

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

"En skör människas verklighetsuppfattning" : en teoretisk diskussion kring positioner, sanningsanspråk och subtiliteter utifrån Maja Lundgrens bok Myggor och Tigrar

Genom en textanalys av författaren Maja Lundgrens bok Myggor och Tigrar undersöker uppsatsen skönlitterära texters möjlighet att förändra kvinnors positioner och potentialer. I den teoretiska bakgrunden redogörs för såväl historisk som nutida självbiografiforskning med fokus på diskussioner kring sanningsanspråk, textens konstituerande karaktär och specifikt feministisk forskning på området. Med b

Anknytningens förändring och stabilitet i vuxna parrelationer: en integrerad helhetssyn

Several theoretical models of change exist concerning attachment, but an integrated view and knowledge of the role separate factors of change play for the individual is lacking. This phenomenon is hereby studied by semi-structured interviews of 20 persons. Change and factors of change are examined statistically with affectregulation as measure of attachment. The results show that these individuals

Identitetens Ljudspår: musik, smak & subkultur

This essay presents a picture of swedish reggae listeners and how their love of music give meaning to their lives and unite them in a sub-culture. Based on interviews with six young men about their involvement in reggae, it also investigates the relationship between music and identity, or more clearly; how identity is expressed through music. Furthermore, I discuss the notion of taste according to

Inkarnationens ontologi : En studie av Wolfhart Pannenbergs kristologi i belysning av uppenbarelse som historia

Summary in English The purpose of this essay has been to examine the Christology of Wolfhart Pannenberg, and especially his interpretation of the belief in Jesus as true God and true man. The consequences for his ontology and his view of the incarnation are also focused upon. Fundamental features in the Christology of Pannenberg demand a closer examination in this connection. First, christologic

The Role of Implicit Processes in Personnel Selection: A phenomenological study of implicit processes and the hidden role they play in personnel selectors´ decision making

Many selection methodologies and tools have been developed in attempts to make recruitment processes more accurate and to improve objectivity in this area. However, these methods and tools can only improve objectivity to the extent that they are not affected by unconscious feelings, or implicit processes used by the recruiter. The purpose of this study is to try to discover in what way intuition s

Internkommunikation över Öresund - en fallstudie av internkommunikationen på den danska restaurangkedjan Jensens Bøfhus Malmörestaurang

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur de anställda på Jensens Bøfhus Malmörestaurang upplever att det är att arbeta i ett företag med en ledning och en organisationsstruktur från ett annat land. Hur upplever de anställda på Malmörestaurangen att Jensens Bøfhus, ett danskt företag, verksamt på båda sidor av Öresundsregionen, implementerar och kommunicerar sin organisationskultur internt på Malmöre

Den transvestitiska förklädnaden : en tolkning av androgynitet i Virginia Woolfs roman Orlando.

Abstract This paper is an analysis of Virginia Woolf's novel Orlando. My rendering of the novel is inspired by queer-theory and in particular the theories of Judith Butler. In my interpretation I have put my focus mainly on androgyny and transvestite disguise. The purpose of my analysis is to create an understanding of the theme of androgyny in Orlando and see how it relates to the writer'

Political Conditionality in Swedish Aid (!?)

Political conditionality is when certain conditions concerning democracy, the respect for human and civil rights, and the rule of law are to be met by the recipient country either as a prerequisite for, or for keeping up aid. It may seem impossible to ethically justify aid without these kinds of conditions, but they can bring about severe complications that have to be taken into consideration in f

Särbo eller sambo? En historisk analys av förändringsprocessen rörande integrationen av UD och Sidas utlandsmyndigheter, granskande förutsättningarna för politisk implementering.

On three occasions, in 1973, 1993 and 2005, Swedish parliament and government has resolved to integrate the, previously independent, foreign offices beloning to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) with the Swedish embassies. The implemenation of the integrationreform has however been a lengthy process. This thesis adresses two main issues: how has the integrationreform

Made in Taiwan: Om identitetskonstruktion i Taiwan

Taiwan's recent democratization seem to have rallied a wider support of the notion of a national identity amongst its citizens which in the year 2000 led to the election of the pro-independence party DPP and President Chen Shui-bian. Meanwhile, China insists on the "one country, two systems" formula, regarding Taiwan as merely a Chinese province, and continues to fight any Taiwanese

"Biblioteken ser vi som en positiv verksamhet" - en studie om styrning av folkbibliotek i fem svenska kommuner

The aim of this study is to explain and analyse political steering of public libraries in Swedish municipalities and the roles of politicians and administrators in this process. To fulfil this purpose five municipalities have been studied. It is argued that both politicians and administration have to be included in a study of steering and that the relation between politicians and administrators sh

"Manshatare? Jajamensan!" : Feministisk kamp och identitet med hjälp av mediekonsumtion

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur en grupp feminister upplever att de bemöts när de benämner sig själva som feminister inför andra, samt vilka strategier och metoder de har för att hantera eventuellt negativa reaktioner som nidbilden av "feministen" som "manshatare". Vidare ska uppsatsen ge kunskap om hur feministisk identitet kan skapas och formas via mediebruk och i k