

Din sökning på "*" gav 534559 sökträffar

Helping communities to help themselves - Evaluating the potential of participation in a Participatory Rural Appraisal in Kenya

In this paper we discuss and analyse participatory methods in development programs. The concept of participation has changed during the last decades in the development discourse towards an empowering approach. In participatory programs participation is considered as a means to empower communities. We find the potential for these programs depend on whether they can ensure an empowering participatio

Medeltidsstadens början

In this paper I have tried to find out the reason the medieval town of Vä was created. I have studied several different areas in witch all, in one way or another, have had an effect on the making of Vä. This areas includes topography, iron production, mill handling, religious effects, royal affliction and also if the name Vä could tell something about Väs history as a religious cult. I have also l

Ung? Var god dröj! En diskursanalys kring ungdomsarbetslöshet och fördröjd etablering på arbetsmarknaden

Youth unemployement in Sweden is at an all-time high, a fifth of all university and college students live in poverty and the number of young on welfare is increasing. This study attempts to answer the question of how youth deprivation has been made possible as a consequence of political action, focusing on youth unemployment. I critically examine the role of the Swedish government, the Swedish La

ICC - ett svar på anarki (En deskriptiv analys av den internationella brottmålsdomstolen)

Vid invigningscermonin till den internationella brottmålsdomstolen, ICC, lovordades den av FN:s Generalsekreterare, trots att den är uppbyggd på en multilateral traktat och inte är en FN-inrättning. Enligt vår mening, finns det dock faktorer som påverkar ICC:s möjlighet att verka som en effektiv och oberoende domstol. I Romstadgan regleras relativt komplicerade jurisdiktionsgrunder för ICC, vilket

How Foreign Aid Hinders Democracy: A Multivariate Analysis in Development Studies

Foreign aid has the potential to produce dramatic changes, both economically and politically, in the countries in which it is received. This paper argues that the contemporary foreign aid regime does not always create positive results and is often detrimental to democratization in developing countries. This paper argues that poor foreign aid policy induces, both political and economic, and both di

Irakiska konstitutionen - kvinnlig beaktning eller negligering

15th of December 2005 was a historical day for the Iraqi people when they could vote for the first time in a free referendum for the draft of the new constitution. The result showed that 79% accepted it. The Iraqi constitution has been criticized by many for its Islamic ascendancy. By giving Islam the role as the source for legislation, will make the situation worse for the Iraqi women, so it has

Bonden i Graven Bredvid - En osteologisk studie av den medeltida befolkningen i Norra Nöbbelöv och deras skador på skeletten

This paper is the result of an osteological study of the skeletal remains uncovered during an archaeological excavation of the medieval cemetery in Norra Nöbbelöv. The purpose of the study is to compare the material from the rural site (Norra Nöbbelöv) with materials excavated from the old medieval graveyards in the city of Lund. The aim is to try and shed some light on the question of whether th

Politikerrollen - en självständig individualist eller en väljarbunden folktribun

In this essay, the aim is to study the role the politicians play in relation to the people they represent. This is manly a theoretically study, which focus is on the theories behind the way we choose to identify the role of politicians. We ascribe different underlying values to the role of politicians and as a result from these different values a conflict can arise. Two central terms in my discuss

Designing for self-efficacy in a driving simulator: A pilot study

Virtual Reality and advanced, interactive simulators illustrate the potentials of modern technology for improving the ecological validity of learning experiments. Yet much more preliminary work is needed to appreciate how these growingly complex means can be utilized to promote high-order emotional and motivational constructs of the user, such as self-efficacy. Drawing from the frameworks of serio

Psychological perspective on meaning of multiculturalism in the free-church: a phenomenological study with free-churches in Sweden

I was searching for the meaning connected to cultural issues and perspectives in a multicultural church, so I questioned 8 church-leaders coming from two churches in Malmö and one in Stockholm. They wrote an answer to an open tailed question. I summarized the text they gave me and let the same leaders and totally fourteen members from the two churches in Malmö react on two of the texts. Finally th

Environmental Perceptions in an Urban Environment : Report from a Minor Field Study in Nairobi, Kenya, January-March 2007

This thesis is an analysis of the modern phenomena and attributes of the city of Nairobi and its inhabitants. It has two purposes where the first is to account for the environmental perceptions of Nairobi citizens. The second purpose is to analyse how relevant the modern dichotomy of nature/culture is in Nairobi in relations to the environmental perceptions. This thesis has four main theoretical

Norms and Interests in the EU's 'Strategic Partnership' with Russia

This thesis examines the tension between norms and interests in the European policy on Russia, looking specifically at how this tension manifests itself in the EU's relation to Russia. This is being analysed with the help of two theoretical approaches; the norm-driven and the interest-driven approach. The empirical examination indicates that while the interest-driven approach is explaining the

Guidelines for environmental due diligence of renewable technology investments

This thesis is set in the context of project financing for renewable energy technologies (RETs). The research looks closely at the environmental review procedures of financial institutions, focusing on the practice of environmental due diligence. This practice originally emerged as an approach used by lenders or investors to manage environmental risks and liabilities stemming from an investment de

Fördomar- ett sätt för individen att stärka sin identitet

Temat för denna uppsats är fördomar, och hur de påverkar oss i vårt identitetsskapande. Min hypotes är att vi bildar vår identitet utifrån den Andre, och genom de fördomar vi har om den Andre påverkas vårt identitetsskapande i en positiv riktning. Fördomar bygger enligt mig på en ojämn maktbalans, vilken gör att vi skapar fördomar mot människor i vår utgrupp. Det är mot utgruppen våra negativa för

Om rätten till utbildning för psykologiskt och socialt utsatta barn och ungdomar: ett juridiskt perspektiv

This essay is about children who have psychological and social problems. An increase part of children and young people in Sweden describe this kind of difficulties. These problems are at the same time a concern for the school as well as the social welfare. The purpose in this essay is to explore if children with psychological and social problems have the same legal rights to education as other chi

Välfärdsstad i förändring-Idéburna organisationers roll i dagens socialpolitik

The Swedish society and welfare model are under constant changes and development. One of the core areas in this welfare model is the social policy. By analysing the changing role of the organizations in the civil society on a local level with a theoretical typology changes in the roles can be noted. These changes can with a model for ideal types raice questions about bigger changes concerning iss

"Få kvinnor i maktens hjärta" En komparativ studie av debatten kring könskvotering till svenska bolagsstyrelser

Denna studie behandlar den mediala debatt som följde dåvarande vice statsministern Margareta Winbergs uttalande i SvD i november 2002 om att könskvotering skulle kunna komma att bli aktuell såvida det inte skedde en naturlig ökning av andelen kvinnor i publika och privata börsnoterade bolagsstyrelser. I studien analyseras hur hotet om könskvotering möttes och en jämförelse görs mellan de idéer som

Brutna vallöften - vad är acceptabelt? En studie av moderaterna och kristdemokraterna innan och efter valet år 2006

This paper begins to observe two non-socialist parties in Sweden, Kristdemokraterna and Moderaterna, before and after they won an election. The two parties formed an alliance with other parties and manifested a political program. The main focus lies on their campaign promises and their premier political area as a single party before the election and what results that has been produced a year

Den trojanska hästen i WTO - En fallstudie av EU: s roll i Doharundan

Doharundan inleddes på initiativ av EU i samband med ministerkonferensen i Doha 2001. Utvecklingen i rundan har varit begränsad, främst på grund av EU: s roll som försvare av egna intressen. Unionens roll har lett till framsteg på många områden. EU har i rollen som ledare varit pådrivande för en ny och ambitiös runda samt gång på gång förmått övriga parter att återkomma till förhandlingsbordet. Do

School, Pupil's well-being and Achievement Scores: A psychological perspective on some of the factors that affect some pupils' performance in school

This study aims to describe how pupils' achievement scores can be affected by the school that the pupil goes to and the pupil's well-being. The participants in this study were upper secondary school pupils. The participants were doing their last year in upper secondary school and they are pupils that have reached the age of 18 years. Questionnaires were used for this study. This method ent