

Din sökning på "*" gav 529450 sökträffar

Multi-scale simulation of paperboard edge wicking using a fiber-resolving virtual paper model

When liquid packaging board is made aseptic in the filling machine, the unsealed edges of the board are exposed to hydrogen peroxide. A high level of liquid penetration may lead to aesthetic as well as functional defects. The ability to make a priori predictions about the edge wicking properties of a certain paperboard material is therefore of great interest to the paper industry, as well as to pa

Gravoturbulent Planetesimal Formation: The Positive Effect of long-lived Zonal Flows

Recent numerical simulations have shown long-lived axisymmetric sub- and super-Keplerian flows in protoplanetary disks. These zonal flows are found in local as well as global simulations of disks unstable to the magnetorotational instability. This paper covers our study of the strength and lifetime of zonal flows and the resulting long-lived gas over- and underdensities as functions of the azimuth

Spring photosynthetic recovery of boreal Norway spruce under conditions of elevated [CO2] and air temperature

Accumulated carbon uptake, apparent quantum yield (AQY) and light-saturated net CO2 assimilation (A(sat)) were used to assess the responses of photosynthesis to environmental conditions during spring for three consecutive years. Whole-tree chambers were used to expose 40-year-old field-grown Norway spruce trees in northern Sweden to an elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration, [CO2], of 700 mu mol C

An alternative way of estimating asset values and asset value correlations

Abstract in UndeterminedWe suggest a new way of modeling the dynamics of a firm’s asset value and discuss how it could be useful in the computation of asset value correlations in multivariate credit risk models. The method relies on credit spreads from the credit default swap market and by combining these spreads with stock prices and leverage ratios we show how one can construct a proxy for the a

Review on Modeling Development for Multiscale Chemical Reactions Coupled Transport Phenomena in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

A literature study is performed to compile the state-of-the-art, as well as future potential, in SOFC modeling. Principles behind various transport processes such as mass, heat, momentum and charge as well as for electrochemical and internal reforming reactions are described. A deeper investigation is made to find out potentials and challenges using a multiscale approach to model solid oxide fuel

Electron beam optics and trajectory control in the Fermi free electron laser delivery system

Electron beam optics (particle betatron motion) and trajectory (centroid secular motion) in the FERMI@Elettra free electron laser (FEL) are modeled and experimentally controlled by means of the ELEGANT particle tracking code. This powerful tool, well known to the accelerator community, is here for the first time fully integrated into the Tango-server based high level software of an FEL facility, t

On the scope and assessment of pesticides in groundwater in Skåne, Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Grundvatten, det vatten som förekommer i hålrum i underjorden, är en av våra allra viktigaste naturresurser. Grundvattnet utgör den absolut största andelen för oss tillgängligt färskvatten och används för att producera mat och som processvatten inom olika industrier. Ungefär hälften av jordens dricksvattenförsörjning baseras på grundvattenuttag och ekosystem världen övePesticides are known to occur in groundwater worldwide. However, long-term pollution concerns and cause-effect relationships for specific regions remain limited. This thesis explores the occurrence of pesticides in south-Swedish groundwater, with the aims of providing a better knowledge basis for assessment and management of present-day and future pollution risks. The investigations are restricted

Befolkning, samhälle och förändring : Dynamik i Halmstad under fyra decennier

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förändringar i samhället diskuteras ofta på en aggregerad nivå där det argumenteras för att samhället förändras från ett modernt industrisamhälle till ett postindustriellt samhälle. Genom att studera samhället på en lokal nivå är det möjligt att studera komplexitet och variationer av de aggregerade teorierna kring samhällsförändring, det vill säga studera förändring i eChanges in society are often discussed on an aggregated level and it is argued that society is changing from a modern industrial society to a post-industrial society. Through studying changes on a local level it is possible to study the complexity and variations of the general and aggregated theories of societal changes, and place changes in a context of time and place. The main object of this stu

Stressful Life Events and the Metabolic Syndrome - The Prevalence, Prediction and Prevention of Diabetes (PPP)-Botnia Study

OBJECTIVE - Stress may play a role in the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome. However, the scant evidence available is not population-based, restricting the external validity of the findings. Our aim was to test associations between stressful life events, their accumulation, and the metabolic syndrome in a large population-based cohort. We also tested associations between stress and the indivi

Thermodynamically based fictitious crack/interface model for general normal and shear loading

For small deformations a crack/interface model that considers general 3D normal and shear loading is proposed. It involves elasticity, plasticity and damage and it is thermodynamically based. An essential feature of the model is its consistency with the concepts behind the fictitious crack model. In particular, no crack deformation occurs before the crack is initiated and when a crack has just bee

Vacuum-Assisted Closure Therapy after Cardiac Surgery. Sternal Stability, Cost of Care, Learning Curve and Hemodynamic Outcome

Deep sternal wound infection (DSWI) following cardiothoracic surgery is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication with high morbidity and mortality. DSWI is associated with a significant increase in the length of hospital stay and the cost of hospitalization. The socioeconomic impact of DSWI is considerable. Conventional treatment includes reexploration, surgical debridement, mediastin


Popular Abstract in Swedish Adenovirus från människa (Ad) används ofta vid genterapi mot cancer, vaccinutveckling och genöverföring. Modifierade Ad5 och Ad2 virus har framgångsrikt använts som cancercelldödande (onkolytiska) agens i experimentella studier som dock inte kunnat överföras till kliniskt bruk av flera skäl, inklusive bristande spridning av virusinfektionen inom tumörvävnaden. De onkolyHuman adenoviruses (Ads) are broadly used in cancer gene therapy, vaccine development and gene delivery. The modified Ad5 or Ad2 viruses have been successfully used as oncolytic agents in pre-clinical studies. However they could not be translated into clinic utility due to a number of limitations including inefficient Ad spread among tumor cells. The cancer cell killing capacity of oncolytic Ad is

Role of NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) in vascular smooth muscle

The calcium-dependent transcription factor NFAT was first described as a key player in immune cell regulation. Since then, NFAT signaling has been shown to be crucial for normal vascular development during embryogenesis. This pathway is also an important regulator of cell growth and differentiation in various cell types, however, the functional significance of NFAT in the vasculature is largely un

Lavfloran i Lunds stadspark

Även parker kan vara tämligen artrika och hysa rödlistade arter. Nedan redovisar Ulf Arup resultatet av en inventering av Lunds stadspark, som trots att den är omgiven av vägar med delvis stark trafik uppvisar en god artrikedom.

Drug survival on TNF inhibitors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis comparison of adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab

Objective To compare drug survival on adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods Patients with RA (n=9139; 76% women; mean age 56 years) starting their first tumour necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor between 2003 and 2011 were identified in the Swedish Biologics Register (ARTIS). Data were collected through 31 December 2011. Drug survival over up to 5 ye