

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Image analysis to estimate the fractal dimension of soot aggregates

Examensarbetet har utvecklat en metod för att estimera den fraktala dimensionen från Transmissions Elektron Mikroskop (TEM) bilder av sot aggregat som skapats med hjälp av en mini-CAST sotgenerator. Det är ett underbestämt problem att estimera den fraktala dimensionen, en 3D egenskap, från 2D bilder. Lösningen är syntetiserade TEM bilder som baserats på projektioner av numeriskt simulerade aggregaIn this master’s thesis a method for estimating the fractal dimension from Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) images of soot aggregates has been developed, and also applied to TEM images of soot sampled from a mini-CAST soot generator. The problem to estimate the fractal dimension, a 3D property, from a 2D image is undetermined. To solve this, TEM images were synthesised based on projections o

Implementation of the Todd-Coxeter Algorithm to Finitely Presented Groups

This work presents the notion of free groups and the definition of a group using generators and relations. We use the Todd-Coxeter Algorithm in order to solve the coset enumeration problem for the finitely presented groups: $D_4,\, A_4,\, A_5,\, S_3,\, S_4,\, S_5,\, PSL_2(7),\, PSL_2(9)$. Then we use these presentations in order to prove the exceptional isomorphisms $A_5\cong PSL_2(5) \cong SL_2(4

Förmånsbeskattning av delägare i fåmansföretag - En konsekvensanalys av slopade stoppregler

Uppsatsen syftar till att redogöra för och analysera de konsekvenser som uppstått för fåmansföretagare och skattesystemet till följd av slopandet av stoppreglerna år 2000. Utmärkande för fåmansföretag är att bestämmanderätten endast utövas av ett fåtal ägare. För att förhindra att intressegemenskapen mellan företaget och delägarna används för att skapa skattelättnader infördes en särreglering förThis essay is aiming to explain and analyse the consequences that occurred to the owners of closely held companies due to the abolishment of the special tax legislation in 2000. The right to decide is gathered within a few owners in closely held companies. In order to prevent that this enables advantages in taxation a special regulation was introduced for closely held companies in 1976. The speci

A Study of the Refugees Welcome Movement in Malmö - Opportunity structures, Mobilisation and Framing

This study examines the Refugees Welcome Movement campaign in Malmö between the period September 2015 and June 2016. The purpose of this study derives from the identification of a knowledge gap of descriptive, as well as analytical accounts that conceptualises the many and long withstanding occurrences of collective action within Social movement theory. This study aims therefore to tackle this kno

"They treat us like we are nobody!" A phenomenological study of female sex workers’ experiences in accessing public health care services in Central Malawi

Female sex workers in Malawi are exposed to multiple occupational health and safety risks. Despite the fact that FSWs are impacting the general public’s health status, health care access is limited due to different challenges. In order to identify the barriers and receive a deeper understanding of the experiences FSWs make when accessing health care and how these experiences impact the women’s age

Cash Equals Education? A Case Study of How a Scholarship to Highland Students in Ratanakiri, Cambodia Promotes Educational Participation

The purpose of this thesis was to explore how a scholarship distributed to upper secondary school students of ethnic minority in Ratanakiri, Cambodia has promoted educational participation. To do this, this thesis analysed students’ understanding of the value of education, obstacles to participation and how the scholarship has addressed these obstacles. A qualitative approach was used where data w

Policy on domestic violence in Bolivia: An intersectional study on visibility and inclusion

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate visibility and inclusion in policy on domestic violence in Bolivia by answering the specific questions: 1) How are the axis of difference related to gender, class and ethnicity made visible in the national policy documents on domestic violence? and 2) How are the intersections of gender class and ethnicity understood by service providers in public inst

Gendered Political Recruitment in Myanmar: The case of the Democratic Party for a New Society

With 10,5% women in parliament, Myanmar ranks number 157 out of 193 countries on the rate of women in parliament. This thesis aims at investigating the gendered institutions that influence women’s descriptive representation in politics through a case study on political recruitment within the Democratic Party for a New Society, DPNS, and their youth wing Youth for a New Society. The main research q

The Role of Women in Legislature: Mexican Congresswomen Representing Women?

As women are increasingly becoming a part of political life on par with men, their role in politics is charged with diverse beliefs and expectations from all segments of society (constituents, women’s groups, the media). On top of increasing female presence in legislatures, they are expected to represent female constituents’ concerns, be representative of femininity, break gender stereotypes, etc.

Inclusive Business at the Base of the Pyramid: A Multiple-case study of the Water and Sanitation and Energy Sectors

This thesis addresses the topic of inclusive business by analyzing and comparing the strategy adoption process led by top managers, the level of cocreation, and challenges of Swedish organizations operating in low-income contexts within the water and sanitation and energy sectors. Inclusive business is a novel concept built upon Prahalad and Hart’s (2002) proposition of doing business with the Bas

Transgender individuals employed in the formal labour market: a distant dream?

The purpose of this thesis is to provide a contextual and legal analysis on the exclusion of transgender individuals from employment in the formal economy. The chosen research design was a case study, in which the city of São Paulo is examined. Through a qualitative analysis, this study subscribed to the Social Exclusion framework (Jehoel-Gijsbers and Vrooman, 2007) in order to investigate such ex

The Future of the New Media Economy : exploring the entangling identities of advertising and journalism professionals via the phenomenon of native advertising

This thesis explores the relationship between journalism and advertising from the individual professional’s perspective. In-depth qualitative interviews with a total of eleven individuals currently working in Sweden or Denmark as either journalists or advertising, marketing and public relations professionals have been conducted, in which native advertisements have been shown and discussed. This ha

Human (in)securities in Amman, Jordan. A Case Study on Syrian Refugee Women

Since the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, millions of Syrians have sought refuge in countries abroad, many of whom currently live in poverty. The purpose of this study is to explore the human security among refugee women in Amman. The aim is to understand how women experience human (in)securities as well as how different formal and informal actors influence their security. The research u

Integration of machine operators in nature conservation – A demand for education

Integration of machine operators in nature conservation – A demand for education In Swedish forestry there are several educational programs that provides certificates in nature conservation and environmental considerations for machine operators (Blue & Green). The certificates are optional, but if a machine operator intends to work in licensed forests with a higher nature consideration, the c

Inomstatliga beroenden

This is a case study that will investigate how interdependence can explain the tension that occurs between the state and municipality due to Nord Stream 2. Through a qualitative text analysis of public documents, newspaper articles and news reports from television, I have interdependence as explanation model sought to understand the state's actions with / against the municipality of Karlshamn

Flödesoptimering i medicinteknisk polymertillverkning

Examensarbetet har gjorts på Nolato MediTech AB i Lomma via avdelning för Industriell produktion på Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Syftet har varit att analysera flödet från att produkt lämnar maskin tills den lämnar fabriken, identifiera problem och hitta eventuella lösningar. Bakgrunden till examensarbetet är att Nolato MediTech AB verkar inom medicinteknik-branschen som en kontraktstillverkare där tiThe master thesis has been performed at Nolato MediTech AB in Lomma through the Division of Production and Materials Engineering at Lund University. The purpose of the master thesis has been to analyze the internal flow of products from departure from the machine until the departure from the factory, identify problems and present solutions. The background of the thesis is that Nolato MediTech AB i

Rationalitet eller arv? Sveriges erkännande av Palestina

The purpose of this study is to explain the reasons behind the Swedish Social Democrat led government’s recognition of Palestine on the 30th of October 2014. By conducting a single case study, the recognition will be analysed according to two theories: The Rational Actor Model and the Organizational Behavior Model. The Rational Actor Model assumes that the purpose of the recognition was to value-m

Tvistinvesterares finansiering av skiljetvister: Om kostnadsregleringen i lagen om skiljeförfarande

Under de senaste åren har det i den internationella litteraturen och debatten uppmärksammats att det blivit allt vanligare att externa finansiärer helt eller delvis finansierar en parts processföring. Denna framställning undersöker om och i så fall på vilket sätt de svenska kostnadsbestämmelserna vid skiljeför-farande reglerar frågan om tredje mans finansiering av parts processföring. Den rättsdogIn recent years, international literature and debate has brought attention to the fact that it has become increasingly common for third-party funders to partially or fully finance a party’s arbitration and litigation costs. This essay examines if, and in what manner, Swedish arbitration cost regulations gov-ern the issue of third-party financing of a party to the arbitration. The essay uses a trad

Vad väger tyngst? Hur vi kan förstå beslutsfattandet bakom svensk vapenexport i relation till en feministisk utrikespolitik

Sedan 2015 har Sverige en uttalat feministisk utrikespolitik, med målet att ett genusperspektiv ska genomsyra all politisk verksamhet. Parallellt med denna nya politiska inriktning fortsätter Sverige att exportera krigsmateriel till icke-demokratiska och konfliktdrabbade stater, något som har gett upphov till kritik. Genom att granska den statliga myndighet som ansvarar för beslut om krigsmateriel