

Din sökning på "*" gav 535516 sökträffar

Ecological diversification in habitat use in subtidal triplefin fishes (Tripterygiidae)

Recent work has shown that habitat specialisation can lead to diversification in lacustrine and marine fish species. Here we investigate specialisation in the New Zealand triplefin fish fauna (Tripterygiidae), which has the greatest diversity and disparity of triplefin species in the world with 26 endemic species. Most species are sympatric throughout coastal New Zealand, showing no obvious latitu

Bone mineral density in patients with Crohn's disease during long-term treatment with azathioprine

OBJECTIVES: To ascertain whether patients with Crohn's disease treated with azathioprine maintained bone mineral mass better than patients treated with steroids alone. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: University Hospital of Malmo, Sweden. SUBJECTS: A total of 59 patients with ileocolonic, ileocaecal or colonic Crohn's disease. METHODS: Bone mass was assessed by dual photon X-ray absorptiometr

Multiple Sclerosis: Studies of the Interferon system and search for infectious agents

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system, characterized by focal inflammatory lesions with demyelination and axonal loss. It is believed that MS is an immune-mediated disorder with both genetic and environmental contributions to the pathogenesis. Interferons (IFNs) are naturally occurring proteins known to have antiviral, antiproliferative and immunoregulatory eff

Många vägar leder till artros. Kunskapen om riskfaktorer och sjukdomsmekanismer ökar snabbt

Osteoarthritis does not deserve the term "degenerative joint disease", the course of the disease is characterized by dynamic changes in both synthesis and degradation of cartilage and other joint tissues. At the end stage all tissues of the joint are involved, not only the cartilage. In the early phases of the disease, changes in cartilage metabolism can be detected through assay of biomarkers in

Different interactions of cardiac and skeletal muscle ryanodine receptors with FK-506 binding protein isoforms

In the present study, we compare functional consequences of dissociation and reconstitution of binding proteins FKBP12 and FKBP12.6 with ryanodine receptors from cardiac (RyR2) and skeletal muscle (RyR1). The skeletal muscle RyR1 channel became activated on removal of endogenously bound FKBP12, consistent with previous reports. Both FKBP12 and FKBP12.6 rebind to FKBP-depleted RyR1 and restore its

Temperament and acceptance of dental treatment under sedation in preschool children

The major aim of the study was to investigate whether differences concerning acceptance of dental treatment and amnesia after rectal sedation with midazolam can be explained by temperament traits in the child. Fifty children (1.5- 4.0 years), consecutively referred for dental extractions because of dental trauma or caries, were sedated with midazolam 0.3 mg kg(1) rectally. Level of sedation (state

New species of Uroglena and Ochromonas (Chromulinales, Chrysophyceae) from Estonia

During the spring of 2003 ninety-five water bodies in southeastern Estonia were surveyed for chrysophytes. The sampling was carried out as the ice broke up, when, within two weeks, the water temperature rose from 3 degrees C to 13 degrees C. Large lakes to small pools of different water chemistry were investigated. The plankton collected was studied alive within a few hours after sampling. Prepara

Internal frost damage in concrete - experimental studies of destruction mechanisms

The aim of the study was to identify mechanisms acting at internal frost destruction of concrete. By 'internal frost destruction' is meant damage caused inside concrete that is moisture insulated from the surroundings, i.e. when no moisture exchange with the surroundings is possible during freeze-thaw. Thus, the aim was not to investigate destruction processes (scaling) taking place at the surface

Multi-method global analysis of thermodynamics and kinetics in reconstitution of monellin

Accurate and precise determinations of thermodynamic parameters of binding are important steps toward understanding many biological mechanisms. Here, a multi-method approach to binding analysis is applied and a detailed error analysis is introduced. Using this approach, the binding thermodynamics and kinetics of the reconstitution of the protein monellin have been quantitatively determined in deta

Remote Sensing of Forest Decline in the Czech Republic

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen beskriver hur man med elektromagnetisk reflekterar strålning, registrerad från satelliter vilka cirkulerar runt jorden kan lokalisera och kvantifiera skador på barrskog i Tjeckien. Signifikanta samband mellan reflektans och barrförluster gör det mögligt att utföra översiktliga uppskattningar av dessa varrförluster med satellitdata. Genom att jämföra skogsThis thesis describes the localisation and quantification of deforestation and forest damage in Norway spruce forests in northern Czech Republic using Landsat data. Severe defoliation increases the spectral reflectance in all wavelength bands, especially in the mid infrared region. These spectral differences allow the separation of three damage categories with an accuracy of 75% using TM data and

Transferability of tag SNPs in genetic association studies in multiple populations

A general question for linkage disequilibrium-based association studies is how power to detect an association is compromised when tag SNPs are chosen from data in one population sample and then deployed in another sample. Specifically, it is important to know how well tags picked from the HapMap DNA samples capture the variation in other samples. To address this, we collected dense data uniformly

An 8-GHz beamforming transmitter IC in 130-nm CMOS

An 8-GHz beamforming transmitter IC has been designed in a 130-nm CMOS process. Two power amplifiers with independently controllable phase enable the beamforming. The phases are digitally controllable over the full 360° range, which is accomplished by binary weighting of quadrature phase signals in the power amplifiers. The quadrature phase signals are generated by a quadrature voltage controlled

Adverse drug reaction reporting by nurses in Sweden

Aim To investigate whether nurses could be a useful tool for improving the reporting rate of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Furthermore, we wanted to study how physicians working at the study departments would respond to nurses as reporters of ADRs and if the reporting from the nurses affected the reporting rate from the physicians. Methods Three departments of internal medicine and one unit for o

Formation of cobalt silicide from filter metal vacuum arc deposited films

The thermal reaction of Co film deposited on Si(111) surfaces by a high current filter metal vacuum arc (FMEVAD) system has been studied. After deposition the films were annealed over the 400-900 degrees C temperature range for 30 min. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) was used to characterize the elemental depth distributions in the films subjected to different annealing temperatures.

Collective and broken pair states of Ga-65,Ga-67

Excited states of Ga-65 and Ga-67 nuclei were populated through the C-12(Ni-58,alpha p) and C-12(Ni-58,3p) reactions, respectively, and investigated by in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopic methods. The NORDBALL array equipped with a charged particle ball and 11 neutron detectors was used to detect the evaporated particles and gamma rays. The level schemes of Ga-6.5.67 were constructed On the basis of g

Footprints in the cotton fields: The Industrial Revolution as time-space appropriation and environmental load displacement

This paper offers a method for quantifying the global exchange of (natural) space and (labor) time underlying the economic success of the British textile industry in the late 18th and early 19th century. Using historical statistics on inputs of land and labor embodied in cotton and wool production, respectively, estimates are made of the amount of British land and labor that were ‘saved’ by displa