

Din sökning på "*" gav 533141 sökträffar

On Axioms Underlying Use of Reserve Price

This paper establishes reserve price as an ethical necessity contrary to its popular interpretation as an instrument of revenue maximization. It provides an axiomatic justification to reserve pricing at Vickrey auction in single as well as multiple objects settings. In particular, it provides a topological interpretation of a reserve price as the infimum of the set of non-negative real numbers sat

Explicit Cache Management for Volume Ray-Casting on Parallel Architectures

A major challenge when designing general purpose graphics hardware is to allow efficient access to texture data. Although different rendering paradigms vary with respect to their data access patterns, there is no flexibility when it comes to data caching provided by the graphics architecture. In this paper we focus on volume ray-casting, and show the benefits of algorithm-aware data caching. Our M

Chemical analysis to promote the use of wild fruits from Mozambique

Popular Abstract in English Wild fruits trees species are widely distributed throughout the African countries. Many of these trees species produce fruits, which are used by the local communities to greater or less degrees. The importance of wild fruits in the diet depends to a large extent on the availability of the fruits, since cultivated fruit trees are not particularly common in the dry regionAbstract Wild fruit trees have significant cultural and socio-economic value in rural areas of Mozambique. Most of the wild fruits are seasonal and are available mainly in the wet season. Generally they have a short shelf-life and are eaten fresh or after minimal processing; the most common method of preservation is sun-drying. The fruits of Adansonia digitata, Landolphia kirkii, Salacia kraussii,

To reduce a ribonucleotide – Radical solutions in enzymology in form and function

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att levande celler ska kunna föröka sig behöver förr eller senare celldelning ske. Detta är en process där en ny cell skapas utifrån den information som finnas lagrad i ursprungscellen. Denna typ av information lagras i cellens DNA. En stor del av DNA:t är ritningar för hur cellens arbetarmolekyler, proteinerna, ska byggas men DNA:t innehåller även information för rIt has been more than 50 years since the enzyme system ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), catalysing the reduction of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides, was first discovered. RNR was also the first time that radical chemistry was revealed in an enzyme. RNRs carry out a key step in the de novo synthesis of building blocks for DNA and have been found in almost all known organisms. Within this th

A low-complex peak-to-average power reduction scheme for OFDM based massive MIMO systems

An Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based multi-user massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) system is considered. The problem of high Peak-to-Average Ratio (PAR) in OFDM based systems is well known and the large number of antennas (RF-chains) at the Base Station (BS) in massive MIMO systems aggravates this further, since large numbers of these Power Amplifiers (PAs) are use

The Polyamine Dependence of Cell Cycle Progression-Application in Breast Cancer Treatment

Popular Abstract in Swedish I en normalt fungerande organism är det en balans mellan cellproliferation, celldifferentiering och celldöd. Olika typer av störningar av denna balansen resulterar i olika typer av sjukdomar. Denna avhandlingen handlar om när det är för lite celldöd och celldifferentiering och ökad cellproliferation. Detta leder till okontrollerad cell proliferering och resulterar i canIn the normal functioning organism, there is a balance between cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and cell death. An imbalance in these processes results in different diseases. This thesis concerns the imbalance where there is too little cell death and cell differentiation with increased cell proliferation. The result is uncontrolled cell proliferation resulting in the development of cancer

Introduction to Parmeliaceae

The lichen flora of the Nordic countries, containing about 2,000 species, is regarded as one of the best known in the world. Lichenological research of the region has been continuous since the time of Erik Acharius (1757-1819), the 'father of lichenology', but there is no modern treatment of the region's impressive lichen flora. The last attempt was made in the 1870s by Th. M. Fries, but his major

Automated video analysis as a tool for analysing road user behaviour

At Lund University an automated video analysis system is being developed that can be applied for studying the behaviour of road users in complex traffic environments. It is stressed that system must be capable of handling all the categories of road users, i.e. vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. Common problems like detection and tracking of moving objects, occlusion by foreground objects, ground-

The proof of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture

We give a proof of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture: that local solvability of principal type pseudo-differential operators is equivalent to condition (Psi). This condition rules out sign changes from - to + of the imaginary part of the principal symbol along the oriented bicharacteristics of the real part. We obtain local solvability by proving a localizable a priori estimate for the adjoint opera