

Din sökning på "*" gav 532283 sökträffar

Premium B2B services on a price sensitive market - A Case Study of a Swedish B2B Service Company in India

Title: Premium B2B services on a price sensitive market - a case study of a Swedish B2B service company in India. Authors: Emma Staxäng and Erik Almén Tutors: Andreas Larsson - PhD, Department of Design Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Fredrik Häglund - PhD Student, Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Lund University. Helene Hjelmvik - Managing Directo

Economic Policies and Incentives to Expand the Geothermal Energy Industry in Indonesia

Indonesia is a country with a growing economy and in pararrel with economic growth, energy demand in the country is increasing rapidly. However, energy supply in the country is becoming an issue since Indonesia’s energy supply mainly depends on fossil fuel resources which is non-renewable and the national reserve of fossil fuel itself has been decreasing. At this rate, Indonesia will have to impor

Caín eller Kain? Att översätta namn och beskrivande benämningar i Carlos Ruiz Zafóns El Príncipe de la Niebla

Denna uppsats är den andra delen av mitt magisterarbete och innehåller en analys av översättningen som utgör uppsatsens första del. Översättningen består av sidorna 113-142 i El Príncipe de la Niebla av Carlos Ruiz Zafón, utgiven 2007 av Editorial Planeta i Barcelona. Boken gavs ut första gången 1993 av Edebé, Barcelona. Uppsatsen består av tre delar. Första delen utgörs av en källtextanalys där d

Integration of Increasing Wind Power into Electricity Grid in China: With a Focus on Institutional Matters

This thesis focuses on what can be done from institutional prospective to integrate increasing amount of wind power to the system in China. By looking into what are current grid integration problems in China at institutional level and how the best insternational practice, the Danish grid integration, look like and the lessons from institutional prospective and comparison between two systems are ma

Household Waste Collection Policies for Mercury-Containing Light Sources in Sweden: Status and Trends

The thesis explores the possibilities of the Swedish government to assure effective waste collection policies for mercury-containing gas-discharge lamps (GDL) in the context of phase-out of incandescent light bulbs. The study includes review of the waste collection, the waste collection evaluation, policy review and policy analysis. The specific analytical tools applied include Lindhqvist’s policy

Seeing the Forest for the Trees - Australian Forest Biomass for Energy: An Investigation of Understanding, Acceptance, Trust & Legitimacy

Forest biomass used in bioenergy systems, is a proven, large scale, cost-effective and growing renewable energy source in numerous countries. In Australia, the technical potential and environmental benefits of forest biomass for energy purposes are evident to many social and market actors, yet implementation is minimal. This work investigates a number of the underlying factors for the low implemen

An investigation of a method to determine the metallicity distribution function in the thick Disk

En av de stora olösta problemen inom astronomi är hur galaxer bildas och utvecklas och i synnerhet hur våran egen Galax, Vintergatan, formades och utvecklades. Det är ett problem som astronomer har försökt lösa i åtskilliga årtionden, men först på senare tid har instrumenten blivit så pass nogranna att vi har möjligheten lösa detta problemet. Med moderna observationer har vi idag en bra bild av huThe formation and evolution of the Milky Way is a subject under constant debate. Our understanding of the hierarchical structure for- mation of the Galaxy is limited and as it stands now, there are several different competeing models that aim to explain the observations. The initial aim of this project was to study vertical metallicity gradi- ents in the thick disk whilst applying a previously unu

Collaborative purchasing of logistics services at the Wanxingda Group

Background: Logistics and distribution of sold goods have traditionally been individually handled by each company in the Wanxingda Group with minimal coordination on group level. The strong relationships between the companies within the group and their close geographical proximity to each other indicate that there might exist potential for closer collaboration in this area. Furthermore, many of th

Modeling the effect of the use of fiber reinforced plastics on the evacuation of a ro-pax passenger deck

Modern ship design and construction is striving to make sea transportation more fuel efficient and more environmentally friendly. One of the possible solutions is to make the ships lighter by reducing the weight of the superstructure, constructing it completely or partially with lightweight materials such as Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP), like glass fiber composites or carbon fiber composites. H

Att bibehålla sin värld - En utvärderingsstudie för Malmö Cleantech City

Att nätverka är väldigt användbart i dagens samhälle för företag. Malmö Cleantech City är ett nätverk för miljöteknik företag i Malmö som ville få sin verksamhet utvärderad för potentiella utvecklingsmöjligheter. Därför utformades denna studie med kvalitativmetod och genomfördes genom telefonintervjuer med åtta respondenter. För att uppnå syftet formades forskningsfrågan “hur upplever företagen i Networking is a useful tool in today’s society for business development. Malmö Cleantech City is a network for environmental engineering in Malmö, who wished to get their network evaluated for potential progress opportunities. The study was designed with a qualitative methodology and was conducted through telephone interviews with eight respondents. The following research question was formed "

A Light Scattering and Calorimetry Study on the Interaction between PEO-PPO-PEO Triblock Copolymers and the Bile Salt Sodium Glycodeoxycholate

The interaction between two block copolymers (Pluronic® P65 and F127) and the bile salt sodium glycodeoxycholate (NaGDC) was investigated by means of static and dynamic light scattering (SLS and DLS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). First a temperature study on pure P65 (1.0 wt%) in water in the temperature interval 5-80 °C revealed a critical micellization temperature of about 40 °C f

Distinction within a folksy consumer culture

This research departs from two domains within the research field of consumer culture theory (CCT), Consumer Identity Projects and Marketplace Cultures. The goal was to add insights to the field by investigating social distinction through exploration of a context that traditionally has been characterized as being democratic and folksy. This research will study speciality coffee consumers as they di

Utrymning med hiss från tunnelbanestationer under mark - En studie om förmåga och riskperception

The objective of this study is to obtain knowledge about the important factors that affect people when evacuating by elevator from underground stations. The objective is also to contribute for future development of recommendations and research in the field. The study was carried out in the form of a questionnaire survey in Stockholm. Two groups were selected, the first consisting of randomly selec

Skönlitteratur och läsning som forskningsfråga inom B&I : en metateoretisk analys av 21 masteruppsatser

This master’s thesis examines 21 master’s theses written in Library and Information Science in Sweden between the years 2010 and 2013. The master’s theses are written in Lund, Borås and Uppsala and all of them have literature and/or reading as subject matters. The aim of the thesis is to investigate how master’s theses in our time handle the question of reading and literature as a subject matter i

Är sväljningssvårigheter ett bortglömt problem på svenska vårdboenden? Enkätundersökning bland vårdtagare och vårdpersonal

Dysfagi (sväljningssvårigheter) definieras som svårighet eller omöjlighet att svälja mat, vätska eller läkemedel. Sväljningssvårigheter kan leda till allvarliga komplikationer såsom aspirationspneumonier (lunginflammation, pga. inandning av mat), malnutrition (undernäring) och dehydrering (uttorkning). Förutom den fysiologiska försvagningen förekommer även en negativ psykosocial påverkan till följ

Microscopic echinoderm remains from the Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) of Västergötland, Sweden - faunal composition and applicability as environmental proxies

Mikroskopiska echinodermfossil har undersökts ur prover från täljstensintervallet och intillig-gande delar av ’lanna’- och ’holenkalkstenen’ i Hällekis stenbrott, Västergötland. Den undersökta sektionen är från översta volkhov och mellersta kunda, darriwilian (mellanordovicium). Tidigare studier har konkluderat att en regression/transgression skedde under den undersökta perioden, vilket bekräftas Microscopic echinoderms were studied in acid-insoluble residues from the Lanna and Holen limestones at Hällekis, Västergötland, Sweden. The section studied spans the uppermost Volkhov and lower–middle Kunda Baltoscandian stages, within the Darriwillian global Stage (Middle Ordovician). The echinoderms show an increase in abundance, accompanying falling sea levels during the well-recognized regress

Water Source and Water Fetching Time on Infant Mortality in Sub Saharan Africa

Concerns about water scarcity in Sub-Saharan African countries, difficulties in accessing a safe and reliable water source is becoming a serious threat to both child health and mortality reduction. The major challenges of water access condition in most Sub-Saharan Africa nations are depending on water source and daily water fetching time. This thesis will look into these two factors, examining the

Development aid in an era of social media

Social media have come to influence the way we interact, both on an individual level and an organisational level. Businesses in all industries are quickly realising that if you are not on social media you do not exist. This thesis aim to investigate how social media influence the aid market and how/if the individual consumer has changed their participatory behaviour towards aid organisations. A c