Din sökning på "*" gav 533050 sökträffar
The Nordic Belarusian History Dialogue : A Forum for Networking and Discussions Between Academics
The continent-ocean (Seve-Köli) boundary in the Sarek-Padjelanta Mts. revisited : Swedish Caledonides
In the Swedish Caledonides, the continent-ocean boundary is represented by the basal thrust of the Iapetus-derived Köli Nappe Complex (KNC) which overlies the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) derived from the outer rifted margin of Baltica and the continent-ocean transition (COT). Current maps and literature subdivide the Seve teconostratigraphy in northern Sweden (Sarek-Padjelanta region) into three mega
Patients with cutaneous head and neck melanoma, particularly elderly with more advanced primary tumors, seem to benefit from initial CT staging before considering a sentinel lymph node biopsy
Background: The role of CT scanning at the time of diagnosis for patients with primary cutaneous head and neck melanoma (cHNM) clinically asymptomatic for metastatic disease remains unclear. Aim: To determine the positive yield of initial CT scanning before considering sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) staging. Materials and methods: A retrospective review was performed on 170 consecutive patients
Picking low hanging fruit–A scoping review of work environment related interventions in the home care sector
Home care for elderly people is an important part of the social welfare system. The sector employs many people, especially women, and work environment issues are common. This review explores the scientific literature on organizational interventions that target the home care work environment. Altogether, 16 studies of varying quality met the inclusion criteria. The interventions identified involved
Does Self-isolation Violate the Right to Liberty? An Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights’ Practice in Light of the Ukrainian Experience
COVID-19 became a stress-test for many legal systems because it required that a balance be found between rapid action to prevent the spread of the disease and a continued respect for human rights. Many states in Europe, including Ukraine, chose to enforce an obligation to self-isolate. In this article we review what the obligation to self-isolate entails in the case of Ukraine. We also analyse whe
Ras och genetiska skillnader : Introduktion till avsnittets texter
Genetic parameters for noncoagulating milk, milk coagulation properties, and detailed milk composition in Swedish Red Dairy Cattle
The rennet-induced coagulation ability of milk is important in cheese production. For Swedish Red Dairy Cattle (RDC), this ability is reduced because of a high prevalence of noncoagulating (NC) milk. In this study, we simultaneously combined genetic parameters for NC milk, milk coagulation properties, milk composition, physical traits, and milk protein composition. Our aim was to estimate heritabi
Optical Diagnostics for Engine Efficiency in Gasoline Compression Ignition
The internal combustion engine has played a significant role in a vast number of applications from small cars to giant tankers, setting people free from geographical barriers and heavy labor. However, it has also generated many tons of harmful emissions and CO2that damage to humans and the environment. In response, many advanced combustion concepts have been proposed in recent decades, including h
HEARTBiT : A Transcriptomic Signature for Excluding Acute Cellular Rejection in Adult Heart Allograft Patients
Background: Nine mRNA transcripts associated with acute cellular rejection (ACR) in previous microarray studies were ported to the clinically amenable NanoString nCounter platform. Here we report the diagnostic performance of the resulting blood test to exclude ACR in heart allograft recipients: HEARTBiT. Methods: Blood samples for transcriptomic profiling were collected during routine post-transp
Partierna, rösträtten och medborgarskapet : Riksdagsdebatten om utlandssvenskars och ickemedborgares rösträtt efter år 1921
Political Parties, Enfranchisement, and Citizenship: Debates on Voting Rights for Expatriate Citizens and Resident Aliens in the Swedish Parliament after 1921.The question of how voting rights should be designed in relation to national citizenship has gained attention in modern, academic debates. However, there are few empirical studies on the political agents actually involved in efforts to promo
Moving Targets: On reducing public responsibilities through re-categorising homeless people and refugees
Categorising people and housing situations is unavoidable in research and national and local statistics on homelessness, as well as in regulating and planning for interventions and supply and allocation of suitable accommodation. Despite different motives and original functions, however, these categories and the use of them are influenced by the political discourse, especially when they travel froCategorising people and housing situations is unavoidable in research and national and local statistics on homelessness, as well as in regulating and planning for interventions and supply and allocation of suitable accommodation. Despite different motives and original functions, however, these categories and the use of them are influenced by the political discourse, especially when they travel fro
The cost-effectiveness of mobile health (Mhealth) interventions for older adults : Systematic review
The objective of this study was to critically assess and review empirical evidence on the cost-effectiveness of Mobile Health (mHealth) interventions for older adults. We systematically searched databases such as Pubmed, Scopus, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Literature (CINAHL) for peer-reviewed economic evaluations published in English from 2007 to 2018. We extracted data on methods
Homofoba uttalanden i radio kan vara diskriminering i arbetslivet
EU-domstolen: Cykelbud var inte arbetstagare
The ILO Response to Covid-19: ILO and International Labour Standards in Times of a Pandemic
α-Hemolysin of uropathogenic E. coli regulates NLRP3 inflammasome activation and mitochondrial dysfunction in THP-1 macrophages
Hemolysin expressing UPEC strains have been associated with severe advanced kidney pathologies, such as cystitis and pyelonephritis, which are associated with an inflammatory response. Macrophages play an important role in regulating an inflammatory response during a urinary tract infection. We have studied the role of purified recombinant α-hemolysin in inducing inflammatory responses and cell de
Proinflammatory cytokines induce accumulation of glypican-1-derived heparan sulfate and the C-terminal fragment of β-cleaved APP in autophagosomes of dividing neuronal cells
Proinflammatory cytokines stimulate expression of β-secretase, which increases processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP), ultimately leading to the deposition of amyloid beta (Aβ). The N-terminal domain of β-cleaved APP supports Cu/NO-dependent release of heparan sulfate (HS) from the glypican-1 (Gpc-1) proteoglycan. HS is an inhibitor of β-secretase, thereby constituting a regulatory, negativ
Almost complex surfaces in the nearly Kähler SL(2, R) × SL(2, R)
The space SL(2, R) × SL(2, R) admits a natural homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian nearly Kahler structure. We investigate almost complex surfaces in this space. In particular, we obtain a complete classification of the totally geodesic almost complex surfaces and of the almost complex surfaces with parallel second fundamental form.
Advanced Image Enhancement Method for Distant Vessels and Structures in Capsule Endoscopy
This paper proposes an advanced method for contrast enhancement of capsule endoscopic images, with the main objective to obtain sufficient information about the vessels and structures in more distant (or darker) parts of capsule endoscopic images. The proposed method (PM) combines two algorithms for the enhancement of darker and brighter areas of capsule endoscopic images, respectively. The half-u