

Din sökning på "*" gav 536564 sökträffar

A step towards sustainable machining through increasing the cutting tool utilization

Machining is an important and widely spread manufacturing method which should not be neglected while striving towards sustainable production. Several previous articles have discussed sustainable machining and different approaches towards reaching this goal. However, few have discussed the influence of the cutting tool utilization on the sustainability during machining. This article presents a nove

Human Metabolism and Ecological Transfer of Radioactive Caesium

Popular Abstract in Swedish Helkroppsinnehållet av radioaktivt cesium mättes regelbundet hos en grupp individer bosatta i Lund med omnejd mellan åren 1960 och 1994. I denna avhandling presenteras en utvärdering av resultaten från denna mätserie. Ekologisk halveringstid och överföring från markbeläggning till människa via livsmedel har bestämts genom analys av den genomsnittliga helkroppsinnehålletThe whole-body content of radiocaesium was measured in a South-Swedish urban group of people residing in the city of Lund (55.7°N, 13.2°E) between 1960 and 1994. The results from the survey have been analysed in order to estimate the ecological half-time, Teco,eff, of fallout radiocaesium and the aggregate transfer from ground deposition to man in the region. After 1987, the biological half-times,

Parton dynamics and identified particles at HERA

Multi-particle production in the central and forward (proton) rapidity region is studied in photoproduction and deep inelastic scattering (DIS). The measurements in the forward region are a factor of similar to 2 larger than QCD predictions based on the DGLAP evolution equations. The central rapidity region is rather well described. Searches for instanton induced processes in DIS are presented.

In vitro contracture testing for the diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility

Popular Abstract in Swedish Malign hypertermi, ärftligt och farligt vid narkos – hur diagnostiseras det ? I april 1960 sövdes en yngling i Australien. Han var mycket orolig därför att tio släktingar dött av eter-narkos. Han sövdes i stället med ett nytt medel – halotan, det höll på att kosta även honom livet. En kortfattad fallbeskrivning i Lancet fick stor uppmärksamhet och på andra ställen i väMalignant hyperthermia (MH) susceptibility is a rare inherited muscular disorder, which may cause a lethal increase in metabolism during anaesthesia with certain commonly used anaesthetic. Susceptible individuals are without any signs or symptoms. It is important to identify individuals at risk, since the MH reaction is preventable. Susceptibility to MH is diagnosed with an in vitro contracture te

A resonant tunneling permeable base transistor with Al-free tunneling barriers

Summary form only given. Resonant tunneling based devices are an intriguing set of devices with promising high speed, low power and high functionality capabilities. We have developed an technology to embed metallic features on the nm-scale inside a semiconductor. By combining such metallic features and heterostructures we have developed a new type of tunneling transistor, the so called Resonant Tu

Understanding Security Practices Deficiencies: A Contextual Analysis

This paper seeks to provide an overview of how companies assess and manage security risks in practice. For this purpose we referred to data of security surveys to examine the scope of risk analysis and to identify involved entities in this process. Our analysis shows a continuous focus on data system security rather than on real world organizational context as well as a prevalent involvement of to

Shock and Naturalization : An Inquiry into the Perception of Modernity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen undersöker ”chock-modernitet” och ”naturaliserad modernitet” som två sätt att varsebli det moderna. Med natur avses en omgivning som tas för given och i vilken förändring sker inom ramarna för det kända och etablerade. Chocken stör eller bryter ner denna ordning. Begrepp och objekt tycks inte längre sammanfalla, utan uppenbarar istället vad Adorno kallar deIn sociology shock is often seen as emblematic of modernity. However, while Benjamin and Simmel famously portray the big city crowd - and by extension modernity itself - as an arena of shock, shock sensations are notable for their absence in depictions of the crowd as well as of modernity as a whole in much contemporary literature. This is evident in depictions involving streets, trains, technolog