

Din sökning på "*" gav 533667 sökträffar

On the complexation of proteins and polyelectrolytes

Both natural and synthetic polyelectrolytes form strong complexes with a variety of proteins. One peculiar phenomenon is that association can take place even when the protein and the polyelectrolyte carry the same charge. This has been interpreted as if the ion-dipole interaction can overcome the repulsive ion-ion interaction. On the basis of Monte Carlo simulations and perturbation theory, we pro

How to begin treatment in chronic heart failure? Results of CIBISIII

Aims To compare the effect of initial monotherapy with either bisoprolot or enalapril, followed by their combination, on mortality and hospitalization in patients with mild-to-moderate CHF. Methods and results One thousand and ten patients with mild-to-moderate CHF and left ventricular ejection fraction

Fetal gender and gestational-age-related incidence of pre-eclampsia.

Background. Male fetal gender is associated with an overall increased risk of pre-eclampsia. However, it was recently shown that the male: female birth ratio was decreased in pre-eclampsia associated with preterm delivery. The reason for this discrepancy is not known. Objective. To investigate whether the fetal and newborn gender is associated with the incidence of antenatal maternal pregnancy com

A model of selecion between stimulus and place strategy in a hawkmoth

In behavioral experiments, the hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor can learn both the color and the position of artificial flowers. When very similar colors are used, moths select the correct color during the first test on a given day, thus using a stimulus strategy, but after repeated rewards, they switch to a place strategy and choose the flower in the position where they received the reward. When dissi

Brittle fracturing and fracture healing of zircon: An integrated cathodoluminescence, EBSD, U-Th-Pb, and REE study

The entire population of magmatic oscillatory zoned zircons in a migmatitic granite from the Tjarnesjo intrusion, southwest Sweden, reveal fine-scale brittle fracturing. The oscillatory zoned fragments are rotated but not dispersed. Fractures between individual fragments are sealed by newly formed CL-bright zircon. Hydraulic fracturing is the most probable mechanism. The internal structure of frac

Binding of C4b-binding protein: A molecular mechanism of serum resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae

We screened 29 strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and found 16/21 strains that resisted killing by normal human serum and 0/8 serum sensitive strains that bound the complement regulator, C4b-binding protein (C4bp). Microbial surfacebound C4bp demonstrated cofactor activity. We constructed gonococcal strains with hybrid porin (Por) molecules derived from each of the major serogroups (Por1A and Por1B)

Internal ecosystem feedbacks enhance nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria blooms and complicate management in the Baltic Sea

Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea has potentially increased the frequency and magnitude of cyanobacteria blooms. Eutrophication leads to increased sedimentation of organic material, increasing the Extent of anoxic bottoms and subsequently increasing the internal phosphorus loading. In addition, the hypoxic water volume displays a negative relationship with the total dissolved inorganic nitrogen poo

Increase in hepatic lipase activity after testosterone substitution in men with hypogonadism of pituitary origin

Ten men with hypogonadism of pituitary origin were studied before and during testosterone substitution therapy with regard to effects on the activities of hepatic lipase (HL) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in postheparin plasma, and on plasma lipoprotein concentrations. The mean (+/- SEM) testosterone level increased from 1.8 +/- 0.5 to 16.3 +/- 2.4 nmol/l. The mean activity of HL rose from 327.1 +/

Characterization of contractile P2 receptors in human coronary arteries by use of the stable pyrimidines uridine 5'-O-thiodiphosphate and uridine 5'-O-3-thiotriphosphate

The present study was designed to evaluate the relative contribution of the different contractile P2 receptors in endothelium-denuded human coronary arteries by use of extracellular nucleotides, including the stable pyrimidines uridine 5'-O-3-thiotriphosphate (UTPgammaS) and uridine 5'-O-thiodiphosphate (UDPbetaS). The isometric tension of isolated vessel segments was recorded in vitro, and P2 rec

Monte Carlo generators

I discuss some recent development of Monte Carlo event generators and point out some problems. Starting with the issue of combining matrix element generators and parton shower algorithms, I will continue with discussing the problems associated with describing small-x final states and discuss some recent model developments for describing multiple partonic scatterings and underlying events in hadron

De villkorligt frigivna : relationen mellan munkar och lekfolk i ett nutida Thailand

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad får buddhister i dagens moderniserade Thailand att ge stora delar av sin inkomst till munkar? Och varför är det så viktigt att munkarna framstår som oegennyttiga och undviker fysisk kontakt med kvinnor? Frågorna behandlas utförligt i denna religionsantropologiska studie, baserad på en längre tids fältarbete i centrala, norra och nordöstra Thailand. Sociala och poliThis dissertation, based on 14 months of fieldwork carried out in central, northern and north-eastern Thailand, focuses on laypeople's demands on contemporary Thai Theravada sangha. In the aftermath of the economic breakdown in 1997, an intense discussion concerning the moral status of the sangha took place. The religious interests and demands clearly differ between different groups. What still se

Om r-fonemets historia i svenskan

It is suggested that Proto-Nordic /r/ was velar or uvular and /z/ postdental. It is suggsted that the two pronunciations were preserved in different areas after the phonemic merger: postdental in central Sweden and Norway and velar/uvular in the south of Scandinavia. The idea that the velar /r/ was imported from France int he 17th or 18th century is rejected.