

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Radio based Cooperative Positioning for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Systems in Urban Scenarios

This master thesis aims at improving vehicle positioning in high-speed movement scenarios where global navigation satellite system (GNSS) does not work well. The standard 802.11p, as one of the WiFi family members, it can support to share vehicle information between vehicle and vehicle or between vehicle and infrastructure in a high-speed movement environment. Without the help of GNSS, the vehicle

Miljöbyggnad 3.0 - Kostnadsutredning och åtgärder för certifiering av stomme

Quantification of CO2 emissions for case 1 - ISLK and case 2 - Föraren arrived at 42 and 125 CO2 per A_temp and with suggested changes it was possible to reduce to 38 and 109 CO2 per A_temp. The review of the possibility of lowering emissions in the manufacturing of concrete showed that the addition of fly ash reduced CO2 emissions by 10% per 10% of cement exchanged for fly ash. As well as demonst

Short Range Millimeter-Wave Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging

Millimeter-wave radar imaging has potential uses in applications such as material analysis and medical in-vivo scanning of tissue. This thesis is about measuring objects using a millimeter wave radar, implement radar imaging algorithms and evaluate the resulting images. The measured objects are plates and rods made of metal and a rod made of acrylic glass (PMMA). The objects are measured using the

Analysing and concluding the cost/performance matrix for biopolymer blends with different renewable contents

För att skapa ett miljövänligt plastmaterial blandades bioplast in i traditionell oljebaserad plast. Detta nya material erbjuder intressanta materialegenskaper och är ett grönare alternativ till plast helt baserad på fossila tillgångar.Due to increasing awareness and consumer demands it has become important for companies to develop an economical and environmentally sustainable alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics. The transition from fossil material to bio based is important for the future of people and planet, still, how the transformation should be implemented is yet unknown. In this report, the possibilities of

Grid impact study of frequency regulation with EVs

The ongoing grid paradigm shift has resulted in synchronous generators currently being phased out. As the generators have been providing ancillary services, such as frequency control regulation, this means that new technologies to perform ancillary services need to be developed and evaluated. Electric vehicles (EVs) is an energy source that today is being underutilized. Therefore, research has bee

Exploring the Use of Freight Exchange E-marketplaces in Sweden: The Perspective of the Transport Service Provider

A statistic released this year (2018) by the World Road Transport Organization shows that more than 80% of inland freight is moved by road. Frequent e-commerce activities and end-consumer demands on delivery performance have increased transport needs yet fill rates have decreased. Transport is less efficient and unsustainable while profit margins also shrink, motivating fiercer competition among s

Ångdrift av värmepump på Sysavs förbränningsanläggning

På Sysavs förbränningsanläggning sker en samproduktion av el och värme där Sysav har tillstånd att förbränna 630 000 ton avfall. Föregående år producerades totalt 265 530 MWh el och 1 501 150 MWh värme från förbränningen. En del av den producerade energin går till intern förbrukning och under 2017 användes totalt 97 278 MWh el och 23 435 MWh för egen förbrukning. På anläggningen finns ett flertal

Kan inte ni gå in i byggis? Förskolepedagogers interaktion med förskolebarn utifrån ett genusperspektiv.

Många barn i Sverige tillbringar en stor del av sina dagar på förskola där många av deras sociala erfarenheter och utveckling äger rum. Kognitiv social inlärningsteori förespråkar att barnet lär sig genom att imitera och härma vuxna och utifrån detta skapa kognitiva scheman som används för att tolka omvärlden. Barnen härmar de vuxnas beteende, vilket gör att pedagoger på en förskola besitter en vi

Medvetenheten inom sjukvården vid införandet av GDPR, En kvalitativ intervjustudie om medvetandegörandet av informationssäkerhet – i ljuset av GDPR

Den 25 maj 2018 träder EU:s nya dataskyddsförordning, GDPR, i kraft. Den påverkar alla företag i hur de hanterar persondata och personuppgifter. Detta gäller även myndigheter och hälso- och sjukvården. Inom sjukvården ses oftast patienten snarare än personen, vilket kan ställa till problem för hanteringen av personuppgifter inom sjukvården. Studien ämnar att, genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie, un

Miljöcertifieringens roll i byggprocessen

Sammanfattning Examensarbetet har som mål att beskriva miljöcertifieringars påverkan på byggprocessen och hur framtiden för miljöcertifieringar ser ut. Examensarbetet jämför de olika miljöcertifieringarna: Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM, LEED och Svanen mot varandra där fördelar och nackdelar beskrivs. Det utförs även en beskrivning för hur en miljöcertifiering av en ombyggnad enligt Miljöbyggnad 3.0 silver

Integration of transparency into packaging design

Transparency has become a key sales pitch for companies! It enables them to show their product and tell the consumers they do not have nothing to hide. But from a technical point of view, transparency implies many risks for product's quality such as photooxidation and other reactions leading to colour change and decrease of product's quality. The objective of this master thesis, conducted

Implementation of inverse motion form finding in commercial software

This Masters' dissertation investigates the possibility of implementing the concept of inverse motion form finding in a commercial software. The inverse motion approach finds the initial, undeformed geometry of a design such that it obtains its desired design shape when service loads are exerted on the design. The implementation is limited to static mechanical loads on three-dimensional geomet

“Exercising advisory functions”: Interpretations of democracy in the European Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee

Our thesis investigates the comparative interpretations of democracy in the opinions of the European Committee of the Region (CoR) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). Using the mixed methods of a qualitative content analysis and a discourse analysis, we assess the extent to which, how and why democracy is unevenly interpreted at the CoR and EESC; relative to their joint remits a

Att klara sig själv. En studie av hur deltagare och personal i daglig verksamhet uppfattar lärande av kunskap och förmågor att bli autonom.

I denna uppsats undersöker jag om en daglig verksamhet för personer med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning (npf) kan bidra till deltagarnas autonomi. Att visa sig vara självgående underlättar situationen att anpassa sig till samhället. Syftet är att bidra med kunskaper om hur autonomi kan förstås och stödjas. På en daglig verksamhet är det individens egna behov och egenskaper som ska vara vä

Eco-Efficiency Analysis of Swedish Regions: A second-stage DEA approach

This paper uses a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach to measure and evaluate the relative eco-efficiency and the influencing factors of 17 out of 21 regions in Sweden during the period of 2008 and 2015. In the first stage of the DEA, a standard CCR model is used to calculate the relative eco-efficiency of the regions given multiple inputs and outputs. The model contains the variabl

Att lära kör på gehör - En studie om körledares metoder

I denna uppsats efterforskas svar på frågan om hur körledare gör för att lära ut körmusik på gehör. Inledningsvis presenteras tidigare studier som berör körlivet i Sverige samt gehörsinstuderingen i kör. Den teoretiska basen utgår ifrån sociokulturell teori, i synnerhet det sociala samspelet. I teorikapitlets avslutande del introduceras den didaktiska triangeln och begreppet distribuerade resurserWhile it can be argued that learning music by ear is an essential and important element of modern choral practice in Sweden, it is a subject area that is widely ignored in music teacher training programs and higher music education generally. Furthermore, there has been relatively little research in Sweden on choral learning-by-ear practices. This study investigates what methods choral directors u

Key components when utilising BYOD within organisations - A framework for developing the BYOD policy

In this thesis, we introduce a theoretical framework that can act as a foundation when develop-ing and adopting a BYOD policy. Using BYOD within organizations is a growing concept and continues to evolve as technology gets better, cheaper and more advanced. Our literature study indicates that the biggest advantage in regard to implementation of BYOD is cost reduction, moving the actual cost to the

”Det känns som att alla älskar att hata Malmö”. En rättssociologisk studie om mediebilden av Malmö

The Swedish city of Malmö has a problem with crime, which is shown in official statistics. However, the crime rates in other comparable Swedish cities are very similar. Despite this fact Malmö is depicted as a more dangerous city by the media, and this image of Malmö has been internalised by many. This study aims, using a qualitative method, to look into whether employees at the municipality of Ma

The Influence of Big Five Personality Traits on Dual-Process Cognitive Information Processing Styles in Medical Decision-Making

We all make decisions, but when medical professionals do it, it can literally mean life or death. Decisions are influenced by many factors. The aim of the present study was to investigate if personality traits as proposed by the Big Five Model influence the Rational and Experiential cognitive information processing styles as proposed by the dual-process Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory theory in

Natural Language Processing in Artificial Neural Networks: Sentence analysis in medical papers

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and pre-trained word embeddings have revolutionized the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) during the last years. In this project, CNNs are used on top of the Word2Vec word representation for a sentence classification task on medical research articles. Both individual networks for each category as well as a combined classification network are optimized