

Din sökning på "*" gav 534164 sökträffar

Tactile friction of topical creams and emulsions : Friction measurements on excised skin and VitroSkin® using ForceBoard™

Tactile perception can be investigated through ex vivo friction measurements using a so–called ForceBoard™, providing objective assessments and savings in time and money, compared to a subjective human panel. In this work we aim to compare excised skin versus VitroSkin® as model substrates for tactile friction measurements. A further aim is to detect possible differences between traditional surfac

Overtourism, residents and Iranian rural villages : Voices from a developing country

Differing from much of the research on overtourism, which has concentrated on urban tourist destinations, this exploratory study investigates the attitudes of rural communities toward over-visitation. Face-to-face interviews with 63 respondents in three of the most visited Iranian villages reveal that tourism creates social, psychological and health problems for residents. Findings indicate that l

Addressing Structural Secrecy as a Way of Nurturing Resilient Performance

Structural secrecy refers to a systematic undermining of attempts to know and interpret situations in organisations, which significantly challenges their abilities to perform resiliently. In this chapter, we briefly share some insights drawn from a collaboration with the municipality of Malmö, Sweden, for a period of more than three years that has provided knowledge about the needs and constraints

A Palette of Fluorescent Aβ42 Peptides Labelled at a Range of Surface-Exposed Sites

Fluorescence-based single molecule techniques provide important tools towards understanding the molecular mechanism of complex neurodegenerative diseases. This requires efficient covalent attachment of fluorophores. Here we create a series of cysteine mutants (S8C, Y10C, S26C, V40C, and A42C) of Aβ42, involved in Alzheimer’s disease, based on exposed positions in the fibril structure and label the

Resonant X-ray photo-oxidation of light-harvesting iron (II/III) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes

Two photoactive iron N-heterocyclic carbene complexes [FeII(btz)2(bpy)]2+ and [FeIII(btz)3]3+, where btz is 3,3’-dimethyl-1,1’-bis(p-tolyl)-4,4’-bis(1,2,3-triazol-5-ylidene) and bpy is 2,2’-bipyridine, have been investigated by Resonant Photoelectron Spectroscopy (RPES). Tuning the incident X-ray photon energy to match core-valence excitations provides a site specific probe of the electronic struc

Pre-treatment health-related quality of life parameters have prognostic impact in patients >65 years with newly diagnosed mantle cell lymphoma : The Nordic Lymphoma Group MCL4 (LENA-BERIT) experience

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a rare, often aggressive type of B-cell lymphoma with poor survival and no cure. Cancer and cancer treatment has a negative impact on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) both during active disease and in the long term, and improvement of HRQOL is a crucial objective of cancer therapy in older patients and no curative intent. Baseline HRQOL has in other lymphoma pop

Thalamic dopamine D2-receptor availability in schizophrenia : a study on antipsychotic-naive patients with first-episode psychosis and a meta-analysis

Pharmacological and genetic evidence support a role for an involvement of the dopamine D2-receptor (D2-R) in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Previous molecular imaging studies have suggested lower levels of D2-R in thalamus, but results are inconclusive. The objective of the present study was to use improved methodology to compare D2-R density in whole thalamus and thalamic subregions betwee

Utilization of health care services before and after media attention about fatal side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine : a nation-wide register-based event study

Background: Survey studies have found that vaccinated persons tend to report more side effects after being given information about side effects rather than benefits. However, the impact of high media attention about vaccine-related side effects on the utilization of health care is unknown. We aimed to assess whether utilization of health care services for newly vaccinated health care workers chang

EANM dosimetry committee series on standard operational procedures : a unified methodology for 99mTc-MAA pre- and 90Y peri-therapy dosimetry in liver radioembolization with 90Y microspheres

The aim of this standard operational procedure is to standardize the methodology employed for the evaluation of pre- and post-treatment absorbed dose calculations in 90Y microsphere liver radioembolization. Basic assumptions include the permanent trapping of microspheres, the local energy deposition method for voxel dosimetry, and the patient–relative calibration method for activity quantification

Centrality dependence of pion freeze-out radii in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN =2.76 TeV

We report on the measurement of freeze-out radii for pairs of identical-charge pions measured in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV as a function of collision centrality and the average transverse momentum of the pair kT. Three-dimensional sizes of the system (femtoscopic radii), as well as direction-averaged one-dimensional radii are extracted. The radii decrease with kT, following a power-law beha

Pre-term delivery and long-term risk of heart failure in women : a national cohort and co-sibling study

AIMS: Women who deliver pre-term have higher future risks of hypertension and ischaemic heart disease, but long-term risks of heart failure (HF) are unknown. We examined these risks in a large national cohort.METHODS AND RESULTS: All 2 201 284 women with a singleton delivery in Sweden during 1973-2015 were followed up for inpatient or outpatient HF diagnoses through 2015. Cox regression was used t

Acoustofluidic platforms for particle manipulation

There is an increasing interest in acoustics for microfluidic applications. This field, commonly known as acoustofluidics involves the interaction of ultrasonic standing waves with fluids and dispersed microparticles. The combination of microfluidics and the so-called acoustic standing waves (ASWs) led to the development of integrated systems for contact-less on-chip cell and particle manipulation

rFIXFc prophylaxis improves pain and levels of physical activity in haemophilia B : Post hoc analysis of B-LONG using haemophilia-specific quality of life questionnaires

Introduction: Recurrent bleeding in severe haemophilia B causes painful hemarthroses and reduces capacity for physical activity. Recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein (rFIXFc) prophylaxis results in low annualised bleeding rates, with the potential to improve patients’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Aim: To present a post hoc analysis of data from B-LONG describing change over time in p

What motivates informal carers to be actively involved in research, and what obstacles to involvement do they perceive?

Background: Due to demographic changes and a strained public sector operating in many countries globally, informal care is increasing. Currently, at least 1.3 million adults in Sweden regularly provide help, support and/or care to a family member/significant other. With no sign of an imminent decrease in their caring activities, it is important that informal carers are considered as a key stakehol

Specific ion effects on thermoresponsive polymer brushes: Comparison to other architectures

Thermoresponsive polymers have received significant research attention as smart materials with particular interest in biomedical applications. The composition and architecture are known to strongly influence the thermoresponsive properties of the materials. For example, the strong overlap of end-grafted polymer chains in polymer brushes leads to a broader collapse transition relative to linear ung