

Din sökning på "*" gav 536564 sökträffar

Good cop-bad cop : Trust, control, and the lure of integration

Based on a longitudinal case study of four interorganizational product development collaborations, this paper identifies a lure to cross-functional integration that has hereto been neglected. In particular, findings suggest that when the buyer firm separates the Research and Development (R&D) Department from the Procurement Department, the two departments play a good cop-bad cop strategy towar

Glädjen i att tvingas tänka nytt : En studie av verksamhetsutveckling vid två folkbibliotek i Skåne

Vid biblioteken i Burlöv och Ängelholm har tidigare bedrivits projekt att främja folkbibliotekens utveckling mot kulturhus (Kulturnämnden 2012). Arbetet med projekten, Kulturhusprojektet i Arlöv och Kulturstråket i Ängelholm, följdes i en studie av författaren och har rapporterats tidi-gare (Rivano Eckerdal 2013). Föreliggande rapport är resultatet av en uppföljande studie som be-dri¬vits under år

Somalier med framtidstro

Somalierna är en grupp i Sverige som redan från början betraktades som ”svårintegrerade”. Sådana epitet blir ofta självuppfyllande. I USA däremot har de rykte om sig att vara hårt arbetande, målmedvetna, djärva och flexibla.

Error-prone PCR of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin (VHb) to support the growth of microaerobic Escherichia coli

Expression of the gene encoding bacterial hemoglobin (VHb) from Vitreoscilla has been previously used to improve recombinant cell growth and enhance product formation under microaerobic conditions. It is very likely that the properties of VHb are not optimized for foreign hosts; therefore, we used error-prone PCR to generate a number of randomly mutated vhb genes to be expressed and studied in Esc

Similar, yet different: a comparative analysis of the role of trust in radical and incremental product innovation

Trust within teams is a central performance driver in product innovation. In this paper, we examine the antecedents to and performance implications of trust in firms engaged in radical innovation compared to those working towards incremental innovations. Our findings suggest that systematic processes and structures are significantly linked to trust in firms conducting radical innovation, but not s

Flow cytometric analysis of the stability of antibody production by human × human × mouse heterohybridoma subclones

Flow cytometry has been utilized to evaluate the stability of antibody production by unstable subclones of a human × human × mouse heterohybridoma. Heterogeneity of cell-associated immunoglobulin heavy chain expression was demonstrated in different subclones and an increased frequency of cells containing low levels of heavy chain was found to correlate with low antibody productivity. However, the

Long-Run Saving Dynamics: Evidence from Unexpected Inheritances

Long-run saving dynamics are a crucial component of consumption-saving behavior. This paper makes two contributions to the consumption literature. First, we exploit inheritance episodes to provide novel causal evidence on the long-run effects of a large financial windfall on saving behavior. For identification, we combine a longitudinal panel of administrative wealth reports with variation in the

Human monoclonal antibodies against an epitope on the class 5c outer membrane protein common to many pathogenic strains of Neisseria meningitidis

Neisseria meningitidis is a causative agent of meningitis. Despite vaccination programs, it still causes a large number of deaths in young children. Early diagnosis followed by passive immunization with human monoclonal antibodies could be an approach to effective therapy. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from normal, healthy blood donors and from vaccinated individuals were immunized in vitro, using

Absence of capsule reveals glycan-mediated binding and recognition of salivary mucin MUC7 by Streptococcus pneumoniae

Salivary proteins modulate bacterial colonization in the oral cavity and interact with systemic pathogens that pass through the oropharynx. An interesting example is the opportunistic respiratory pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae that normally resides in the nasopharynx, but belongs to the greater Mitis group of streptococci, most of which colonize the oral cavity. Streptococcus pneumoniae also ex

Relative roles of genetic background and variation in PspA in the ability of antibodies to PspA to protect against capsular type 3 and 4 strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae

Pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) is able to elicit antibodies in mice and humans that can protect mice against fatal infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae. It has been observed that immunization with a single family 1 PspA can protect mice against infections with capsular type 3 or 6B strains expressing PspA family 1 or 2. However, several studies have shown that immunity to PspA is less ef

Duty-cycled Wake-up Schemes for Ultra-low Power Wireless Communications

In sensor network applications with low traffic intensity, idle channel listening is one of the main sources of energy waste.The use of a dedicated low-power wake-up receiver (WRx) which utilizes duty-cycled channel listening can significantlyreduce idle listening energy cost. In this thesis such a scheme is introduced and it is called DCW-MAC, an acronym forduty-cycled wake-up receiver based medi

Size of the protein-coding genome and rate of molecular evolution

In diploid populations of size N, there will be 2 Nmu mutations per nucleotide (nt) site (or per locus) per generation (mu stands for mutation rate). If either the population or the coding genome double in size, one expects 4 Nmu mutations. What is important is not the population size per se but the number of genes (coding sites), the two being often interconverted. Here we compared the total phys

Efficient Predictor for Co-Simulation with Multistep Sub-System Solvers

An industrial model of a dynamic system is usually not just a set of differential equations. External inputs acting on the system are common, such as an external force acting on a body or wind pressing on a car. Update of these inputs needs to be handled by the numerical solver in an efficient way.In dynamical simulation, multistep methods are commonly used. A multistep method uses the solution hi

Determinants of unmet needs for healthcare and sexual health counselling among Ugandan university students with same-sex sexuality experience

Background: Research from sub-Saharan Africa has shown that persons with same-sex sexuality experience are at elevated risk for ill health due to sexual risk taking, stigma, and discrimination. However, studies of healthcare seeking among young people in this region with same-sex sexuality experience are limited.Objective: To identify determinants of unmet healthcare and sexual health counselling Background: Research from sub-Saharan Africa has shown that persons with same-sex sexuality experience are at elevated risk for ill health due to sexual risk taking, stigma, and discrimination. However, studies of healthcare seeking among young people in this region with same-sex sexuality experience are limited.Objective: To identify determinants of unmet healthcare and sexual health counselling

Dynamic changes in the Streptococcus pneumoniae transcriptome during transition from biofilm formation to invasive disease upon influenza A virus infection

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of infectious disease globally. Nasopharyngeal colonization occurs in biofilms and precedes infection. Prior studies have indicated that biofilm-derived pneumococci are avirulent. However, influenza A virus (IAV) infection releases virulent pneumococci from biofilms in vitro and in vivo. Triggers of dispersal include IAV-induced changes in the nasopharyn