

Din sökning på "*" gav 534558 sökträffar

Grammatical gender in Italian by Swedish-speaking L2 learners: a third age perspective

The language learning process by third age learners has recently become a field of interest for linguistic research. However, it has been studied mostly regarding psychological and cognitive considerations (stress, motivation, attention, memory, etc.), rather than according to language internal factors. The present study aims to provide a contribution by investigating the mastery of Italian gramma

RecAS70P: a tool for studying human disease

A tool for studying human disease The human body is divided into small compartments called cells and each cell contains the information that is needed to develop a human being from the moment of fertilization to the full grown adult. The information is stored in the form of a twisted ladder consisting of building blocks called deoxy ribonucleic acids, or DNA. DNA is made up of four types of deo

The Apoptotic Effects of Silver- and Gold Nanoparticles on the Mouse Retina – an In Vivo Study

Everyday products might make you blind! I think we all can appreciate at least one of the following products: sun screen, scratch free frying pans, self-cleaning paint, makeup, food packing and odorless clothes. These are all everyday products were you can find tiny objects, called nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are defined as objects were one dimension is between 1-100 nm, that is, 1-100 billionth

Hygrothermal Analysis of Retrofitted Buildings in the Campus of Lund University

As climate change have become generally accepted as a potential problem, reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and global energy demand has become an important research topic. This have led to an increased interest towards the retrofitting of the existing building stock, including cultural protected buildings. Due to the cultural protection, carrying out major alteration such as exterior wall retr

Klart behov - omprövning av gemensamhetsanläggning enligt 35§ AL

1 januari 1990 tillkom rekvisitet klart behov vid omprövning av gemensamhetsanläggning enligt 35§ AL. Lagändringen berodde på att det tidigare var allt för restriktivt att ompröva gemensamhetsanläggningar, det var svårt att uppfylla de två tidigare rekvisiten, ändrade förhållanden och föreskrift för omprövning. I lagtexten står det inte tydligt vad klart behov innebär. Syftet med detta arbete är aIn January 1990 the term clear need was introduced while reassessing a joint facility according to 35§ AL. The law changed due to restrictions in the two previous terms making them difficult to achieve, changed conditions and regulation of reassessing. Clear need is not defined in the law texts nor is it defined in the legislative history or the government bill. The purpose of this paper is to sh

Patienters upplevelse av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner inom multimodal smärtrehabilitering i specialistvård och primärvård

Bakgrund: Många individer lever med svår långvarig smärta. För behandling av komplex smärtproblematik har multimodal rehabilitering (MMR)utvecklats. Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner fokuserar på förhållningssätt och strategier som möjliggör ett aktivt liv, trots smärta. I dagsläget saknas studier som utvärderar arbetsterapeutiska interventioner i MMR för patienter med långvarig smärta. Syfte: Sy


During the last three decades, the number of NGOs within the educational field in India has increased dramatically due to the Indian government struggling with providing free quality education. NGOs in India have been praised for their contribution to development, but also criticized for inefficiency and lack of accountability. This case study provides an empirical example of a NGO called Mother M

Ultrafiltration of Bleach Plant Effluent from a Sulfite Pulp Mill – Influence of pH on Fouling

Från barnsben uppmanas vi till att tänka utanför boxen, något som kan komma att visa sig inte bara användbart, utan också nödvändigt när det gäller att lösa de miljöfrågor vårt samhälle ställs inför. Att hitta nya sätt att minska miljöpåverkan på vår omgivning är alltid aktuellt. Pappers- och massaindustrin har länge varit stämplad som miljöbov, något som med tiden blivit mindre och mindre sanniThe fouling of an ultrafiltration plant, separating bleach plant effluent coming from a sulfite pulp mill, was evaluated depending on the pH value of the feed stream for both softwood and hardwood. The objective was to decrease the dosage of the alkaline substance NaOH in the first bleaching stage, without altering the performance of the ultrafiltration. Incoming feed streams, as well as permeate

Smart Beta Factor Investing

In an attempt to bridge the gap between active and passive investing, Smart Beta strategies have become a popular alternative for investors given their systematic, rules-based approach to portfolio construction and historical tendency to capture market inefficiencies. In this thesis, we examine the performance of Smart Beta strategies versus the S&P 500 and the Euro Stoxx 600 index for time pe


This work was carried out for the company Verifyter AB in Lund. Their main customers are microchip manufacturers. Verifyter provides a tool called PinDown that does automatic debugging on their customers' test runs. The tool creates a large amount of data with information about these test runs. The company wants to be able to visualize this data for their customers in order for their customers

Exploration of flow cytometry for rapid detection of changes in the microbial communities of drinking water after washing of slow sand filters

Microbial water quality is often assessed with heterotrophic plate counts (HPC) which are not trustworthy and time consuming, and flow cytometry (FCM) with DNA staining by SYBR® Green I (SG) has been suggested as a suitable tool for analyzing the bacterial community in drinking water. This study investigated the existing staining protocol and then applied this protocol to monitoring of slow sand f

The Impact of Polystyrene Microplastics on Filtration Rate in the Marine Copepod Acartia tonsa

Microplastic particles are of increasing environmental concern around the globe and recent studies have shown that these particles are present in the entire water column, thus affecting a range of zooplankton including copepods that have a vital role in the marine food web. This study investigated whether microplastic beads have an effect in the filtration rate in the copepod Acartia tonsa, which

Identification of Mutations in Genes Regulating Culm Length in Malting Barley

Skrivfel ger billig öl trots framtida klimatändringar Ölpriset är kanske inte det första man oroar sig över när man hör farorna med framtida klimatförändringar. Men var lugn, det kommer man inte att behöva göra heller. Genom att lägga ihop pusslet över hur kornets strålängd regleras kommer man kunna fortsätta att ta fram kornsorter som klarar av mer extremt väder. Kornsorter som sedan används förLodging, the tendency in barley to lie down on the ground when exposed to hail and heavy fertilising, is one of the most important traits that barley breeding is trying to remove from the barley cultivars. This may be an even greater challenge when future climate changes may lead to more extreme weather leading to more severe storms with heavy rain and hail. In this project, 8 breviaristatum (ari)

Search for new phenomena in low-mass dijet using trigger-level analysis

The recent upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) benefits searches for new physics phenomena using multijet final states. The increased center-of-mass energy opens new possibilities to probe new physics at scales beyond the Tera-electron volt (TeV), especially in di-jet final states. However, in the sub-TeV mass region, the QCD background to dijet searches is overwhelming and not all events c

Structural Effects on Degradation and Photophysical Behaviour of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskites

Perovskites have proven to have very promising properties applicable in future higher efficient technological devices such as light emitters and solar cells. In further development of perovskite solar cell devices there are however serious material drawbacks such as instability and toxicity, causing the perovskite research community to question if and how these obstacles can be overcome. In this

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenhet av att använda bild som verktyg i psykiatrisk rehabilitering

Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hur arbetsterapeuter använder bild inom psykiatrisk rehabilitering. Metod: Kvalitativ ansats med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sju arbetsterapeuter intervjuades på sina arbetsplatser, två psykiatriska rehabiliteringar. Sex av sju intervjuer spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades genom en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Genom att individanpassa miljö samt

Kommunanställda arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter och tankar kring arbetsterapeutisk intervention inom äldreomsorgen i ordinärt boende

Bakgrund: Andelen äldre i Sverige beräknas öka, vilket innebär högre krav på hälso- och sjukvården då den ska arbeta för att främja hälsa. Arbetsterapeuter arbetar för att möjliggöra aktivitet, vilket på sikt ökar välbefinnandet och bidrar till minskade hälso- och sjukvårdskostnader. Studier visar att det finns ett ökat behov av att arbeta med aktivitetsbaserade interventioner i ett tidigt skede a

Interventioner för föräldrar till barn med funktionsnedsättning ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv

Bakgrund: Att vara förälder till barn med funktionsnedsättning innebär ofta ökade stressfaktorer i vardagen med de ökade behov barnet har. Stress, ångest och depression är vanligt förekommande samt bortprioritering av meningsfulla aktiviteter, vilket kan leda till aktivitetsobalans. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att i vetenskapliga studier undersöka interventioner för föräldrar till barn med funkt

The application of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process model and ARCH/GARCH model in statistical arbitrage

Statistical arbitrage is widely used in the quantitative based trading strategies. In this paper, we mainly use Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (O-U) process model and the GARCH model to estimate the parameters and verify trading signals for the statistical arbitrage. In addition, a new model is created through the combination of O-U model and GARCH model. To estimate the models, HuangXia Bank and Industrial B