divided central sulcus
Ackreditering som GPS inom socialt arbete
Detection of a typical arson fire scenario – comparison between experiments and simulations
Abstract in UndeterminedBetween one and two school fires occur in Sweden every day. In most cases, arson is the cause of the fire. The most severe fires generally start outside the building and spread up along the façade and into the attic through ventilation openings in the eaves. Linear heat detectors can be placed on façades to detect these types of fires. Such devices detect fire when short-ci
Psychometric properties of four fear of falling rating scales in people with Parkinson's disease.
Fear of falling (FOF) is commonly experienced in people with Parkinson's disease (PD). It is a predictor of recurrent falls, a barrier to physical exercise, and negatively associated with health-related quality of life. A variety of rating scales exist that assess different aspects of FOF but comprehensive head-to-head comparisons of their psychometric properties in people with PD are lacking. The
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2012-MOOCarnas år
Performance of handheld MIMO terminals in noise- and interference-limited urban macrocellular scenarios
Abstract in UndeterminedMultiple-antenna handheld terminals are an integral part of the latest mobile communication systems, due to the adoption of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology. In this contribution, MIMO performances of three multiple-antenna configurations for smart phones are investigated in an urban macrocellular environment, based on an extensive MIMO measurement campaign
Chiral diphosphine derivatives of alkylidyne tricobalt carbonyl clusters - A comparative study of different cobalt carbonyl (pre)catalysts for (asymmetric) intermolecular Pauson-Khand reactions
Reaction of the tricobalt carbyne cluster [Co-3(mu(3)-CH)(CO)(9)] with chiral diphosphines of the Josiphos and Walphos families affords the new clusters [Co-3(mu(3)-CH)(CO)(7)(P-P*)] in good yield (P-P* = J004 (1), J005 (2), J007 (3), W001 (4), W003 (5)). The new alkylidyne tricobalt clusters, and the previously known [Co-3(mu(3)-CH)(CO)(7)(mu-J003)], have been tested as catalysts/catalyst precurs
Representations - practice - spectatorship : a study of haptic relations between independent cinema and market-led urbanization in contemporary China
Evaluation of A2BP1 as an Obesity Gene
OBJECTIVE-A genome-wide association study (GWAS) in Pima Indians (n = 413) identified variation in the ataxin-2 binding protein 1 gene (A2BP1) that was associated with percent body fat. On the basis of this association and the obese phenotype of ataxin-2 knockout mice, A2BP1 was genetically and functionally analyzed to assess its potential role in human obesity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-Variant
Validity of self-reported criminal justice system involvement in substance abusing women at five-year follow-up
Background: Few studies have compared self-reported criminal behaviour with high-quality databases of criminal offences and judicial sanctions. Self-reported problems from drug abusers are generally believed to be valid. We assessed the validity of self-reported theft, drug offences and prison sentences from a five-year follow-up of female substance abusers who were originally treated in a compuls
Self-reported emotional and behavioral problems in Swedish 14 to 15-year-old adolescents: A study with the self-report version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.
The psychometric properties of the Swedish self-report version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ-s), and the prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems as measured by the SDQ-s, were studied in 14 to 15-year-old adolescents. The psychometric properties were found to be similar to those found in other language versions, in terms of similar factor structure and acceptable tes
Hybridization but no evidence for backcrossing and introgression in a sympatric population of great reed warblers and clamorous reed warblers.
Hybridization is observed frequently in birds, but often it is not known whether the hybrids are fertile and if backcrossing occurs. The breeding ranges of the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) and the clamorous reed warbler (A. stentoreus) overlap in southern Kazakhstan and a previous study has documented hybridization in a sympatric population. In the present study, we first present
Risks of small-for-gestational-age births in immigrants: A nationwide epidemiological study in Sweden.
Aim: To examine if there is an association between country of birth in parents and small-for-gestational-age (defined as a birthweight of more than two standard deviations (SDs) below the mean) in first singletons births. Methods: In this follow-up study, national population and healthcare registers were used to identify small-for-gestational-age births in all first singleton births in Sweden betw