

Din sökning på "*" gav 530220 sökträffar


Hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) is a human carcinogen, but the current exposure to Cr(VI) at Swedish workplaces is unknown.Recruitment of 113 workers with potential Cr(VI) exposure and 72 controls was combined with measurements of inhalable Cr(VI) (only exposed workers) and total Cr in urine and red blood cells (RBC), Bayesian analysis of occupational exposure limit (OEL) compliance was used, as well a

High throughput continuous cell secretome separation inside microscale droplets by means of acoustophoresis

In microbiology, cell analysis is an important tool for understanding influences on biotechnological production. Using current bulk methods, the secretome cannot be assigned to the corresponding cell. This contribution reports a novel method for cell separation inside microscale droplets. Cells are focused in droplets using bulk acoustic waves before the droplet is split at a bifurcation. For a wi

Traces of industrialization in a Baltic Sea sediment core with particular emphasis on marine traffic in Bornholmsgattet

Östersjön har många stressfaktorer som påverkar den, såsom övergödning, syrebrist i vattnet och föroreningar. Stressfaktorerna skapas av eller förstärkas av antropogen påverkan. Sedan industrialiseringen har den antropogena påverkan påskyndats och ökat många av stressfaktorerna. Intresseområdet för detta arbete är Bornholmsgattet, det är vattenområdet mellan Sverige och ön Bornholm. Anledningen tiMultiple stressors affect the Baltic Sea, such as eutrophication, deoxygenated water and pollution. Almost all stres- sors are heightened or caused by anthropogenic impact. The stressors effect has increased since the beginning of the industrialisation and increased many of the stressors. The area of interest for this thesis is Bornholmsgattet, an area located between Sweden and the Island of Bor

When to Privatize Public Employment Services: A Comparative Study on Service Design, Incentives, and Outcomes in Sweden

This thesis investigates the impact of privatizing public employment services in Sweden by comparing two service models: Stöd och Matchning (Stom) and Kundval Rusta och Matcha (Krom). The study aims to determine whether a higher share of result-based compensation and greater freedom for providers to design their own measures of service provision under Krom, improve the results of the service. This

Framing Happiness: Cultural Analysis of Influencers’ use of Place in their Digital Content

I en tid när vi använder sociala medier mer och mer, både i Sverige och ute i världen, så är det viktigt att ta ett steg tillbaka och faktiskt se vad det är vi kollar på för slags digitalt innehåll. Vi sitter med våra mobiltelefoner eller datorer och scrollar genom olika plattformar och tittar på innehåll, ofta från influencers, som framställer en pågående värld någon annanstans. Att fördjupa sig As the use of social media is continuously on the rise in Sweden, and in the world, it is important to take a step back and see what it is we view as content. We sit with our phones or on our computers, scrolling through various social media platforms, viewing content often created by influencers that depict the world unfolding somewhere else. Delving into and deconstructing this creation of conte

Atrioventricular Area Difference Aids Diastolic Filling in Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot

A hydraulic force aids diastolic filling of the left ventricle (LV) and is proportional to the difference in short-axis area between the left ventricle and atrium; the atrioventricular area difference (AVAD). Patients with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot (rToF) and pulmonary regurgitation (PR) have reduced LV filling which could lead to a negative AVAD and a hydraulic force impeding diastolic filling

Sensorlösning för att undvika kollision mellan lastbil och vädertätning

Införandet av uppblåsbara och mekaniska vädertätningarna har sänkt energikostnader genom att eliminera en av de största värmeförlusterna i lagringscenter. Dessa vädertätningar kostar tio tusentals kronor att installera och finns nu i varje lager runt hela Sverige. Denna kostnad gör det dyrt att ersätta en vädertätning ifall den skadas. Största orsaken till att dessa vädertätningar blir förstörda eWith the introduction of inflatable dock shelter bags and curtain docks, money and energy has been saved in solving one of the major heat losses in distributions centres. These dock shelters are now almost on every dock across Sweden and each cost thousands of kronor to install. Therefore, it is expensive for distribution centres to replace them whenever they break. ASSA ABLOY have found a common

Voluntary and vestibular eye movements in a case of lesion restricted to the anterior vermis cerebelli

Lesions to the vermis cerebelli in man have been reported to produce dysmetric saccades, defective smooth pursuit, and spontaneous upbeat nystagmus. From animal experiments it has been suggested that only the posterior part of the cerebellar vermis is involved in the processing of eye movements. We report the case of a patient whose anterior vermis was resected due to metastasis of a colon adenoca

Vem ser kvinnorna? En rättssociologisk studie om gängkriminella kvinnors och yrkesverksammas erfarenheter av avhopparprocesser

This study aims to address criticism regarding the knowledge gap in Swedish research considering women's involvement in gangs and their treatment when seeking to exit a gang-involved lifestyle. The research seeks to contribute insights beneficial for women and grassroots bureaucrats involved in the existing process. The study qualitatively investigates current practices and discussions related

“Makt har den som får sin vilja igenom trots motstånd” En kritisk diskursanalys av remisser för utvidgad preventiv avlyssning

In a time where increased crime consistently dominates the political agenda and the population is continually reminded of acts of violence and shootings, a new legislative proposal regarding surveillance raises not only suspicion of wrongdoing, but questions regarding integrity. From a socio-legal perspective, concepts such as hegemony can elucidate how the state formulates and justifies laws and


Hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), is classified as a Group 1 human carcinogen and causes lung cancer. This study was to investigate associations between occupational exposure to Cr(VI) and lung cancer-related non-coding RNAs.The study included 111 Cr(VI) exposed workers and 72 controls in Sweden, 91.4\smokers. Cr concentration in red blood cells (RBC-Cr) was measured. MicroRNA (miRNA) and long non-codi

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Following recent years’ “audiobook boom”, audio fiction apps have emerged that focus on romantic and erotic content. The article examines how the audio format and its associated uses shape or reshape existing concepts of romantic fiction. Focusing on the case of the app Blanche Stories, the article analyzes new romantic texts, written for the app, along with older texts, love letters, and excerpts

Förekomst av psykoterapi vid depression inom Psykiatri Affektiva, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset

Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka patienter med depressionsdiagnos som behandlats med individuell psykoterapi hos psykolog inom psykiatriska öppenvården vid Psykiatri Affektiva, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset åren 2013 till 2023. Data inhämtades från klinikens patientadministrativa system där vårdåtgärder registreras och innefattade 27 008 patienter. Patienter med depressionsdiagnos gThe study aimed to investigate which patients with diagnosis of depression received individual psychotherapy from a psychologist within psychiatric outpatient care at Psykiatri Affektiva, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, between 2013 and 2023. Data was obtained from the clinic’s patient administrative system where care measures are registered and included 27 008 patients. Patients with diagnosis

Variations in critical quality attributes (CQAs) on therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) due to cultivation conditions, storage conditions and external stress-factors

Ensuring close control of critical quality attributes (CQAs), such as post-translational modifications (PTMs), in therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is essential for maintaining function and batch homogeneity in large-scale production. Common PTMs include deamidation, fragmentation, oxidation, charge variants, and glycosylations. This study aimed to evaluate CQA variations and correlate the