

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

MRI and body fluid analysis: New means to monitor early structural and metabolic changes in joint cartilage disease

Emerging knowledge of cartilage metabolism and structure has stimulated efforts to develop new cartilage-monitoring techniques in health and disease. This article gives an overview of cartilage matrix structure, cartilage metabolism, and significant exogenous factor's to show how such knowledge can guide the development of new means to monitor cartilage. Delayed contrast enhanced MRI of cartilage

Numerical Simulations of Cooling Concepts Related to Gas Turbine Combustors

Popular Abstract in Swedish I utvecklingen av gasturbiner och förbränningsmotorer (som används i bilar, flygplan & båtar) finns idag ett modernt miljötänkande som strävar efter att reducera utsläpp och öka effektiviteten (verkningsgraden). Med användning av rätt kylmetoder kan man påverka dessa parametrar. Den bästa möjliga kyltekniken skapar utrymme för att höja temperaturen vid förbränningenThe mean by which a gas turbine combustor is cooled is of major importance for the efficiency and emission performance of the machine. The trends of increasing top cycle temperature and leaner combustion have also been accompanied by a need of efficient use of the cooling air. Traditional cooling schemes such as film cooling are associated with high coolant flow rates and unacceptable emission lev

Classification of systemic sclerosis. Visions and reality.

Systemic sclerosis, scleroderma (SSc) is a disabling condition that shortens life expectancy. Disease heterogeneity and difficulties separating SSc from SSc-like conditions make classification an important issue. Limited cutaneous and diffuse cutaneous SSc, with different severity and survival, have been recognized for several years as distinct subsets. Some authors have suggested an intermediate

Brain tumour development in rats exposed to electromagnetic fields used in wireless cellular communication

It has been suggested that electromagnetic fields (EMF) act as promoters late in the carcinogenesis process. To date, however, there is no convincing laboratory evidence that EMFs cause tumour promotion at non-thermal exposure levels. Therefore the effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields were investigated in a rat brain glioma model. Some of the exposures correspond to electromagnetic fields

A Semi-Empirical Tire-Model for Transient Combined-Slip Forces

This paper presents a semi-empirical combined-slip tiremodel including transient behavior. The method relies on theassumption that the transient behavior is a result from the dynamicdeformation of the tire carcass and that the interaction between thelateral and longitudinal slip and forces can be explained by thedeformation of the rubber treads. The deformation of the tire carcassmakes the tread s

Välviljans variationer : Moraliska gränsdragningar inom brottsofferjourer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Klassiska såväl som moderna sociologer har hävdat att moralen förlorat sin sammanhållande funktion i samhället. Medan det förmoderna samhället präglades av en betydligt mer entydig moral, som upprätthölls i ljuset av en religiös och rättslig auktoritet, har det sen- eller postmoderna samhället rört sig mot en uppluckring av det gemensamma goda. Denna förändrade samhällsVoices from within the victim movement express a need for morality to have fixed boundaries between good and evil, right and wrong. However, such a morality is not always easy to define and uphold. It is thought important to consider the victims particular experiences, through another logic and morality than the strictly legally defined. This dissertation studies victim support as a moral definiti

Relationship between PTEN gene expression and differentiation of human glioma

Objective. To investigate the relationship between PTEN gene expression and differentiation of glioma. Material and methods. The quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method was applied to detect PTEN mRNA levels in glioma tissues. Tumor-adjacent normal tissues and benign brain tumors were used as controls. Relative PTEN mRNA levels were determined as the

Review of Birgit Stolt, Martin Luthers Rhetorik des Herzens. Tübingen 2000.

Luthers kombination av Guds-ords-mystik och kallelsemedvetande blir så tydlig att den just därför varit svår att förstå. Stolt gör upp med vanföreställningar som att retorik skulle utesluta spontanitet. Hon utgår från språkvetenskapliga iakttagelser: Luthers latinska och tyska språkanvändning står i intensivt beroende av varandra, och hans nyskapande insatser för det tyska språket kan inte isolera

Children's needs during hospitalization: an observational study of hospitalized boys.

Twenty-one boys (age range 5 months to 16 years) were followed during their stay at hospital. Total observation time was 120 h. Field notes were made immediately after each observation. These were then transcribed into a narrative text, which was analysed by content analysis. Six categories of needs were identified during non-threatening situations at the hospital: the need for activity, the need

Det svenska hjälpverbet lär: ursprung och utveckling

The Swedish auxiliary "lär" may have been established at the end of the 15th century in Swedish. Its two possible origins are discussed from phonological, morphological and semantic aspects. Possible stages in its develpment are identified and discussed as cases of grammaticalization.

Home Mechanical Ventilation in Sweden. Demography, Indications, Clinical Effects and Survival.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Respiratorbehandling i hemmet till patienter med kronisk underventilering (som kan bero på flera olika grundsjukdomar) har blivit allmänt accepterad, eftersom behandlingen kan ge symptomlindring och förbättrad överlevnad. Syfte: Att undersöka vilka behandlingsmotiv som föranleder start av respiratorbehandling i hemmet och att kvantifiera effekterna av behandlingen på pHome mechanical ventilation in patients with chronic respiratory failure secondary to several different diseases has become widely acceptable as the provision of ventilatory support can provide symptomatic relief and increase life expectancy. Aims: To study the selection criteria underlying the initiation of home mechanical ventilation and to quantify the effects of in relation to blood gases and

Theoretical study of PbO and the PbO anion

PbO and PbO- were studied utilizing CCSD(T), CASSCF/CASPT2, and the Fock Space FSCCSD methods. Relativistic effects were treated by the spin-free, two-component infinite-order Douglas-Kroll-Hess, Dirac-Coulomb and the restricted active space state interaction RASSI-SO methods. Our adiabatic electron affinity (EA), 0.696 eV, agrees favorably with experiment (0.714 eV). Theoretical dissociation ener

Hybrid ultrawideband modulations compatible for both coherent and transmit-reference receivers

This paper considers signaling schemes for heterogeneous ultrawideband communications networks that contain both coherent (rake) and transmitted-reference (TR) receivers. While coherent receivers are capable of receiving TR signals, they do so with a 3 dB penalty, because they cannot make use of the energy invested into the reference pulse. We propose a new signaling scheme that avoids this drawba

To keep the catch - that is the question: a personal account of the 3rd Annual EULAR Congress, Stockholm.

The 3rd Annual EULAR Congress, held in Stockholm on 12-15 June 2002, had a turnout of 8300 delegates, almost identical to last year's record attendance level in Prague. The venue was close to ideal, allowing ample space for poster sessions in the exhibition hall. The manned poster sessions were well attended, even on the last day of the Congress. The numerous invited speakers represented the world