

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Binding of extracellular matrix molecules by enterococci

The bacterial surfaces of enterococci are not uniform. This fact is confirmed by several studies and by our results when great differences between individual strains with regard to their cell surface hydrophobicity, binding of eight ECM (extracellular matrix) molecules immobilized on latex beads and four selected ECM molecules in microtiter plates were observed. The strains expressing high binding

Efficacy of human leucocyte alpha-interferon treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus infection

A total of 42 Swedish patients with biopsy-proven chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection were treated with a natural human leucocyte alpha-interferon (HuIFN-alpha-Le), Alfanative (BioNative AB, Umeå, Sweden) in an open uncontrolled study. Two patients were withdrawn from treatment within 2 weeks due to non-compliance and were omitted from further analysis, and 40 patients (17 females), mean age

Financial Volatility and Time-Varying Risk Premia

This thesis consists of four empirical essays, all dealing with return volatility of financial assets and/or time-varying risk premia. In the first essay, Changing Risk Premia: Evidence from a Small Open Economy, the relation between risk and return is investigated for Swedish stocks. Little is known about the differences in the risk-return relationship in large economies compared with smaller, l

Medborgardygd : Den europeiska staden och det offentliga rummets etos

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad innebär det att vara en god medborgare? Frågan är lika enkel och tidlös som svaret är komplext och mångfacetterat. I grunden har det att göra med hur vi tänker politik. Frågan har i sin förlängning också djup moralisk innebörd och går tillbaka på våra normativa föreställningar om det goda samhället. Svaret vi ger varierar därför med olika värden och ideal; en god meWhat does it mean to be a good citizen? Starting with Aristotle’s ethics and philosophy of friendship formulated between the private and the public in politics' and with the timeless question of what makes a society possible as a backdrop, the author outlines a possible answer. A good citizen is a virtuous citizen, and a virtuous citizen is prudent, courageous, moderate and just. In addition, a go

Pregnancy and lactation confer reversible bone loss in humans

The influence of pregnancy on bone mineral density (BMD) was evaluated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in 73 women (mean age 29 years, range 20-44 years) postpartum. Fifty-five age-matched women served as controls. The influence of lactation was evaluated in 65 of the delivered women who were followed with repeated measurements, a mean of 4.5 +/- 0.1 and 11.5 +/- 0.1 months after the del

Direct evidence for the cytomembrane derivation of Birbeck granules: the membrane-sandwich effect

Digitonin, which is known to cause extensive damage to cytomembranes in general, was found to have a most remarkable effect on epidermal Langerhans' cells. Thus, it generates a membrane-sandwiching process resulting in the formation of large discs which except for the differences in size have the same morphology as ordinary Birbeck granules. This demonstrates that the cytomembrane of the Langerhan

Yrast Spectroscopy of 54Cr

High-spin levels in the heaviest stable isotope of chromium were observed following the fusion-evaporation reaction C-12(Ca-48, alpha 2n)Cr-54 at a beam energy of 157 MeV, using the GAMMASPHERE and MICROBALL detector arrays. Numerous yrast and near yrast levels are reported, and previously assigned 7(+) and 9(+) levels are suggested to be 5(+) and 7(+), respectively. The inferred level scheme is c

Continuous full filling capillary electrochromatography: Chromatographic performance and reproducibility

Continuous full filling capillary electrochromatography with nanoparticles as pseudostationary phase interfaced with electrospray ionisation mass spectrometric detection was used for reversed phase separations with very high separation efficiency. Several batches of nanoparticles were synthesised and their electrochromatographic performance were evaluated. Different parameters, such as repeatabili

Rotational capacity of reinforced concrete beams

The rotational capacity of a plastic hinge is analysed by means of a new approach, where the strain localization in the compression zone is taken into account. This leads to a strong size dependency of the rotational capacity. Comparisons with test results confirm this conclusion.

Effects of ultraviolet-radiation on viability of isolated beta-vulgaris and hordeum-vulgare protoplasts

Estimates of viability as measured by vital staining with fluorescein diacetate (FDA) were carried out on freshly isolated and partially aged (16-h-old) B. vulgaris and H. vulgare mesophyll protoplasts following irradiation with UV-B. Damage to the photosynthetic system by UV-B was determined by delayed light emission (DLE). In the case of freshly isolated protoplasts Beta was .apprx. 30% more sus

Exercise may induce reversible low bone mass in unloaded and high bone mass in weight-loaded skeletal regions

Exercise during growth and adolescence increases bone mineral density (BMD) in weight-loaded skeletal regions. The development of BMD in unloaded or minimally loaded regions during activity is unclear. We measured BMD in one unloaded, one partly loaded and one highly loaded skeletal region in 67 active soccer players, mean age 22.7 years (range 17-35 years), 128 former soccer players, mean age 54.

Do nitrogen additions change the sensitivity of detached shoots from Sitka and Norway spruce to freezing temperatures? Evidence from three field manipulation studies

Controversy surrounds the impact of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on frost hardiness. There are no specific field studies and the relevance of data from N fertilizer studies is questionable. Field N manipulation experiments with Norway spruce [Picea abies . (L) Karst.] at Skogaby, Sweden, and Sitka spruce [P. sitchensis . (Bong.) Carr.] at Aber in Wales and Deepsyke in Scotland were sampled

Long-term prognosis for diabetic patients with foot ulcers

OBJECTIVE. To evaluate the recurrence of foot ulcers as well as the cumulative amputation and mortality rates in diabetic patients with previous foot ulcers. DESIGN. A prospective study of consecutively presenting diabetic patients admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine because of foot ulcer with a median follow-up of 4 years. SETTING. A multidisciplinary foot-care team. POPULATION. Five-

Quality of life and ethics-patients with ischemic heart disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sjukdomar som drabbar hjärtats kranskärl och ger upphov till bland annat hjärtinfarkt är den vanligaste dödsorsaken både i Sverige och i resten av världen. Avsikten med denna avhandling är att ge en bild av livskvaliteten hos hjärtpatienter samt att ta upp problem inom medicinsk etik, som berör dessa patienter. Män och kvinnor som vårdats för hjärtinfarkt vid UniversiteOne month and one year after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (n=296), coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) (n=99) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (n=18) patients completed a questionnaire for self-assessment of quality of life (QoL) during the period 1989?1991. Patients differed from age- and sex-matched controls (n=88) in both somatic and emotional dimensions, but less after one