

Din sökning på "*" gav 533332 sökträffar

ChatGPT i Skolan

Denna studie baseras på en enkätundersökning om vad svenska gymnasielärare anser om AI-verktyg som ChatGPT. Det teoretiska ramverket baseras på Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). En majoritet av respondenterna ansåg att deras skola och Skolverket har gett otillräckligt stöd och vägledning för hur AI-verktyg ska användas. De upplevde också att andra lärare och skolornas led

Från delning till brottsling - Om hur gärningspersonens syfte bakom hanteringen av barnpornografi påverkar och bör påverka straffansvaret

Barnpornografibrottet har sedan dess tillkomst 1980 diskuterats och kritiserats flertalet gånger, bland annat för att vara för opreciserat och för långtgående i relation till yttrande- och informationsfriheten. 2022 uppstod diskussionen på nytt genom identifieringen av ett nytt brottsfenomen, unga sprider barnpornografiskt material till varandra utan sexuellt syfte. Fenomenet har varit föremål förThe criminalization of child pornography has been discussed and criticized since its incorporation for not being precise and for limiting fundamental rights. In 2022 the discussion arose again after the identification of a new crime phenomenon; young people sharing child pornography without a sexual purpose. The new phenomenon has been subject to trail in at least 3 decisions in district court. Th

Umgängessabotage i vårdnadstvister - En studie av umgängessabotagets betydelse i teori och praktik med beaktande av 6 kap. 5 § FB:s nya lydelse

Årligen avgörs tusentals tvister om vårdnad, boende och umgänge i Sveriges domstolar. Många tvister är konfliktfyllda och emellanåt förekommer uppgifter om att den ena föräldern, utan godtagbara skäl, motverkar eller omöjliggör umgänge mellan barnet och den andra föräldern. Detta agerande benämns vanligen för umgängessabotage. År 2021 trädde en ny ändring av 6 kap. 5 § FB i kraft som ämnade att stAnnually, thousands of disputes relating to custody, residence and access are settled in the courts of Sweden. Many disputes involve a high level of conflict between the parents and occasionally there are allegations that one parent, without acceptable reasons, limits or prevents contact between the child and the other parent. This behavior is commonly referred to as access sabotage. In 2021 a new

Identification of restoration hotspots in landscape-scale green infrastructure planning based on model-predicted connectivity forest

Det boreala skogslandskapet har allvarligt fragmenterats på grund av mänsklig exploatering, vilket har lett till en nedsättning av deras omfattande värde i, bland annat, ekosystemtjänster, biologisk mångfald, och kultur. För att bevara det boreala skogslandskapet är det avgörande att skydda de kvarvarande fragmenten av landskapet samtidigt som att återställa den strukturella och funktionella ansluBoreal forest landscapes have undergone severe anthropogenic fragmentation and their enormous values concerning, e.g., ecosystem service, biodiversity and culture are hazarded. Maintenance of the remaining intact boreal forest landscapes and restoring the structural and functional connectivity among these remnants are essential for boreal forest conservation. In Sweden, such conservation tasks are

Effects of adsorbed molecular ordering to the superconductivity of a two-dimensional atomic layer crystal

The effect of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) adsorption on the physical properties of the two-dimensional (2D) atomic layer superconductor (ALSC) In/Si(111)-(7×3) has been studied by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, transport measurements, and scanning tunneling microscopy. Hole doping from the adsorbed molecules has been reported to increase the superconducting tra

Concentration-dependent formation mechanisms in mesophase silica-surfactant films

The development of surfactant-templated mesoporous films grown at the air/water interface was investigated using specular and off-specular X-ray reflectivity techniques. The samples were prepared in acidic conditions using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr, 0.075 M) and different concentrations (0.27-0.88 M) of tetramethyloxysilane (TMOS). At CTABr/TMOS molar ratio between 0.277 and 0.093, the

Blå-grön röra : Naturbaserade lösningar i översiktsplanering

Cities and urban areas increasingly have to adapt to extreme weather events such as flooding, and droughts caused by climate change. In this context the interest for nature-based solutions has increased both within academia and political discourse. Nature-based solutions are widely understood as solutions and adaption measures inspired by or using nature while at the same time providing social, ec

Borde vi vara oroliga? En kvalitativ studie om att arbeta med barn som anhöriga inom den vuxenpsykiatriska heldygnsvården.

Healthcare professionals in Sweden have a legal obligation to acknowledge and provide support to children as next of kin and to notify social services in case of suspicion that a child is in harm or may be at risk of harm. Despite this, studies show a lack of reported cases to social services, it also shows that the work with children as next of kin is not as extended as it should be. Swedish rese

Miljöpåverkan av hönsfoder ur ett livscykelperspektiv

I Sverige finns det ungefär 22 miljoner kycklingar och höns. Den miljöpåverkan som uppkommer genom deras liv kommer främst från deras mat. För att kunna minska miljöpåverkan från kycklingarna och hönsen är det därför nödvändigt att titta närmre på hönsfoder. Genom att studera produktionskedjan för deras foder kan man upptäcka var störst miljöpåverkan uppkommer och vad man kan göra för att minska dThe environmental impact of poultry mainly arises from their feed. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the environmental impact of three Swedish poultry feeds and identify how their environmental performance could be improved. This was done with the method of life cycle assessment where the environmental impact categories of, climate change, acidification potential, eutrophication potential

To clear-cut or not to clear-cut; Cost-benefit analyses of post-fire management approaches in the Ljusdal fire-complex

Skogsbränder hotar bevarandet av skogens ekosystemtjänster såsom ekologiska funktioner för biologisk mångfald, mildring av effekter från klimatförändringar och rekreation såsom skogspromenader och bärplockning. Hur kan vi ingripa för att återhämta och bibehålla sådana funktioner i naturen efter bränder? I den här studien undersöktes potentialen för återhämtningen av skogar utifrån skogsåtgärder efWildfires causes natural disturbances to ecosystems which can have potentially damaging results for ecosystem services and economic income from timber production. The post-fire management approach can be essential for the environmental work regarding the recovery of ecosystems and maintaining ecosystem services. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate different post-fire management approac

När infaller lovplikten för ridanläggningar? - En studie av skillnaden mellan idrottsplats och idrottsanläggning

Ridanläggningar är både arealkrävande och påverkande på sin omgivning ändock är det inte helt självklart huruvida dessa anläggningar kräver bygglov eller ej. Likväl är begreppen idrottsplats och idrottsanläggning inte heller helt självklara vad de innebär och speciellt inte i förhållande till en ridanläggning, det vill säga under vilken av definitionerna som en ridanläggning platsar. Syftet med deKnowing whether a riding facility requires a building permit or not is not always straightforward. Neither is it easy to understand how a riding facility compares to a sports field or sports facility. The aim of this thesis is therefore to define the differences between the definitions and understand how the duty of permit is affected by the definition of the riding facility. It is also investigat

Time and space resolved operando synchrotron X-ray and Neutron diffraction study of NMC811/Si–Gr 5 Ah pouch cells

Silicon–Graphite blended electrodes in Li-ion batteries have been proposed as a way to harness the high capacity of Si as an anode material, while minimising the negative effects of their large volume expansion. NMC 811 is the current state-of-the-art layered oxide cathode material, where the cobalt content of the cathode has been minimised. These are the two of the most promising materials for ac

The risk of post-polio syndrome among immigrant groups in Sweden

To examine the risk of post-polio syndrome (PPS) in immigrant groups using native Swedish-born individuals as referents. This is a retrospective study. The study population included all individuals aged 18 years and older registered in Sweden. PPS was defined as having at least one registered diagnosis in the Swedish National Patient Register. The incidence of post-polio in different immigrant gro

Potential Silvoarable Agroforestry Regions for Corylus avellana and Juglans regia in Scania, Sweden

Conventional agriculture in Sweden is facing challenges with low resilience to a changing climate and decreased biodiversity. Silvoarable agroforestry is an alternative land use practice that contain a woody perennial and crop in the same field. Trees on cultivated land break up large monocultures, increase biodiversity, creates functional diversity, and produces more commodities. This land use pr

Streamlining Building Energy Modelling Using Open Access Databases—A Methodology towards Decarbonisation of Residential Buildings in Sweden

The building sector is a major contributor to greenhouse gases, consuming significant energy and available resources. Energy renovation of buildings is an effective strategy for decarbonisation, as it lowers operational energy and avoids the embodied impact of new constructions. To be successful, the energy renovation process requires meaningful building models. However, the time and costs associa

Venetoclax-Resistant T-ALL Cells Display Distinct Cancer Stem Cell Signatures and Enrichment of Cytokine Signaling

Therapy resistance remains one of the major challenges for cancer treatment that largely limits treatment benefits and patient survival. The underlying mechanisms that lead to therapy resistance are highly complicated because of the specificity to the cancer subtype and therapy. The expression of the anti-apoptotic protein BCL2 has been shown to be deregulated in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemi

Abrahamavtalens implikationer för fred i Mellanöstern

The Abraham Accords’ implications for peace in the Middle EastThe Abraham Accords, signed by Israel and four Arab states in 2020, were one of President Donald Trump’s most renowned foreign policy successes. They were also one of few of his administration’s policies that enjoyed bipartisan support in the US. But what type of peace has emerged following the Abraham Accords? In what ways do the Abrah

Exoproducts of the Most Common Achromobacter Species in Cystic Fibrosis Evoke Similar Inflammatory Responses In Vitro

Achromobacter is a genus of Gram-negative rods, which can cause persistent airway infections in people with cystic fibrosis (CF). The knowledge about virulence and clinical implications of Achromobacter is still limited, and it is not fully established whether Achromobacter infections contribute to disease progression or if it is a marker of poor lung function. The most commonly reported Achromoba

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the environmental sustainability strategies of listed firms in Sweden

How crises affect firms’ environmental sustainability strategies is an open question. We study the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the environmental sustainability strategies of firms listed on the OMXNasdaq stock exchange in Sweden. The analysis is based on a survey distributed twice, once during the summer of 2020 and once during the summer of 2021 with detailed questions related to the firmsHow macroeconomic crises affect firms' environmental sustainability strategies is an open question. We study the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the environmental sustainability strategies of firms listed on the OMXNasdaq stock exchange in Sweden. The analysis is based on a survey distributed twice, once during the summer of 2020 and once during the summer of 2021 with detailed questions relate