

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

Towards a model for robust design and design process in one-of-a-kind production of large power transformers

The robust engineering seeks for design of products and processes insensitive to changes in the work environment and to the variation of the components. The robust process has built-in mechanisms to detect potential errors on time, to eliminate them and to initiate all the necessary measures to ensure the same error does not occur again. One-of-a-kind production is characterised by unique products

Motility index measured by magnetic resonance enterography is associated with sex and mural thickness

BACKGROUND Recently, a technique has been developed to use magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) for the evaluation of small bowel motility. The hypothesis was that assessment of the motility index (MI) should reflect differences in motility between clinical conditions. AIM To aim of the present observational, cross-sectional study was to evaluate the use of the MI in daily clinical practice. METH

Pupils' use of school outdoor play settings across seasons and its relation to sun exposure and physical activity

Background: Long outdoor stay may cause hazardous exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun even at high latitudes as in Sweden (Spring to Autumn). On the other hand, long outdoor stay is a strong predictor of primary school children´s free mobility involving moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). UV-protective outdoor environments enable long outdoor stay. We investigated the c

Can thermal imagery improve ecosystem respiration modelling and UAV-based upscaling?

Temperature is a key constraint on ecosystem respiration but is typically measured at only one or a few points across a study site. Given the exponential relationship between temperature and respiration, small differences in temperature across a heterogeneous ecosystem may result in large differences in respiration fluxes. These differences are not captured in current respiration models which use

On Generation and Function of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in Abdominal Sepsis

AbstractSepsis is a clinical condition that develops when the immune system over-response to an infection. Sepsis can lead to organ failure as well as subsequent death. Sepsis-induced host response involves neutrophil over activation which can lead to self tissue damage. Neutrophils are the first line of defence, play a critical role in controlling the infection. Upon activation, neutrophils relea

Det förflutna upprepar sig

Under de senaste åren har västeuropeiska bedömare uttryckt oro över utvecklingen i Ungern och Polen. En ny spricka mellan Väst- och Östeuropa har tagit form, vilket märktes till exempel i samband med valet till Europaparlamentet förra året. Inte minst uppfattas Ungerns premiärminister Viktor Orbán och Frankrikes president Emmanuel Macron som representanter för ett östligt, bakåtblickande respektiv

Myndigheter orsakar konflikter i skogen

I en ny rapport visar vi att Skogsstyrelsen på eget bevåg ändrat tolkningen av artskyddsförordningen. Efter en omsvängning 2016 nekas skogsägare ersättning i ärenden där avverkning nekats med stöd av förordningen. Skogsägarna har också tvingats till hela bevisbördan samt ett ökat ansvar för utredningsskyldigheten. Myndigheternas agerande drabbar enskilda, både genom direkta ekonomiska konsekvenser

The Scanian Economic-Demographic Database (SEDD)

he Scanian Economic-Demographic Database (SEDD) is a high-quality longitudinal data resource spanning the period 1646−1967. It covers all individuals born in or migrated to the city of Landskrona and five rural parishes in western Scania in southern Sweden. The entire population present in the area is fully covered after 1813. At the individual level, SEDD combines various demographic and socioeco

Biomarker profiling beyond amyloid and tau : cerebrospinal fluid markers, hippocampal atrophy, and memory change in cognitively unimpaired older adults

Brain changes occurring in aging can be indexed by biomarkers. We used cluster analysis to identify subgroups of cognitively unimpaired individuals (n = 99, 64–93 years) with different profiles of the cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers beta amyloid 1–42 (Aβ42), phosphorylated tau (P-tau), total tau, chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40), fatty acid binding protein 3 (FABP3), and neurofilament light (NFL

SMIM1, carrier of the Vel blood group, is a tail-anchored transmembrane protein and readily forms homodimers in a cell-free system

Antibodies to the Vel blood group antigen can cause adverse hemolytic reactions unless Vel-negative blood units are transfused. Since the genetic background of Vel-negativity was discovered in 2013, DNA-based typing of the 17-bp deletion causing the phenotype has facilitated identification of Vel-negative blood donors. SMIM1, the gene underlying Vel, encodes a 78-amino acid erythroid transmembrane