

Din sökning på "*" gav 530220 sökträffar

Evidensbaserad omvårdnad, sjukvård och kunskap

Research within nursing and medicine is moving at an increasing pace. This makes it difficult for the staff - involved with medical care to find the right path through all the new research and development. Working according to evidencebased procedures within both medicine and nursing means using in one’s work the recommendations which have been based on literature studies that have compiled, revie

Relationship between abdominal fat compartments and glucose and lipid metabolism in early postmenopausal women

The relationships between abdominal and pelvic fat compartments and glucose and lipid metabolism were investigated in early postmenopausal women. Fifty-five healthy, postmenopausal women aged 52-53 yr participated in the study. Fat distribution (intra-abdominal and sc abdominal fat, and intrapelvic and sc pelvic fat) was estimated by computed tomography. Insulin sensitivity was assessed by euglyce

Simulation of Phosphorus, Zinc and Cadmium Mass Flow in Dairy Farming Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish En simuleringsmodell, FARMFLOW, utvecklades för att beräkna förråd, flöden och balanser av fosfor (P), zink (Zn) och kadmium (Cd) på mjölkgårdar. De simulerade kontinuerliga förändringarna av ämnesförråden gör det möjligt att utvärdera de långsiktiga effekterna av olika skötselstrategier. Fältdata från en svensk försöksgård, Öjebyn, användes för att parameterisera FARMFA simulation model, FARMFLOW, was developed for the calculation of phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) stocks, flows and balances in different parts of a dairy farming system. The simulated continuous change in element stocks within the farming system enables evaluation of the long-term effects of management practices. The FARMFLOW model reproduces feedback mechanisms of the internal cyclin

Coastline evolution at different time scales - examples from the Pomeranian Bight, southern Baltic Sea

Sedimentological and morphological changes on the upper and lower shoreface during relatively stable sea-level highstand conditions have been investigated in the Pomeranian Bight, southern Baltic Sea, at time scales ranging from storm events to millennia. In order to cover that variety of time scales, different methods have been applied. Seasonal variations in the morphology of the upper shoreface

Eosinophil lysis and free granules: an in vivo paradigm for cell activation and drug development

Release of cytotoxic granule proteins from activated eosinophil granules is considered to be a key pathogenic mechanism in eosinophilic diseases. Degenerated eosinophils and extracellular eosinophil granules have been repeatedly depicted. The present overview describes evidence that eosinophil lysis and distribution of free eosinophil granules (as opposed to 'classical degranulation') is an import

Experiences of non-progressive and augmented labour among nulliparous women: a qualitative interview study in a Grounded Theory approach

BACKGROUND: Non-progressive labour is the most common complication in nulliparas and is primarily treated by augmentation. Augmented labour is often terminated by instrumental delivery. Little qualitative research has addressed experiences of non-progressive and augmented deliveries. The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the experience of non-progressive and augmented labour

BCS1L is expressed in critical regions for neural development during ontogenesis in mice.

BCS1L is a chaperone necessary for the incorporation of Rieske Fes and Qcr10p into complex III (CIII) of the respiratory chain. Mutations in the BCS1L gene cause early fetal growth restriction and a lethal neonatal disease in humans, however, the pathogenesis remains unclear. Here, we analysed the expression of BCS1L during mouse embryonic development and compared its expression with that of the m

Cutaneous field stimulation of sensory nerve fibers reduces itch without affecting contact dermatitis.

Background: A new technique, cutaneous field stimulation (CFS), which activates electrically unmyelinated C-fibers, is used to treat localized itch. Its action is similar to that of capsaicin, the pungent agent in hot peppers, which enhances delayed allergic reactions. The aim of the study was to investigate how experimental contact dermatitis responds to CFS. Methods: Twelve patients with contac

Combined effects of elevated CO2 and herbivore damage on alfalfa and cotton

We examined herbivore-induced responses of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) under different CO2 conditions. Plants were grown under ambient (350 ppm) or elevated (700 ppm) CO2 levels, and were either damaged or undamaged by Spodoptera littoralis larvae. At harvest, growth of undamaged (control) plants was determined, and foliar chemical composition of both undamaged and da

Evasive response to ultrasound by the crepuscular butterfly Manataria maculata

The crepuscular nymphalid butterfly Manataria maculata was studied in Monteverde cloud forest, Costa Rica, during the dry season reproductive diapause. M. maculata has ears in the form of Vogel's organs located near the base of the forewings. Its behaviour in response to bursts of ultrasonic pulses (26 kHz, 110 dB SPL at 1 m) was condition-dependent. At dusk and dawn the sound consistently elicite

Tissue damage in heated carrot slices. Comparing mild hot water blanching and infrared heating

Mild heat treatment of carrot slices as a pre-treatment for frozen storage was accomplished by exposure of slices to radiant heat to maximise thermal exposure of the cells at the surface while preserving the integrity of cells within the slices. Cell damage as a consequence of this treatment on texture was evaluated. Carrot slices treated for 7 s with radiant energy in the far-infrared region from