

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Outdoor environmental assessment of attention promoting settings for preschool children

The restorative potential of green outdoor environments for children in preschool settings was investigated by measuring the attention of children playing in settings with different environmental features. Eleven preschools with outdoor environments typical for the Stockholm area were assessed using the outdoor play environment categories (OPEC) and the fraction of visible sky from play structures

On inter- and intra-individual redistribution of the welfare state

Objective. The redistributive effect of the welfare state is traditionally measured by comparing the gross and net distribution of annual income among adults. This standard approach does not account for the fact that a large share of the taxes paid by adults are paid back to the very same individuals later in life. The objective of this article is to examine the factors that determine the differen

Intranasal selective brain cooling in pigs

Background: Special clinical situations where general hypothermia cannot be recommended but can be a useful treatment demand a new approach, selective brain cooling. The purpose of this study was to selectively cool the brain with cold saline circulating in balloon catheters introduced into the nasal cavity in pigs. Material and methods: Twelve anaesthetised pigs were subjected to selective cerebr

Effects of altitude and topography on species richness of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens in alpine communities

Question: What is the relationship between species richness of vascular plants, bryophytes and macrolichens, and two important gradients in the alpine environment, altitude and local topography? Location: Northernmost Fennoscandia, 250–1525 m a.s.l. corresponding to the range between timberline and mountain top. Methods: The vegetation was sampled in six mountain areas. For each 25 vertical metr

Time constraints on exhumation of the East African Orogen from field observations and Ar-40/Ar-39 cooling ages of low-angle mylonites in Eritrea, NE Africa

Neoproterozoic high-grade metamorphic rocks of the lower to middle crust are exposed along parts of the East African Orogen (EAO). However, the mechanisms and rates of exhumation of these deep orogenic rocks remain unclear. In eastern Eritrea, the rocks of the EAO comprise two lithotectonic domains: Ghedem and Bizen. The Ghedem domain consists of low-angle mylonites among lower to middle crustal g

Effects of furfural on the respiratory metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in glucose-limited chemostats,

Effects of furfural on the aerobic metabolism of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were studied by performing chemostat experiments, and the kinetics of furfural conversion was analyzed by performing dynamic experiments. Furfural, an important inhibitor present in lignocellulosic hydrolysates, was shown to have an inhibitory effect on yeast cells growing respiratively which was much greater than

Intraperitoneal cytokine response after major surgery: higher postoperative intraperitoneal versus systemic cytokine levels suggest the gastrointestinal tract as the major source of the postoperative inflammatory reaction

Background: Cytokine response is an important factor in the development of shock and organ failure. The aim of this study was to investigate intraperitoneal (peritoneal) and venous (systemic) postoperative cytokine release after major surgery. Methods: Major abdominal surgery was performed in 19 patients. Preoperative systemic measurements and postoperative systemic and peritoneal measurements of

Towards climate policy integration in the EU: evolving dilemmas and opportunities

Europe has positioned itself as a front runner for climate mitigation policy globally. However, to reach climate mitigation targets that go far beyond Kyoto commitments, climate policy must become more integrated with sectoral policies such as energy, transport and agriculture. To achieve such policy integration, policy refraining and dilemma sharing among sectoral actors are important mechanisms.

Habitat selection and population regulation in temporally fluctuating environments

Understanding and predicting the distribution of organisms in heterogeneous environments lies at the heart of ecology, and the theory of density-dependent habitat selection (DDHS) provides ecologists with an inferential framework linking evolution and population dynamics. Current theory does not allow for temporal variation in habitat quality, a serious limitation when confronted with real ecologi

0(gs)+ -->2(1)+ transition strengths in 106Sn and 108Sn.

The reduced transition probabilities, B(E2; 0(gs)+ -->2(1)+), have been measured in the radioactive isotopes (108,106)Sn using subbarrier Coulomb excitation at the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. Deexcitation gamma rays were detected by the highly segmented MINIBALL Ge-detector array. The results, B(E2;0(gs)+ -->2(1)+)=0.222(19)e2b2 for 108Sn and B(E2; 0(gs)+-->2(1)+)=0.195(39)e2b2 for 106Sn were det

Identification of an amino acid residue in the PKC C1b domain crucial for its localisation to the Golgi network.

Protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms have been reported to be targeted to the Golgi complex via their C1 domains. We have shown recently that the regulatory domain of PKCtheta induces apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells and that this effect is correlated to Golgi localization via the C1b domain. This study was designed to identify specific residues in the C1 domains that mediate Golgi localization. We dem

Two-phase partitioning bioreactor for the biodegradation of high concentrations of pentachlorophenol using Sphingobium chlorophenolicum DSM 8671.

An organic-aqueous two-liquid-phase partitioning system was developed to degrade high concentrations of pentachlorophenol (PCP). Dioctyl sebacate was selected among 12 non-aqueous phases as the most suitable solvent to control the delivery of PCP to the aqueous phase for being non-biodegradable and biocompatible. In shake-flask experiments, the two-phase system was able to support the removal of 1

Nuclear physics program at MAX-lab

The upgrade of the MAX-lab Injector and the construction of MAX III, provided the opportunity for upgrading the tagged-photon facility and thus lead to the possibility of more extensive program in nuclear physics research This upgrade increased the injected electron energy to all eventual maximum of 250 MeV and allows for the extraction of electrons from the MAX I ring operated in the stretcher mo

Tuberculosis-HIV co-infection: policy and epidemiology in 25 countries in the WHO European region

Objectives The aims of this study were to collect and review tuberculosis (TB)-HIV data for Europe and to provide an overview of current health policies addressing co-infection. Methods We collected reported cases of TB-HIV from the 25 most affected member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) European region. Countries were also asked whether they had implemented health policies covering

Opportunity costs of defence: A comment on Dabelko and McCormick

A critical appraisal is made of an article in this journal by Dabelko and McCormick. In the article, the authors try to estimate the opportunity cost of defence. With simple tools from economic analysis it is shown that their methodological approach reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of this important and useful concept. In the final section, some difficulties encountered when attempting a cor

Cryptanalysis of grain

Grain [11] is a lightweight stream cipher proposed by M. Hell, T. Johansson, and W. Meier to the eSTREAM call for stream cipher proposals of the European project ECRYPT [5]. Its 160-bit internal state is divided into a LFSR and an NFSR,of length 80 bits each. A filtering boolean function is used to derive each keystream bit from the internal state. By combining linear approximations of the feedbac

Mapping fractional forest cover across the highlands of mainland Southeast Asia using MODIS data and regression tree modelling

Data from the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor, in combination with new mapping techniques, has the potential to improve regional research on tropical forest resources and land use dynamics. In this study, a supervised regression tree model was used to map fractions of (1) mature forest, (2) secondary forest, and (3) non-forest, using multi-temporal MODIS 250-m data as

A unique recent origin of the allotetraploid species Arabidopsis suecica: Evidence from nuclear DNA markers

A coalescent-based method was used to investigate the origins of the allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica, using 52 nuclear microsatellite loci typed in eight individuals of A. suecica and 14 individuals of its maternal parent Arabidopsis thaliana, and four short fragments of genomic DNA sequenced in a sample of four individuals of A. suecica and in both its parental species A. thaliana and Arabidop