

Din sökning på "*" gav 532465 sökträffar

Differences in Management Control System from the Teachers’ Perspective: A cross-sectional interview study of Public and Private Primary Schools

Purpose: The Swedish primary education consists of public and private schools, where a comprehensive voucher system surrounds them. The different types of organizations present the debate of whether the different school management objectives, create an advantage over the other. Henceforth, principals are responsible to implement such management of the schools. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis

Does mispricing explain returns following addition to the S&P 500?

This study investigates the relationships between mispricing and returns following addition to the S&P 500. We find evidence that the index premium is demand-driven, resulting in mispricing that is subsequently exploited by rational investors. We find that index premia are temporary, undergoing a full reversal within 20 days. Using a novel approach to estimating mispricing, we find that post-a

Is Feeling Richer More Important Than Being Richer?

Using data from the European Quality of Life Survey, this thesis aims to add to the literature on the effects of income on well-being, by not only examining the relationship between well-being and relative income in 34 European countries but by primarily focusing on people's perceived economic position and its role in well-being. The four main results are: (1) Most people view themselves as be

Att knäcka koden - Förhållandet mellan ansträngnings/belöningsobalans, arbetsengagemang och olika belöningsformer på programmerares och systemutvecklares arbetsplats

På dagens arbetsmarknad är efterfrågan på systemutvecklare och programmerare mycket stor, men forskningen runt deras arbetsmiljö begränsad. Systemutvecklare och programmerare har med anledning av den höga efterfrågan och det begränsade urvalet stor valmöjlighet när det kommer till var de vill arbeta. Den här undersökningen skall kunna vara en grund för hur en arbetsgivare till systemutvecklare ochThe demand for system developers and programmers is very large in today’s labour market, however the research surrounding their work environment is very limited. System developers and programmers have, in regards to the high demand and limited selection from the workforce, many options to choose from regarding the choice of workplace. This study’s aim is to be a foundation of how an employer of sy

The impact of M&A on shareholders’ Value; Determinants of the acquirer value creation; Empirical evidence from the Swedish Market.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the impact of M&A announcement on the acquirer shareholders' value in the Swedish market. We further aim to find the determinants behind these changes in the acquirer stock prices. The theory of this study is based on previous research in the area of M&A‟s and the related theories in the literature such as the Agency theory, The efficient ma

Nordic IPOs and Private Equity affiliation

Using a sample of 250 Nordic IPOs, consisting of private equity-backed (PE) and non-backed (NB) issues from January 2010 to March 2017, this paper examines the long-term performance of IPOs in the Nordic market. We compare and contrast the after-market performance of PE-backed IPOs to NB IPOs in an event study regime. We present raw buy-and-hold returns (BHRs) for each IPO over a holding period of

Solar access potential affected by urban planning and building design – A parametric study in the urban context

In the initial stage of planning, considering the solar impact of urban layout on the building can effectively avoid some irreversible design issues, improve the indoor environment, and reduce energy demand. The typical architectural models of three representative cities (Copenhagen, Berlin and Hong Kong) were selected as the analysis cases in this study. By analysing several sunlight and solar me

"Helt plötsligt var det första januari och 'oj, nu har vi en ny lag att förhålla oss till'" Beslutsfattares resonemang om barnkonventionens inkorporering - en kvalitativ studie.

The aim of this study was to create an understanding of how decision makers within social services’ children and youth work resonate regarding the incorporation of the Children’s Rights Convention (CRC). The study is based on six qualitative interviews with professional social workers in different parts of Sweden. Theories within sociology of law were applied in the analysis of the results to illu

Hur stort är GAAP:et?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om en högre grad harmonisering mellan GAAP och IFRS har lett till en mindre skillnad i REM och AEM samt hur företag inom båda regelverken har hanterat EM under tidsperioden. Studien är kvantitativ med en deduktiv ansats och undersöker åren 2002–2019. För att beräkna användandet av AEM används den modifierade Jones modellen. För att beräkna användandet av REM

Finding Fathers in Business : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Fatherhood Practices in the Swedish Business World

This thesis sheds light on a particular group of men in Swedish society: fathers working in business. According to R.W. Connell’s theory, these men hold significant power as businesses become increasingly globalised. Moreover, Connell states, they are bearers of a new form of hegemonic masculinity: transnational business masculinity. This form of masculinity is characterised by a prioritisation of


The process of organizational change will inevitably have an impact on the employees within when converting from its status quo to a hoped-for future state. Strategic goals are often coming to the fore while creating a workforce that helps evolve the change is easily forgotten or deprioritized. Moreover, the frequency of change tends to aggravate feelings of fatigue or organizational change cynici

Does Quality Matter?

The purpose of this study is to investigate if there is any size effect in the Swedish stock market between April 2010 and December 2019, and if controlling for firms' quality improves the performance of a size-based investment strategy. The risk premium of firms with smaller market value of equity has since its discovery been under heavy scrutiny. Recent studies suggest that by quality-contro

Hur kan man få människor att röra sig mer i urban miljö?

Att röra på sig är och har alltid varit en grundförutsättning för vår hälsa och välbefinnande. Dagens samhällsutveckling tyder på en allt mer stillasittande livsstil i form av arbeten, vardagsliv och fritidsaktiviteter. Bristen på fysisk aktivitet är en av de största hälsoutmaningarna idag och individers levnadsvanor har visat en konstaterad anledning till detta. Det har traditionellt sätt varit Movement is and has always been essential for our health and well-being. Today's social development indicates a more sedentary lifestyle in terms of work, everyday life and leisure time activities. The lack of physical activity is one of the biggest health challenges of today and the living habits of individuals have shown a strong reason for this. It has traditionally been the individual'

Avvikelse eller avsaknad av sexualitet? : En diskursanalys av riktlinjer till personal inom LSS-verksamheter

This study aims to examine how Swedish guidelines that address staff in disability service according to the Swedish LSS law talk about sexuality and normality among individuals with a norm-breaking intellectual functional variation. With a discourse theoretical approach, I have examined four different materials focused on these issues. The main results of the study have showed how sexuality among

Public Participation in Environmental Policymaking: A Case Study of the German Energiewende

The climate crisis urges countries around the globe to end their national energy systems’ dependencies on fossil fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The development of renewable energy sources and its increasing physical interventions into the living space of citizens lead to growing public protests that pose a threat to planned energy infrastructure projects. In response to public protests,

Brandteknisk Riskvärdering - Utvärdering av Malmö Operas brandskydd

Denna rapport undersöker brandskyddet hos Malmö Opera ur ett personsäkerhetsperspektiv, där fokus har lagts på salong och foajé, med intilliggande utrymmen. Två dimensionerande scenarier har undersökts där brand- och utrymningssimuleringar genomförts. Utifrån resultaten har det nuvarande brandskyddet utvärderats. Sammanfattningsvis konstateras det att största bristen i objektets brandskydd är beThe following report is a detailed evaluation of the fire protection at Malmö Opera, said evaluation performed by defining and using models to simulate two representative fire scenarios and then comparing their respective RSET-ASET. The evacuation safety is regarded with this information in hand. The scenarios consist of a rapid fire in a section of the wardrobe as well as a fire in a collection

"Why Did I Live"

This thesis studies how Mary Shelley and Meredith Ann Pierce criticise Western patriarchal societies through the depiction of the creation of artificial life. The thesis discusses how Shelley and Pierce’s critique consequently includes a critique of Humanism, since the school of thought had a pivotal role in the formation of the civilizational model of these Western societies. Steeped in anthropoc

Enhancement of innovation in the public sector: a qualitative study of how Swedish municipalities have worked with innovation hubs to meet global and social challenges

The purpose of this study is to explore the enhancement of innovation in the public sector when municipalities use innovation hubs to meet global and social challenges. The study is aimed at examining the process of how the hubs implement innovation. This research contributes to the Swedish research of innovation and provides knowledge to managers about beneficial methods regarding managing change

Hittepå - Samspelet mellan förutbestämdhet och intuition vid skapandet av ett album

Denna studie har syftet att få ökad kunskap om min personliga skapandeprocess bakom ett musikaliskt album. Hur ser förhållandet ut mellan mig som musicerande kompositör och mina medmusiker? Hur balanseras mina intentioner med deras kreativitet? Hur kan detta samspel formuleras och karaktäriseras? Hur ser det kompositoriska samspelet ut mellan förutbestämda musikaliska strukturer och mera intuitivaThe purpose of this study is to increase my knowledge of my personal creation process behind a musical album. What does the relationship between me as a music composer and my fellow musicians look like? How are my intentions balanced with their creativity? How can this interaction be formulated and characterized? What does the compositional interaction look like between predetermined musical struc