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National Bureau of Economic Research Workshop on Stochastic Control and Economic Systems, Princeton 1972.
Abnormal mechanical properties of the aorta in Marfan's syndrome
OBJECTIVES: Aortic dilatation, dissection and rupture are among the major causes of death in subjects with Marfan's syndrome. The aim of the study was to investigate the mechanical properties or compliance of the aorta in these subjects and compare them with a healthy age- and sex-matched reference population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An ultrasound phase-locked echo-tracking system was used to deter
Redovisning av makroekonomisk inverkan på företaget
Physiological and pathophysiological regulation of ECL-cell activity
The ECL cells are endocrine/paracrine cells located in the acid-producing part of the stomach. They produce and secrete histamine and chromogranin A-derived peptides in response to circulating gastrin. Mobilized histamine stimulates acid secretion from adjascent parietal cells. The aims of the present investigation were to assess the usefulness of gastric submucosal microdialysis in studies of EC
EULAR evidence based recommendations for the management of hip osteoarthritis: report of a task force of the EULAR Standing Committee for International Clinical Studies Including Therapeutics (ESCISIT)
Objective: To develop evidence based recommendations for the management of hip osteoarthritis (OA). Methods: The multidisciplinary guideline development group comprised 18 rheumatologists, 4 orthopaedic surgeons, and 1 epidemiologist, representing 14 European countries. Each participant contributed up to 10 propositions describing key clinical aspects of hip OA management. Ten final recommendation
A clinical case series of six extremely aggressive youths treated with olanzapine
Olanzapine is an atypical neuroleptic drug with mood-stabilising properties and few of the side effects commonly associated with conventional neuroleptic treatment. We used olanzapine, 5-20 mg/day, to treat severe aggression in six non-psychotic teenage boys with neuropsychiatric disorders. All but one started to respond within one week. The therapeutic effect in four of the patients clearly outwe
Origins and pathways of choline acetyltransferase-positive parasympathetic nerve fibers to cerebral vessels in rat
The presence of cholinergic nerve fibers in the brain vasculature has been a matter of controversy, partly due to the lack of a reliable histochemical marker. Accordingly, no distinct information about the origin and pathways for such fibers has been available. In the present study on the rat pial vasculature, utilizing a choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) antibody, which is able to demonstrate this
Physical Activity and Breast Cancer Risk: The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.
There is convincing evidence for a decreased risk of breast cancer with increased physical activity. Uncertainties remain, however, about the role of different types of physical activity on breast cancer risk and the potential effect modification for these associations. We used data from 218,169 premenopausal and postmenopausal women from nine European countries, ages 20 to 80 years at study entry
Functional outcome in rats transferred to an enriched environment 15 days after focal brain ischemia
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The aim was to determine whether a delayed transfer to an enriched environment improves outcome after focal brain ischemia. METHODS: Performance on a rotating pole, prehensile traction, limb placement, and postural reflexes were tested in 15 spontaneously hypertensive rats housed in standard laboratory cages for 2 weeks after middle cerebral artery ligation. Seven of the 15
Occurrence of nematodes, tardigrades and rotifers on ice-free areas in East Antarctica
Nematodes, rotifers and tardigrades were collected on three nunataks (mountain peaks penetrating the ice sheet) in Vestfjella, on six nunataks; in Heimefrontfjella and on the Schirmacher Oasis in East Antarctica in the austral summers of 1996/97 and 2001/02. Most samples were taken on the nunatak Basen in Vestfjella where the Swedish station Wasa is located. The microfauna was patchily distributed
An integrated analysis of ergonomics and time consumption in Swedish "craft-type' car disassembly
Car disassembly is at the edge of extensive rationalisations due to increased legislative demands for recycling. This study focused on (1) assessing Current mechanical exposures (physical work loads) for comparison with future rationalised systems, with particular emphasis on time aspects, (2) analysing disassembly work in terms of time consumption and exposures in constituent tasks as defined by
Review of Oloph Bexell, Präster i S:t Sigfrids stift 3. Minnesteckningar till prästmötet i Växjö stift 2002. Lund 2002
Bexell tecknar minnet av 78 präster. Omfattande forskningsinsatser ligger bakom den 29 sidor långa biografin över domprosten Gustaf Adolf Danell, som utreder frågan varför Danell, som uppfördes på åtta biskopsförslag, aldrig utnämndes. Ärkebiskop Brilioth sökte redan 1956 aktivt avvärja utnämning av Danell, som kritiserat biskoparnas ämbetsförvaltning och saknade kompromissförmåga. Bexell förenar
Morphology, structure, and electronic properties of Ce@C-82 films on Ag : Si(111)-(root 3x root 3)R30 degrees
The adsorption behaviour and electronic properties of Ce@C-82 molecules on the Ag: Si(l I I)-(root3 x root3)R30degrees surface have been studied using scanning tunnelling microscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy. Submonolayer coverages and multilayer films of Ce@C-82 comprise highly ordered molecular domains which have a single, well-defined orientation with respect to the underlying substrate cr
Measurement of inclusive jet cross-sections in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA
A measurement of inclusive jet cross-sections in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA is presented based on data with an integrated luminosity of 21.1 pb(-1). The measurement is performed for photon virtualities Q(2) between 5 and 100 GeV2, differentially in Q(2), in the jet transverse energy E-T, in E-T(2)/Q(2) and in the pseudorapidity eta(lab). With the renormalization scale mu(R) = E-T, pertur
The potential of proton and light ion beams in radiotherapy
In an investigation by the Swedish Cancer Society, the present status, critical issues and future aspects and potentials were described by an expert group for each of nine major areas of radiation therapy research. The present report deals with the potential of proton and light ion beams in radiotherapy.
Feminisms in Europe - East and West
Bild- och funktionsmedicin--ny specialitet med stora utvecklingsmöjligheter
Environmental Management Systems – a Way towards Sustainable Development in Universities
The economic development in the world today makes increased consumption of goods and travelling available for more people around the world than ever before. This results, however, also in increased production and spreading of substances that are hazardous both to human health and to the ecosystem globally. Therefore, education to increase knowledge, awareness, motivation, and action competence on
Inhaled methacholine does not influence the cellular composition of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
A methacholine or a histamine test is often used to quantitate bronchial responsiveness, in studies investigating the influence of various inhaled stimuli on the responsiveness and composition of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. Histamine has been shown to evoke an inflammatory cell response in BAL fluid. In order to test the influence of the methacholine test on the cellular composition of BAL